OPT 'N»L>OWM n!3 f MAY \u: >*riON GSA GCN *» G. NO. a L’NITEd S'f A . „ ^.i.NMENT Memorandum * j TO :i FROM : lV SUBJECT : i DIRECTOR, FBI i • . "C ■ -V- '1 SAC, DETROIT (62-35601 1 ^ * (*) IRVIN DANA BEAL INFORMATION CONCERNING date: 10/27/64 |7 ; 1.%. >J I I c l/> > ■7 y >r< - It ; 1 1 f V Enclosed herewith for the Bureau are two- copies of a letterhead memorandum dated and captioned as above, plus two photographs of the Subject. Tv o copies of the letterhead memorandum and one photograph are being disseminated to Secret Service, Detroit, Michigan. 2 - Bureau (Enc.-4) 1 - Detroit (_ » FJlVclc (3) ■U (-0 0 r r i 9 CL V 1 o .V' JrSf> fVtL V5-* • OL ' REG- 17 / _ /r* IV i y V V ; , — M r % 1 GGP-301964 n - 3 t cQ- s Buy US. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan /J Re: Irvin Dana Beal S;./- ' '1964, ‘'Beal again " cam the East Lansing Police Department at approximately 10:31 p.m. Beal was observed standing between the double glass doors at the main entrance of the College Drug Store, East Lansing, and upon being confronted by officers, he immediately became hostile and said that he was not causing any difficulties when asked what- he was doing. The owner of the drug store advised that Beal had rattled the door after cbsing hours and shouted that he wished to make a purchase. The owner advised him that . the store was closed and Beal insisted that he would not leave the premises until his request of purchase was . . . honored. Beal advised the officer that he was fully aware that the store was closed, but that he felt that people should be "flexible” and not so bureaucratic and should serve the public when called upon to do so. Beal, despite the fact that he was not under arrest, stated that he wanted counsel, that the state- ments he already made regarding the incident were against his will and when toDd he was not under arrest, and was free to go, he stomped out of the police station. stated that at 12:15 a.m. on October 1 3 , r9b4™ Beal , s ub j ec t of state police message 5485 as a "walk away" from the mental hospital at Kalamazoo, was observed by East Lansing officers on the streets of East Lansing. Beal observed the officers and began running and in the chase through the streets . of East Lansing, Beal lost his coat. Examination of the coat showed that he was carrying a book entitled, "A History of Western Philosophy" in which was a pamphlet by Chou Yang, entitled, "The Fighting Task Confronting Workers in Philosophy and the Social Sciences" printed in Peking, China. In addition in his jacket was a f #i-S Re:f Irvin Dana Beal - *JM> piece board ««<» Manhatfaf ” 6 ^^.“^tri^eerrdT^Avenue, city not given oo Thursday, October 15 , 196 4 . m.m. i- JMi advised that so far as he , knows , and has not been apprehended. _ . TQn cine Police Department records show the iS'S background inior m atioa regarding jj^vxn Dana Beal. « % Name Date of Birth Height Weight Complexion Race Hair Eyes Residence Addresses Irvin Dana Beal January_9 , 1947, 5' 8" 140 pounds Fair White Brown Blue 1615 Per^ b-r Haslet t , Michigan Scars and Marks 1206 Parkview Lansing, Michigan State Hospital Kalamazoo , Michig an Scar right knee and also scar on forehead THIS iOCUMENT CONTAINS NEITHER RECOMMENDATIONS NOR CONCLUSIONS OF THE FBI. IT IS THE PROPERTY OF THE FBI AND IS LOANED TO YOUR AGENCY: IT AND ITS CONTENTS ARE NOT TO BE OISTRIOUIEO OUTSIDE YOUR AGENCY* 3 X Pui H I N T £ R MAT 1 0 NAL PARTY the same - date, Town and Csapua Motel. *41 t£ r c >C y ?on^ ‘ 'st ?eat ,'T la d i ~,m t?dav° n ^ t ^l“ d l T iS, ' A tha 5 at approximotelys'lo A?S: today , t-.o utiue mules entered the motel. One of these hl ° r Jesk » while the other waited near c approached his desk stated he * h \ Jf L i : who was a registered guest at whe h.otci. ff. ■ ■ ted he checked the r >ister «nid ^avtsed (The^p arson there was no guest of t ue motel c ; y y-hat name. ihe person then told ^S^l^Sk that p p° U M c. necking in and asked to leave a man i la Mad can, as he could not wait to meet him. ^lin ' i iiifiitriiii j,j ifH--r^ accept nd the folder from this person* ^aeaaaBaa £ Height Weight .. . . . Heir Attire Remarks escribed the person to whom he White' V . '• Male 20 to 2.5 years. 5 feet 10 inches to 6 feet 160 pounds Light Brown, shoulder length White T-shirt and blue jeans Clean shaven. * described the other person as a white italic, _0 to 25 years of age, with brovn mediurn length hair, and. a short beard. kf i d he could probably identify a photograph ob tHcperson who gave the pack-, ya to him; however, he did not think he could identify the other person, who had stayed near the door of the motel. i,v - . t * - -f iyMiyw ■■ m i* 11 " - i* ) *'*.-.. j rj - i ' *'• ' ' e available the manila folder he had accept eotromthe unidentified male individual. This folder is described as salmon in color, 9^ x 12 inches, ■ with "KUEE OAil.v YOU HAVE TWO WEEKS YIP" and a drawing of a toT.io and fuse appearing on the outside. Inside toe folder wore, acio-vu copies, consisting of t : 3 pages of a book Let entitled, ‘'underground Manual Number Three," . YO UTH 1 NT ERNAT I ONAL PARTY which contained information regarding the manufacturp use of explosives and incendiary devices used in guerrilla wartare, . ... , ' . _ included inside the folder was a two-naze ' handprinted letter, ivhich reads as follows: ^ . ■ "People You have been given a booklet with this note in which ' . .* •• because v.’e are leaders will therefore this info will be useful to you. . ' There are a number of other pamphlets . ‘ . ot this serious text series being put • in the press to be mass produced in . * •• • ^JSA You will find the one on • ' . " ' Urban G Tactics extremely int. If . ; - . • you would like a rep of blood circus • ■ ;-h ■ ’ "■ •• your town or would like more - ■ • ur , . copies of this text come over to ray ; - ■ ' . • ‘ Place . No calls as I don't want mv •* - ■ - ' - ' v. " • nafne £0 over the phone. You should ^ * r . ’Vv: kn «* w y ad * but in case not 225 , ^ ,V r ; _ ' Lakeiawn Place, Madison, Wisconsin • • \ • V- • t* 5 Destroy this after reading. *“ !•* ' •* \ -i Thnx. . • • . . . Also contained on the second page of this rn^ 0 "pJrv- C Mhr?M d f; ri ! 1 ' :ed n ; me in different colored ink. Rich MADDcN. ahovp address 2 25 Lakeiawn ink, "RICK. MADDEN, Place. a j, T h f rc4 V* . * .\ * >•.; * ;• ; W :;T. r -. r a- n T ’ * >^*:. • * V, ' * y ,* f*; V « . v V/ 1" .'..'tX'-.?'- . ' v YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY • • -• - J-»;. :•.'< - 'v . - ■ ^ - i - • <: ,*rfj *V g ' 1 ' ; «.> - ■ . =•• », • T-*”’v r *•>$ <- •• ■ On July 31, 1971, at approximately 2:30 A.M., a telephone call v.-as received at the Madison Resident Agency, wherein the caller refused to identify himself. : ahV -1 ' r * > . * . . ✓ * V - ■? . v* •' • • l ’ ' -\s $ • • ' i ,-V ' Tr t .* i:. . - - » Si again ashed the caller to identify himself, at^which point the caller hung up. . ^ - •• Oil August 3, 1971, photographs of known members of the Had Ison You th Internationa l Party (YIP) Cl tap ter were displayed to supra, v/ith negative results. • On August 6, 1971, ^ Police Department, advised that oil I- C r txlay*, July 30, 1971, several known ir.ov.bors of the Milwaukee, Wisconsin YIP. Chnoter wore l apart edly observed in Madison. . ' of the Madison fui’n Kerrn Madd alle Debb Pish held V • . im On August 7, 1971, a first source, who has ished reliable information in the past, advised that eta Fisher, who is also known as "Fish," and Rick ;>n has not been seen in Madison recently and godly left Madison, two to three weeks ago with J V le Mayer, a J.o-year old female. Source advised er was active during the YIP National Convention, in Madison, during the first part of April, 1971. . a . ; ' F « “ • ' 1 b ' ; ' YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY : On August 9 . 1 971 , \ ; : ■ Dane •* County Jail, MacUson: '■ '• : uane . ■ ’ County Sheriff s Off} oft;' : t' Police •Department; a n • 1 gf Dane County District y Attorney's Office, vere contacted, and they all advised .•. that they have* received no threats or conrcur.icet Lcc-i Ln , . counection with the incarceration of Beal. .• •• — . f ’V f .4 -• *?• ’* '*■ ** ^ ^ T . '%-* * s , * ' !■ ^ \ * s *. ■ / ... . _ § youth international party’’ ’* ; u >: V .* -Z r_~ 2 . : •*. •. furnished reliable information in^the^ ormants , who have familiar with YIP activiM^ a , S past * and who are Wisconsin, were contacted Hu i J^^ison ■ 3n d Milwaukee, advised they lould fSSish t ?Sf£ U * U ?? ° f 1971 ’ Ail possible bombing or the identit J f Sf^he°J!p COnCCrnins a persons telephoning the l-u.,-11 d • « !i he person or FBI. S cue lUdison Resident Agency of the I •' ‘i i . . u-p . y ; i ';ri 7 •- . ■ > ^ * . s. ? . ‘ , . v> ; ■ * *- "T * *•’. - ?* ~ • ■+ » ,1 ** 5 ► "rf ^ ‘ *> .** . ' *i‘ . ' v— *■- ' • ‘".t't * * *- ’ ,*• . • * * •-.**. *. • , ■- ■ + '. /»•'. 7 * .. " *• i . . . : * \. •. . 4 ?*'»*; u. ' v .** >. ?■ .*■•* ■ ' ... ; ••; V. >r . . - • > • - • r -vV:. ; Vr;., -vr.-v, -• < yv V; ^ , ;* ;. r . . * - k : - » ; ■ . i-vVi . 1 ; A ' r ,’.f ■ r- ’H, - 7 *- J 0 Frit . "Sulliv an ; Volir . A . .iHhop . . .'.rcnnun, C- Callahan t y l nspcr _ '.onrnd _ Unibey _ ule FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION COMMUNICATIONS. SECTIO^DE TELET^E AUG ?4WX* r,or w T.EUEXYEE) 1 - Mr. A. Rosen 8/23/71 . •• ‘ $ 1 - Mr. C.D. Brennan * 1 - Mr. R.L. Shackelford URGENT 1 - TO SAC MILWAUKEE (100-17687) FROM DIRECTOR, FBI\ IRVING DANA BEAL, SM - YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY (EXTREMIST) - ’ ^ v * J *. > ’ * m '* r ? • % REMITEL AUGUST TWENTY-ONE LAST.' 37 ADVISE THE BUREAU BY RETURN TELETYPE THE STATUS OF LOCAL AND FEDERAL NARCOTIC CHARGES AGAINST BEAL .AND IF HE IS STILL INCARCERATED IN THE DANE COUNTY JAIL. MAINTAIN CLOSE LIAISON WITH SECRET SERVICE TO ASCERTAIN IF A PLOT EXISTS TO KILL THE PRESIDENT. SUBMIT AN LHM WITH COMPLETE INFORMATION CONCERNING BEAL’S EXTREMIST ACTIVITIES. ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN NEW LEFT EXTREMIST ACTIVITY SHOULD BE CONSIDERED DANGEROUS BECAUSE OF THEIR KNOWN ADVOCACY AND USE OF EXPLOSIVES, REPOI KNOWN PROPENSITY FOR VI01E1 f AUG 24 1 971 ACQUISITION OF FIREARMS, AND 7>£>e? 46 7 JjiD 1,1 iZ+enJ-tom r2A TDJB:sad A ^ (6) > 1 1 NOTE: Milwaukee, by teletype, advised Secret Service was Invest igatlng subject and his girl friend as they. rumored to I: involved In a plot to kill the Pres identj^InJecent^ weeks anonymoi. telephone calls were directed to at the Hadls01 ' Wisconsin, Resident Agency which contained an implied threat !_ZZ designed to obtain the release of Beal from local Ponder _ iloftcn _ *1 uvel .siil Lera . -viynre . Tele. Room — Holme* : '* .andv /. •*/ • _ v rLUUVH DUKCAU. Uf* iiMVLt ^®aQ,V!MUNICATJONS S ■.:TSON" , AUG 2 11971 f TELEXyBE// m ■wi mi « w .^ucuy^,^ ^T. 10 pM ufcE^ 8/21/71 ,: E -. v' ; ;Vv~ ^TO : D | /vECTOR • X'E,, A. .*£ FROM: MILWAUKEE (102-17637) - P ; 3P m : • . ’•• ■ ’ , mi avxw dana€eal, sm/msh' 'subversive ' tEX I R 5“ ST \-;. % FOR INFORMATION BUREAU, LATE R.M. , EIGHT. TWENTY LAST,,.U. £ S r CRE T SERVICE, MILWAUKEE, CONTACTED'' MILWAUKEE FBI OFFICE AND Ji'seAtHAT THEY' had RECEIVED A RUMOR TO THE EFFECT ™A,'CAP- | TIONED SUBJECT AND HIS GIRL FRIEND, KATHY MORALE?, WERE IN. SOME way INVOLVED WITH A PLOT TO KILL THE PRESIDENT- OF. THE S. MILWAUKEE IMMEDIATELY MADE AVAILABLE ALL WP«§ ISF ° R ' ' •. ,, TI 0» TO SECRET SERVICE, MILWAUKEE, AS CONTAINED IN FBI OFFICE REGARDING BEAL A ND MORALE!. U.S sgFTSEtt^MS 1^ * ’ "** ^ ^ 'tt — Mr.4?$K ' ' Mr.BrermanCoJ Mr. Callahan Mr. .Casper Mr. Conrad.~~. ’ Mr. - Dal bey Mr. Gale^_Z/: ' , £heE= Mr. 7^1— Mr. Walters Mr. SoyarB Tele. Room Miss' Holme* Miss Gandy - sported any informa-tion^that bea^!!D/or moralez^wa | 5 1911 .. involved in any plot to kill THE PRESI DENT of THE U.S.PRET^R^: VI c ED that ^®MS^^M’* ou: - l 'P»® |C 0NTACTED PERSoaALLY R TP is* MATTER AND THE RESULTS 1 OF SUCH CONTACT' WOULD BE MADE AVAILABLE ■ To IeCRET SBRv'lCE. FOR THE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OF THE BUREAU, ^ l*£tlD PAGE ONE :Jy v ^30 SLP V WH r page two MI (100-17637) MILWAUKEE FBI OFFICE, AND AT THIS TIME INDICATED THAT THEY WERE GOING TO CONDUCT AN INVESTIGATION RE THIS POSSIBLE PLOT TO KILL THE PRESIDENT AND THAT THEIR INVESTIGATION WOULD INCLUDE THE INTERVIEW OF BOTH BEAL AND MORALEZ. SECRET SERVICE, MILWAUKEE, WAS ADVISED THAT THE MILWAUKEE FBI OFFICE WOULD READILY MAKE AVAILAELE ANY PERTINENT INFORMATION CONCERNING BEAL OR MORALEZ. r> , * jy? > h . . • .sVv^rv"*.- »•■,.' •*■ •* •/..’' .-•*.• ’* -•■ • .»v ' *:r. •« , •■ ?;*• i ; V^vrT^vVr ,\? > ’ r ,* V^y m ~i *' y ^ . ■ y *v v» *r ^ v ■ page thr MI C100-17'6»7) ‘ ‘ v l >/:V 4 tV , ■; *• ,y •■.*■* V ■* i ^- - 7 > 4 ~:-; . .V- '•'• ^ ••'*- — l— -a L: — INSTRUCTED TO DETERMINE ANY ' ,-; A ^ ^ W„ * . 1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RE THIS POSSIBLE PLOT AND IN. ADDITIO^r;, ^ OTHER SOURCES • WHO ARE WITHIN THE NE V LEff MOVEMENT BOTH ,INj^. ';7 " MADISON AND MILWAUKEE HAVE ALSO RECEIVED SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS . RE THIS MATTER. THE BUREAU WILL BE KEPT ADVISED OF ANY PERTINENT . .. .. . DEVELOPMENTS IN THIS MATTER. _ ' J ; END AJP FBI WASH DC ’I L3o (d-29-GS) s ft *> » V 1 i ^‘i 1 * hr :\?y ; • .!/■; - Domestic Intelligence Division f INFORMATIVE NOTE 8/23/71 jp Date L Atta ch ed reports Secret Service con- tacted otir Milwaukee Office advising they are investiga ting subject and girl friend, as they are rumored to be involved in a -olot to Mil the President. tVv . if/'JLy** '■ I ^ > '* r * 4 K ’ I’ •; • •■ki.v5’v [ V * : Jf ^ .-Vis' Ufa •«* ■ ' f'*- *■> ■*, Mxt/ ^ ^ ^ ♦ * V.* • 3££ im'm 5aii: ■•:;•; -Ha-;. ed Se in fi nd hi ind ic ~V >V. ~fS<3^ ' • ' ^ts' '>v - * . - '■ > OMlOHM fO** HO. 10 wat 1*43 IDITJOH GJa C4H. *tC. NO, 27 r ] i UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum \ To! -*on . 1 ' ML v V SulIiv'Wl /) Mohr , — (Ip hM p MZ i ' llruniian, C«D z H TO ” tr . Mr | C.D. Brenner* 1 - £ u J U, DATE: 8/25/71 Callahan Cuspor yips ( - Conrad 4'/r " Dal boy y Galo — i. from : R.*L>_ Shackelford fl? & SUBJECT: IRVING DANA BEAL SM - YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY (EXTREMIST) sir CO O ^ c; V .■ C't' 1: Tele. Room ItymQfl pifldy — & ■ In accordance with the Director^ instructions. Special Agent in Charge (SAC) Edward Joseph Hayes, Milwaukee, was telephQnicaJJL.y~adv-is.ed, this date, to expedite the submission of statements with complete details refuting the Secret Service allegations concerning failure to notify them of a plot to assassinate President Richard M. Nixon. SAC Hayes advised that the statements had been sent to the Bureau via air mail, special delivery and should arrive at the Bureau Tate today or early tomorrow . ACTION: Upon receipt, an expeditious review will be made of the statements and an appropriate letter will be sent to Secret Service . 1 - Mr. W.C, Sullivan 1 - Mr. J.P. Mohr 1 - Mr. N.P. Callahan 1 - Mr. A. Rosen 1 - Mr. C.D. Brennan 1 - Mr. R.L. Shackelford \\^ 1 - Mr. T.D.J. Brooks \ i v 1 - Inspector TDJBtsad' ‘ o> , - j ) ■ :; ( u ‘111 EX-100. JL* dip ldk‘ ~i & < AUG 27"197i FD r 272 iBev. 3A«A J, :-V. '.. A' Reporting Office T * MILWAUK * - f ; . ** ’ • * v r : r ^office of origin ’’{Date :< A * {;}' ,.- V ,-* Investigative Period^ ’ i MILWAUKEE *8/26/71-tffv- > : ’“7/14 8/25^71''^^^ ' REFERENCES: Milwaukee letter to Detroit*; - 7/2 8/71.' %l- : *,&%**$? * * vg*.* Milwaukee airtei. and .enclosed LHM to Director, 1 * 8/24/71,’'* copies not furnished Detroit. ‘C/j ■ n « . ■ , • ' v : .• '■:' 'J- ; ''•■/' ••*.'» '- .s'*! S’ v„; • ■'* . .- •• • ' •• •.;■ ■'•'•• -. : .-V ■ ’ ■ !: >7'V /'xt ,'. j . . ’ . ,/ •/' ■ /., '. W A , , ( . • '• ’ 1 .'• /sy^/V/ ADMINISTRATIVE: . , ^/2‘ V V ■ • *•' ' '".'V "• •• s‘i *;.^K ' . . :r * . fl‘ ■ i. > ^ *• */ . . ■ , <.‘S /■ /'O 4 ■ - . ^ MIC 1 » % » X »r^zC7h I raw ; rw ! 1 This report has i n view of ., inf ormation f urnishecrn whdis a source of v\/ ’ 1 continuing value, and the identification of this source ; could possibly have an adverse effect on the. internal '’*0 security of the United States.// 1 • - '■ V — • •■ -A SL%*' -»J- W&Ji&SkSi in view of . Do not write in spaces below/-'. Bureau (RM) ' >« Cleveland (Info) (RM) J Detroit (Info) (RM) J. Milwaukee (100-17687) REC- 36 ftv^ss ./'.f It. tOL 6^ - ^ / Cc /2&£ i-v- q ' qQ '/) /<• ,i vt C p l 7 i / * i * /’ m . * y ■ «- \'y . *“ • j» . , ti ’ ~**'w ^ • '. 50' ' >v k w ~ ‘ S'-' .*. 1 „ 1 - * •.'*’' l < ''■ ** 1 \ ? ; ' One copy of this report is being furnished to the Detroit '■{■“J and Cleveland Divisions, respectively, for information in view of the fact that these Divisions have outstanding'^? y {? ’ leads in this case, ■•..■ .^4' : ■ -.1 ’/'.v/;.. •/ Records of the Bureau of : Narcotics "and.; DangerousDrugs*(BNDD New York, New York,.', were' reviewed ' by: SA on 5/6/71. l \ 4 ■ () 'f *''<• *"* • ■ — Sources contacted during 1971, re subject in the New York City are identified as follows: . *• ■ mm&gmk vr>ry~b: V ••;•'. . T :! VV:^, ' yyV'-. V •; » V-" ' ; --“V sr.y .'/\ .' -r- <• . gee; \Wisco'nsiny v5^:-:^;^>y:^^^.^ ^''y- ■>:. -yyy . v v ;V» V>. V . v . * ' v » T - T . * Will await -Bureau’s 'decision' regarding 'Milwaukee* request to include subject' on the*' security’’ Index,' "which request was submitted by separate communication. -. ". :. ‘ « - ' / ' ; v . ‘ • ‘‘ 1 INFORMANTS: . . • V ’ / y. /.v- . . /.y-’V; . , A , V * •'» '• ' . » ; . Identity Location . ..'*•■ • •*. Location . . . '* • • V :*y Vi / , T 4 ' V • ‘ y-.-C, y -* ■ ‘ • ’ . * V ’ W '* ’ : * ‘ ~.£v -C /.< <♦ ^ ^ * ' ? ./'*’*'*• ,*n‘- V ‘ . •-» ' •'. \ f t£? • ' - . -V * ;5 ' . • ' ' ■ B ’ - . ■*. • V r *'V V * ■ ^ ^ cover page * ... f -4 *** ^ ' >* I. COVER PAGE Cl* COVER PAGE 0 - 6 ^ (K ■ -'■ FBI Date: ' ’ IRVING. D_ANA_§EAL_i SECURIT ON LATE P.«.» « SHI ™ EN1Y LftST ’ U ‘ S ' „ SEffla SERVICE , MILWAUKEE f CONTACTED MILWAUKEE FBI OFFICE.* D OVil THAT THEY HAD RECEIVED A RUMOR TO THE EFFECT THAT CAP- TIONED SUBJ ECT AND HIS CIRUFRIEND, KATHY *»«■«.•“’» way INVOLVED WITH A PLOT TO. KILL THE PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. MILWAUKEE IMMEDIATELY MADE AVAILABLE ALL F*TI*« “ ' -- - — ■ rf: CONFIDENTIALLY ADVISED THAT AT NO TIME HAD END PAGE ONE SECRET SERVICE, MILWAUKEE, WAS AGAIN IN CONTACT WITH .THE MILWAUKEE FBI OFFICE, AND AT THIS TIME INDICATED THAT THEY WERE GOING TO CONDUCT AN INVESTIGATION RE THIS POSSIBLE PLOT TO KILL THE PRESIDENT AND THAT THEIR INVESTIGATION WOULD INCLUDE THE : INTERVIEW OF BOTH BEAL AND MORALEZ. SECRET SERVICE, MILWAUKEE, WAS ADVISED THAT THE MILWAUKEE FBI OFFICE WOULD READILY MAKE AVAILABLE ANY PERTINENT INFORMATION CONCERNING BEAL OR MORALEZ. END PAGE TWO . I -:\‘V 'V ■ | . ;: ■$•+;. . - t t;, & : . v ■*$%? :?? 4 ioo-i 7687 ' *;• C • ; ' ;• '•-■'■ : •’ 1 -•'A -?, 5 Succinct Summary • ... ' -V .'••'■ •• • : , / who h^ve furnished reliable t xn^ ternat . inal . party .; )?h . > ,^,.. being active within Y chapters . Subject was Milwaukee and Madison wisco ’ + , ±n the planning of also identified YIP? in Madison., Wisconsin, during the period of 4/1-4/71. , ■. .... .... >. f*r»* •*« n,:..-. ,v,^. ,. • v^rjr^:^' V; ;. j- .', * / . ,.Js ■■■ «~2ti :-/■ <*i t • 5r *. 1 *r; * >.w:v* • •* **rSrv.- / , ;* ■ ; ^ w ; •; ■ >■ • . . „ >f » ■ ■ * . ' * . w * , ' t. ■ •, i • . f ■ ' 2 'V/ AUG23197y^ TEtEO'E 1 # A\0 jvir. muni Mr. Bishop,™**-* I Mr.BrennanGD^L. Mr. Callahanp^- Mr. Casper. . 4* . [ 1 - Mr. Conrad- Mr. Dalbey. — Mr.' GaleJ~ — — Mr. Ponder- Mr. Ro3end~ Mr. Tayel. — Mr. W alters— ! Mr. SoyaraL Tele. Room, Miss Holmes Miss Gandy ■? -&■; *007 MI code . | ffv XfpSSfe- 752PM- uRgJt 8/25/71 LRK ;W DiREcnf • ' , v Ml : S.Ss: ‘ I TOOH mulwm 100-17637 ;/ . JXt ‘ {. ESSl ; \j&S- \\ ■ ' A XX j; " IRVIN DftNA c£AL , SM - YIP (EXTREMIST). 0 ^jff : V ' . ■•■/,. f ;"•;/• iv - ’ Zfayv'f ■•: ' •' v /L ■V RE BUTEL INSTANT DATE\ . F0R INFORMATION BUREAU, BEAL ARRESTED BY MADISON, WISCONSIN ■ f PD ON JULY FOURTEEN LAST AND IS CURRENTLY BEING HELD IN DANE COUNTY _ f jail> MADISON ON CHARGES OF POSSESSING MARIJUANA AND TWO COUNTS OF ' t.- SELLING HASHISH. BEAL IS ALSO UNDER FEDERAL DETAINER ON A THREE ' . AND ONE-HALF YEAR OLD CHARGE OF POSSESSING LSD WITH INTENT - TO SELL IT IN NEW YORK. BEAL IS BEING HELD IN LIEU OF EIGHT j thousand dollars bond. v | MILWAUKE MAINTAINING CLOSE LIAISON WITH SECRET SERVICE .MILWAUKEE - $ Larding possible plot to kill, the^sioest • , Vj being PREPARED RE SUBJECT'S EXTREMIST ACTIVITIE- .. a AU'G-fcL 11 . ‘I aLL INDIVIDUALS involved in NEW LEFT EXT RE^jfer^ ACT I V £LL ^ ' I ; should BE CONSIDERED DANGEROUS BECAUSE OF THEIR 'It^il-ArDVOCAY'AND^ y. |'j use of EXPLISIVES, REPORTED ACQUISITION OF FIREARMS, AND KNOWN If: PROPENSITY FOR VIOLENCE. ^ .5 - SE$9 1971 \ n/? AUG && V// £> >, I V '■ '?»&■: rv • • j; h-* I i i i i \;.i' is ■ * \ 9 transmit the follow^ig in / ' AIFSTEL |/!a i (Type AIRMAIL Uate: August 24, 1971 I . • , . . k. : ; ic in plaintext or code) . **>*... • • - f{ I / ■^■X : c •: 4 , > * - v *. I > . - ' :• ■ • ' * ' I- ■ / ( Priority ) V . i \ ATTENTION: DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE DIVISION : r (,-t TO : DIRECTOR, FBI FROM : SAC, MILWAUgp (100-17687) (P) : . . SUBJECT: IRVING DANA BEAL ^ '• i SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) I0Q'L-I _ . Re Milwaukee teletypes 8/21 and 8/23/71 ;" J Bureau telephone call, 8/23/71. 1 < •* * * ' . * . 'i. • Pursuant to Bureau instructions, there are enclosed memoranda concerning captioned matter as requested by the Bureau. .. • : ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN NEW LEFT EXTREMIST ACTIVITY SHOULD BE CONSIDERED DANGEROUS BECAUSE OF THEIR KNOWN ADVOCACY Sc USE OF EXPLOSIVES, REPORTED ACQUISITION OF FIREARMS AND I1C END I ARY DEVICES, AND KNOWN PROPENSITY FOR VIOLENCE. / xytuo- _ „ . ... . , . ^Bureau (Ends. 3) (AM) ; j- >.*-'■ > • ^Milwaukee (100-17687). \ , /. /' EJH/ds (3) /&>' 4 b v - ^ ■ *\ 6 SEP 1 1971 ] eh i i & \ _^cial Agent in Charge Sent .M Per y* ^ . / 1 * - • I n* • , i. \ f r l - Mr; w;c; Sullivan 1 - Mr. J.P. Mohr ~ . V #t 1 - Mr; N.P. Callahan ; , , 1 - Mr. A; Rosen (Route througl 1 - Mr; C.D. Brennan for re 1 - Mr. R.L. Shackelford 1 - Mr. T.D.J, Brooks A * 1 - Inspector * August 36, 1971 " Director, U. S. Secret Service John Edgar Hoover, Director 9 * • # V „ IRVING DANA BEAL ,, SECURITY MATTER - YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY On August 23, 1971, Mr. Richard Force, Secret Service Headquarters, Washington, D. C., visited our Domestic Intelligence Division. Ho advised that the Special Agent In Charge. Secre t Servi ce. Milwaukee. Wiscon sin, reported that stated xna^iniormatlon, concerning an allege^pTot part of Irving Dana Beal and Kathy Uoralez to assas- ^ o -blnate President Richard M. Nixon, had been furnished to a fS £5 Sfepecial Agent of the FBI on August 19, 1971. Mr. Foree advised that Secret Service was not notified by the FBI of ■a Vs. this alleged plot. CO ^ ^ w 4. VK . Inquiry has been made of the Special Agent in Charge of the FBI, Milwaukee, Office concerning this matter and he advise d that the firs_t_tiiia— was furnished to the FBI concerning the alleged plot, “uguct 20, 1971. Notification to Secret Service in Milwaukee was not deemed necessary since the Special Agent of our contacte4 ^ ' 00 : &i I • Pf/> ‘Tv r TELETYPE U|ITC_]' U w// , j 3^ Sq m :.V ' fet t» < 5 . . A r$, /T\ '•r, .V. * v ■ .J 4 » ‘ 5 j§. A. /.■ft z*. . 37 V r ■tfV- ^.-:- s;**- \V>,. % ^ Director, *. • ‘ *.’ J *. ’■ * r’ % -‘ : * *‘ . § ‘ : '*i£.",' : * 4 Ig; • f *' V •- jtV /. .: v -■ t/ U. Si, Secret Service # .**.??& v a ‘ . . r ■!; ■;]. . : ;•> ^ .:■’ * /y ' .*.*£ ■; ' „ »^*£ffi”SStm i 5SSSt: «%^=§5^isa^«ss«r»^;; .'■■.■ ■ ’ •■■ ^ : <: • . : Vr •• ' 'v- V^* ■' >*' C*. : * i ' ’ ) .' .'**i U—* * . ‘■'V! •>»' ' > ■ ' ' • ■" ’■ ... • .* 4 - .*'•' * " \ to the attention of Secret Service. ’ \r ■•?;■-% •v ■ X . * ^ - a "* * *f‘V ' - , tci** " ♦.“ / *' • •>, ; • ...ij'-i'' / ' * : ' *** ?, ' ‘ “u "’ \ , *y ‘<* v ■ ^ ^ "'« ^•\5 v- ?»?■ ■ *'. . ’-? JV . . V .n-v v\ f .•**•>,. ■“ « ■ . ■ ** 'I'*' • -- • j. - ** v. . ^ -v! * , *V 1 i * ' * • ' -* _ - „ . . ; .‘T'ft . - r .: .. v % -.r ; t f v— . > • ^ ^ : 'f: *-Iv ^ ^ •/- *. . . -*^ V 4 . '• ,^-r.rv^.- 'rf . . •* ' -♦> r * . ., * »:> * ^7. v i - a • ■•••?. ■, . , - . „ w' V* •••',. -U >*■- »- *^«T * - V; •" V ,'ft . :{i. ' .' vJ • > ' t sf,r- * v . ; C- * 1 • ,r *. ’ j< * , f , . * , »- .; ■ r. . F B I • vv 7;’^ r *x Date: 8/24/71 ' . ... Transmit the f|l lowing in -n AIRTEL JfypTJrTpiairUextorcode) ■ . REGISTERED MAIL - AIR MAIL 7\ Zi • 'PO* Director f FBI , FROM: SAC, Milwaukee (100-17687) ^irnTECT- IRVING DANA ^Heal SUBJECT. SM _ Yip (EXTREMIST) ■.sJV N* He Milwaukee teletype to Bureau dated 8/23/71. % ■ O I Closed for the Bureau are^ copies^ * £ head memorandum (LHM) , w f caD tioned subject in a r a to the possible United States. g plot to as sassinate th e Pre, ^rnished to U. S. Secret Service, A copy of this LRM is estigatjLv e interest in f-» protecting the^Ufe of^he President of the United States. The following sources were utilized in the preparation of this 1HM: Bureau (Enc.-7^ (RM-AM) 3 _ Milwaukee . J REC-23 / h 0 2 - 100-17687 ‘ ' 1 „ 100-18295 ° ELS/dsw ( 0 ) W 3o/ ?/ /CCUS^_5 /CC * S/) -IS2SEP' Approved: — a AUG 27 1971 M Per Special Agent in Charge U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : !•«« O - 346-090 (11) A "..I "S V- V .*•’ .5 V,' 7W4rM£;Wi ' *#;•■ m * ■:>.;•> -; f ;.v,- - • •■ .V • ': **r 1 % . • "f V the .aaitioglinfor^tion ; contacted SAC «>»«U> *. HAYES and Supervisor 4fi^TT-.;JZ]^ on «/2l/7x. Bureau. * > . *•'••■'.’ ' The Bureau is ^^^s^f^ice.^lwa^ee. :/ the contact on the part of U. . service, Milwaukee, was on 8/21/71, the SAC, B. S. Secret^Servic ^ „as not ‘ advised by the SAC, FBI, ^ regarding information set forth conducting any investigation regarding ln adv . sed thelT y i“g t an 1 ilaSon a :ou t ld e c^Sict Se a r n ‘investigation regarding this matter. s * ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN NEW LEFT EXTREMIST ACTIVITY SHOULD o t'*.' •••? . \ v. MI 100-17687 ^ flHm^istra tive (non -sym bolized) The following non-symbolized informants utilized in letterhead memorandum prepared by In Reply. Pl«» e “ File No. £ ( ■ 3 ! I Is V $L - . . fro nEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE united states depakxi fed exae bureau ° e i»«»« gat, °" Milwaukee Wisconsin August 24, 19 x 1 IRVINGDANA_BEAE \ I — ... - ^ who has fj^| inio rm atir^fe a coS?nin! the following mlorm t • + her recommendations n ° r _ oane d to sn^sr - - iistributed your agency; it ““ 1X outside your agency. / , h ^ M6‘|4.W tH^ QS ’ JUE /& i j [KG IRVI1CG DANA BEAL t Trying Dana Beal a who has furnished WM ^.oJ^tioyyhe past, a d vised n ^5Sat»i arrested on Irving Dana Be the kladlso n, July 4, p 0 ii C e Department, on Wisconsin, p ? ,,„,-„ es sion of marajuana one charge of p °^. s *i „ ellin g hashish. and on two counts of selling . g Source lprt f "^detainer on. also under f possessing a previous charge ox ^ ^ in LSD with intent to New York. According to s°urce Beal is^ currently xncarcerated w i sconsin> and fs^eLfheid in lieu of an $ 8,000 bond . Mwho has fur ^ ish ^ + rename inf°j|jgM|j^^|| ? hat ’ dSihftSeWS Madison, Wi scons > . Q f -the within the Madison chapter o Youth international Party ^ Youth inter nation alj^gt^ fofth SUTiSSS'SSU in «« vorh Sty in January 1968. 2 IRVIN (L BEAL Ann ;athleen istpprpxxnw «T« the gii'l t. jp£*?S^ further ad ^Kra^es was also Bell on Jaly v 4 ^»"« Wisconsin, ag<3^,wa r eipi£t ing^rr.ds-b" '-njh^gusAo, 19' Ufgce, Milwaukee, F federal Bureau^ tigation 5jixTg. a ^ossxole plo«4 United States on the tested background luals and pertinent -h Beal and Morales was \ T 3. Secret Service, inate the Presi 1 eil and Morales on concerning t 0 information r 1 to refire sent at fsac^gr iuriiis ,M> l>V.aukee ...T know ledge Oi i rea advised he ha: Id indicate that e + to assassinate t The following from 3 IRVING DANA BEAL ? Name Race Sex Date of birth Place of birth Height Weight Eyes Hair Irving Dana Beal White Male January 9, 1946 Ravenna, Ohio 5' 8” 135 Blue Brown Service , A photograph was furnished to U. S. Secret Mi scret Milwaukee, Wisconsin. M /)~7 ^ X y/hftfi Kathleen Ann/Morales White Female April 18, 1955 . Unknown 5’2" 120 Brown Br own 5053 North 52nd Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin Father - Franl^Iorales Mother - Mar y/Mor ales -| O'fjj __ Ml l Ml ihotograph is available, 1 Name Race Sex Date of birth Place of birth Height Weight Eyes Hair Residence Relatives KrjfSgsSSS JESUS iS EcEOTJIARYDEVICES, Am. KNOWN mOPENSITY FOK VIOLENCE. 4 * — * ~ "V- . .v ' AUb 2 4 1971 ^ '7ft 'I'YVuU TELETYPE NR 001 . -.-v . , f •• 8:20 AM URGENT 8/24/71 RAH '. ; .,V < * /! ': v-. * , :* - : . TO D^ftCJOR* * *■ ! ATTENTION : DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE DIVISION FROM MILWAUKEE (100-17687) 2P 6 ■ r IRVING DANA BEAL; SM - YIP - EXTREMIST. REMYTEL , AUGUST TWENTY THREE LAST / FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS ARE SET FORTH AS FOLLOWS WITH RESPECT TO REFERENCED COMMUNICATION : • PAGE ONE, PARAGRAPH ONE, LINE TWO, CORRECT DATE IS august twenty last . PAGE THREE, PARAGRAPH ONE, FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS SET FORTH: ' • FURNISHED ABOVE INFORMATION TO SUPERVISOR ^SHORTLY AFTER DEPARTURE OF SECRET SERVICE AGENTS FROM MILWAUKEE FBI OFFICE ON AUGUST TWENTY LAST. IN VIEW OF INFORMATION FURNISHED BY SECRET SERVICE AGENTS, MILWAUKEE, WHEN INITIALLY CONTACTING MILWAUKEE FBI OFFICE, IT WAS COMPLETELY APPARENT THAT SECRET SERVICE, MILWAUKEE, ALREADY HAD IN THEIR POSSESSION ALL INFORMATION^ POSSES^ION^OF SA jj \ Mr! Mohr Mr. Bishop.^— Mr.Brenn*riCD Mr. Cat! ah an — Mr. Casper Mr. Conrad — Mr. Dalbey Mr. Gale Mr. PondeT Mr. Boson Mr. Tavel Mr. Walters — Mr. S'yars Tele. Room Mias Ilulinea- Miss Gandy END PAGE 0\( 54SEI 519 1 Nr u ru T J h i i u * ■Mj JZf/i j t MS p/ 'tv— ' , " vr ; . p ... • •* •; * * ,* •* ■ * * 4 - i ( *< ‘Ai* , » - *\ 4 v a ’ ' - : * * * ' ■ -f .cl ** » : V > ^ ;.•■*• - ;i \ •, •■( •£ MI 100-17687 * . - - _. ’ i : . •• ... ■-. ../>.'• PAGE TWO . - . •• ■• ■ / — rnwn.IT**™'*™ •' *"*«S«TCE P'G.RDIN® THIS INFORMATIO» . —PH ore, SHOVLO — FOL o LMSt „ cn „ P TEL TOGETHER WITH STATEMENTS OF SA . • . SAC HAYES REGARDING INSTANT MATTER _ „ rT , ir trnR^AP.U ED TO THE BUREAU ARE BEIrfG FO — A BUREAU , ^urnOViATTON OF THE bu ^ *. NR 006 m AUG 2 3 1971. o^’- ^ ^•V v •.: TELETYPE T^SPM URSENTJf 8/23/7 1 ■ IRK TO DIRECTOR I FROW MILWAUKEE i 00-17687 irving Dana beal , sm - yip, (extremist).,;. : . v Mr. Sullivait — ~ Mr. Mohr . Mr. Bishop — £? Mr.BrennanCpJ . Mr. CoUahaoyt [ Mr. Casper — Mr. Conrad Mr.,Da\bay— ; j — Mr. Gala—: — Mr. Ponder Mr. Bo sen! Mr..Tavtl — ~ Mr. Walters — Mr. Soyars Tele. Boom Miss Holmes — Mias Gandy. — REM I TEL AUGUST TWENTYOHE LAST AND BUTELCALL AUGUST T W E N T Y TH R E E •' ~j.~- • •’ INSTANT. • ’ s . SECRET SERVICE CONTACTED MILWAUKEE OFFICE BETWEEN TWO AND :* THREE PM, AUGUST TWENTYTHREE LAST, AND ADVISED THEY RECEIVED ' “FOURTH HANDED" A RUMOR TO EFFECT CAPTIONED SUBJECT AND HIS GIRLFRIEND, KATHY MORALEZ , WERE IN SOME WAY INVOLVED WITH A PLOT TO KILL THE •, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. THEY ASKED IF MILWAUKEE HAD ANY ■ - SUCH INFORMATION. MILWAUKEE IMMEDIATELY MADE AVAILABLE ALL PERTINENT INFORMATION IN OUR FILES CONCERNING BEAL. AND MORALEZ, AS SET . j FORTH IN RETEL . ^USSE$3£tfTO’ , ON AUGUST "TWENTY^ N S' Tftg T ■ -► * BURKE, AGENT IN CHARGE 0 F •j’SEd 7 ANP 'TWO OF' HIS* tifem • .. '.?my Y i S c p \if try • ' '' Jp v * *-**■ v x n, , t i J^U jsjru i- *- * m itefe .. •*...*'* •« 6 -Mtt~2?n971 r\ *,* ./ PG TWO • ' - .wm—v - -r* ^WC ^*1% * ■ 'I HHH ■ v -• HH X- ,* PHH §■■■ hHHh *ET? 3 *^ r* • — r<^r ACCORDING TO BURKE, THIS MEMORANDUM MENTIONED THAT FEDERAL AUTHORITIES (NOT IDENTIFYING FEDERAL AGENCY) WERE ADVISED. BURKE SAID THAT IT WAS HIS UNDERSTANDING THE FBI HAD BEEN ADVISED PRIOR TO JULY THIRTY OF THIS MATTER BY \r yy - - BB8W • *UC£V > ^=3 N» jo.-; ~ END PG TWO I - > ; •; v : W V: v . • . *. , \ .•.V'* ^ ( >V 4 ;y>V: r . * . . “ -•>*** *' • * . . . ->v • • / \ . • 4 ', j: ** • .A-’* ^ ;,V ' 1 • 6 VV J* ir^ffnfV^ r §OT< f T S£R vic£ * s ST at em em . t ... ~T" , if . ' ; *'*' \’ - , conceding, secjw MT -c T cni' trsrrxt'W >pC7m y<-f •'.': ' il^^^ ? - DV,lSE5 '£*SS®- ••■ ' " thts tsto advise that THIS •-... Ti rif i fl ~ grgilll l ' tJ " " * " ** aa Ti . i ln f * “>’ *7 *Mi m*ws . r !2g* mmm ,„ jjes»w %C0«C£«S*»I»6 SECRET SE. ' ‘^-ra'^USE' WEDS^ERE Ausosi jsj* — M ijsi'uui- ' I ,r', P*2 * VM * OT S®aeal l_ ,,..... ^jg^MS .SECRET .S£RMCfr®M>Wl .df p 1 IEE F»fiI .^CHET^ wfWT® HI ” 0F THE *sSj _ __ r octuFCN. TWO AND /THREE ^ AT t- AUL 1 Vlin V ■«., «■« •■• ■•• ««r :; rsS3&sss^“ * the MILWAUKEE OFFICE T HIS 0N TO THE ALLEGED PLOT AND SECRET SERVICE WAS ADVI . END FG THREE . ; , •'* . > ' .T #•* * T ’ V - 5 C •v PG FOUR LAST . THIS ALSO WAS FURNISHED TO SECRET SERVICE ON AUGUST TWENTYONE WT?'L ? 3T!ST'YvENTY THREE JNSTANT , CONTACT WAS MADE WITH ASCERTAIN IF HAD EVER &IVEH_THE INFORM<\T[IOO^CONERNING THE" ALL fe ED ,.PL CM. T.Q .THE FBI " HE'ADvisETKEl^.^i^^ix. wdEi APPEAFTTHAT THE SOURCE OF THE SEC RET 'SERVICE' INFORMATION JCOnItRUED THE CONTENTS OF. £jjEJ?EMORANDUM OF iuLY THIRTY LAST, WHICH IN FACT INDICATED THAT THE TEDS" WERE •Already aware of the assassination plot against president nixon, AMD THAT THE SECRET SERVICE SOURCE POSSIBLY TOLD THEM THAT THE FEDS GERE ADVISED OF THE ASSASSINATION PLOT, THEREBY GIVING SECRET SERVICE^ r THE IDEA. THAT THE FBI H*D BEEN PREVIOUSLY ADVISED PRIOR TO ^AUGUST TWENTY OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS MEMORANDUM. Wffgffl E . O.F SECRET SERVICE'; ADVisED W AUGUST TWENTY ONE LAST AND AGAIN ON AUGUST TWENTYTHREE INSTANT %AT THERE WAS NO QUESTION IN HIS KIND BUT sm smarrar FAILING TO ADVISE SECRET ‘^SERVICE ON JULY SIXTEEN SEVENTYONE . .£■“ ' END PG FOUR £ PG FIVE ( ''' '-U N ; ‘ v v - ' . *• . ~ •. ••• •••*• • . $*•.*•. . - ‘ f?‘ T. - r ' .f r* " ’ * • * ,* ‘ t . *, .r> r »*;. : ' •: \ V'*- • < '■ • * .. • ,v ... j y * ' ‘ - ' > * ■- -;rv ’ .. "* . A DETAILED AIRTEL . VITH_ APPROPRIATE «E'.mRANDAjETTniG _MRTH FACTS BEING FORWARDED TO BUREAU END all extbemists'should be considered extremely dangerous. • M 1 ^Vp P*h '■ * m «• l* Duringthelatet^n under mv business , a mpmorand concerning [Te norma ^tor n.ompletin ■w OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 * MAY torn on CSAFrMR,(41 ci r n) UNITED STATES GOVE^vIENT Memorandum SAC, Milwaukee (100-176 87) date: August 24, 1971 subtect- IRVING DANA BEAL subject. _ yip (Extremist) _ - j ^^4-o-ila are beinp — * to your reque3ti the — was showntome. / / cm L lrh DEB Plan rfSBWPw Savings Payroll Bonds Savings U 3010- JO* Memo to SAC MI 100-17687 8-24*71 made available to Se( me between 2:30 and- • was apparent Secret of this information 1 ue office after di imila RcThAYES thTTit h received this infor, the writer was at f had no contact with I explained I did On 8-23-71, t Lter contacted a+the information had not been ice prior to the t mentioned in the above lade available to anyone me it was given to the T - _ ;• v»' vrcrrT'D t?u t err ACTIVITY SHOULD BE S iSsm FOE VIOLENCE. - 2 - r~i • r<\ uv. r D. Brennan Memorandum to Re: i Irving Dana Bear Upon receipt otstateme Dts^lth^comi ^^^ AC-riun . complete del Upon r ec e ^^^2^u^scnt_to_Secret_Service_. || an apj propriate^le ~j ~^TI ,!u Iry Jsr 3 ■ or-nOUAL FOAM NO. !• ■ MX y EDITION csAfrMR (41 c rn) united states goX®-ient Memorandum subject: SAC, Milwaukee ( 100 - 17687 ) JRVING DANA BEAL SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) 8/24/71 date: -1 Pursuant to your ^conta^by U. S. 'ollowing memorandum, respect to^^con ac jecret Service Agents, • . . ^imate t /20/71, SA ■■ ' ,V~ i. / e”*W isconstn , - ecret Service, kilwauKe , office. Agent ^ L. is office, When arriving in ^ ilwaukee had receive a a ndicated that Secret Service Miiwuk ciptloned subject, ourth-handed rumor to th^ M0RAU :z, was involved in ilong V 'to\iU the^President of the United States. 1 P I t .. „ f the writer any background SA ^^3 /^quested of ^ MORALEZ. n formati afa f ro^our^^e^ for the^fore-^ entioneu individuaisand^ade^auailab^ .gained JJ_th^ iervice r LOO-17687 . ‘ i - .^then requested the writer to obtain current gl f this reauest and while the Secret still in this office, I and issued instruc^^^_^|^i ^Vi and forwarded to headquarters During the course of the conversation ^tween^e^ writer and the U. s * Sec ^ d their source of information. Agents, at no time, ^ Secret Service Agents clearly However , statements *>y *h ° source of information_was_ indicated *" " rite ]j| | mi” ^ || |||lf | \\ obviously . $smt iSsriLT^ 'I' - '*..- ■* ■ •%] Shortly alter the departu^y^JL Service Agents from my office , office and advisedjn^jh^^^ a memorandi S. Secret entered my i vi lege to j sident ioncernmg » v™ - gMAthat ^ the United states 1 immediate^advrse^^J^ it was obvious to me information, inasmuch as they already in possessio office and that although not identifying tfe i^sourc^ their^omments c'lea^ly indicated they had personal knowledge of this memorandum. At a PP rox ^^^ e d 1 by°»c m E£)WASD 8 J 21 MyES t and was instructed°to C report°to the MiUukee -1 Office^in^r attend a conference with U. S. Secret a , 0& at approximate 1 SAC HAYES and SA er T BURKE and SA and 3 in“?L W of f i“s of SAC HAYES, Milwaukee. 2 m )0-17687 I indicated that subsequent to o f Secret Service Agents to my information^^" our office came in to me with simn** advised that in his contact with ‘ h ad indic ated to him he had furnished "sA^BBSi^on 8/19/71; howeve^, SAC BURKE was^ immediate lj^advised by SAC HAYES that SAlggg^cou h^v^ive^this^ntormation on ^ SAC , +*><> rmirse of this meeting, SAC HAYES A 1 S ° m ^ r iJf + ihe FBI was not conducting any investi- advised SAC BURKE t B a d ^ B URKE then commented Snivel S“ice would conduct an i nvestigatio n. 0 * V The primary reason for visit^oi^SAC^BURKE^was^ to make certain 0 we s^^Jt n Srvice U would conduct no investigation. *ron'lea^ng 1 tK’ m 5^^^^^out s 20 t minute t S, or 1 S ^ 1 B u^ K ?o in adi C i a srSB^*S B i " di0ated that aS £ar as we were concerned, there was no problem. MI loo- 17687 ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN NEW ADVOCACY ANDO® be considered dangerous bdcause of fi r E ARMS AND INCENDIARY SS-SSS \ EOR VIOLENCE. 4 t. Optional ro«M no. u A may no it jon CIA TfM« {41 c rn) toi-nj TO FR 01 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum ' Fi|« : SAC e (100-17687) SAC Hayes date: August 24, 1971 subject: DRYING DANA BEAL SM - YIP (Extremist) Pursuant to Bureau instructions, the following memorandum concerning captioned matter is being submitted: At approximately 11:30 A.M. , 8-21-71, I received a telephone call from Mr. ROBERT BURKE, SAC, Secret Service, Milwaukee. He advised that his office had received information concerning a possible plot to assassinate the President; that apparently we had received similar information, and he was desirous of ascertaining jurisdiction before proceeding with an investigation. He asked if I could meet with him. It was agreed that this meeting would take place in 45 minut in my office. !Of the Milwaukee Subsequently, Supervisor th Jtfr . BUR KE . accompanied by Special Agents Agents met with SA e wam r-e»- th e Of f i ce BURKE mentioned the fact his previous day. BURKE advis ed that a so urce _of the Secret service, . v . . ’ furnished Secret Service with information to the effect sudJ iL and KATHY MORALEZ might possibly be involved in a plot to assassir the President. He a dvised that based uponjth e receiptoftl^^^^rif orma- tion, he sent Agents^ lfc. ' ^j to seeV ^3 on 8-20-71, to ascertain we ba d any lnformaiX^ D conc^rfffrfgthi^matter . He said the Agents were told by^E£3l§lj^|2j3j that our files were negative concerning this allega'^^^^^^^exp^uned to him that this was true, that there was no information in our files concerning/this allegation . Mr. BURKE sajj iat he contacted a the night of memorandum shown a loritie r K3M! n effect stated that the federal s were aware of this plot. BURKE was of the opinionP 2 - 100-17687 EJH:mcs'/, J ( 2 ) MO -c j L/~) l/o /^X MtfSLZ Buy U.S. Savin gs Bonds Regularly on tBc Payroll Savings Plan Memo to File 100-17687 8-24-71 advised this office of this matter prior to July 30 Mr . BURKE indicated that he didn’t think V IX : . i had advised us, because he knew from past experience that immediately*" upon receipt of information of this nature, his office was advised by the Milwaukee FBI Office. He stated further his primary reason for visiting us was to make certain that we did not have a conspiracy inves- tigation under way concerning BEAL, KATHY MORALEZ and others prior to S ecret Se rvice initiating an investigation of this matter. Both Supervis : " and myself indicated we had no such investigation, and that he "was free to do whatever he wished and that we would provide him any assis tance we possibly could. JF"' ' It was then indicated to BURKE thatSAKiv ' "3 was wi th f: : _on the 1 a t ^m or n in g of July 30, which mentioned a plot to assassinate^UiePresident were already aware of this plot.” Supervisor told this was subsequent to the meeting Secret Servrc^lagei^^ had 8-20- 71. BURKE then indicated that it was his understanding ^ry iad furnished information concerning this matter to SA on 3-19-71. I explained to him that this was not possible, at firearms on this date. The entire meeting with Secret Service representatives lasted approximately 15 to 20 minutes, was amiable and as BURKE was leaving my office he expressed no concern and stated that he was primarily intereste in getting an inves^^^3t^onundj^r^'a\^^He also commented that it was quite apparent that^g ^^ ' at^ fa ult f° r^ fatJ . in^_ t o own eaaily agreed with him 1 * Memo to File 100-17687 8-24-71 | not Augi 19, 1971. He again reiterated that there was no problem ‘ — the Milwaukee °«lc_^on tac te^ ££r~., -tm BURKE on the morning of r- TOSHH^ comments. He thanked me for ^Sh^contacts with Secret Service I telephonically c 8-23-71, and advised him of ^ — th e information. I have had no since that date. all individuals involved in new left ectremist^activity^should^be explosives .^reported acquiset^on^of^firearms and incendiary devices, AND KNOWN PROPENSITY FOR VIOLENCE. - 3 - hO. H * M*t *«o »*0 »* /# >:nr.D states c" vernment Memorandum Ml. C. D. Brennan n. L«. Shnckelf ore'll'/ IRVING DANA SM - YOUTH (EXTREMIST) BEAL INTERNATIONAL 1 - Mr. W. C. Sullivan . ‘.1 - Mr. J. P. M° hr t f 1 - Mr. K. P. Callahan . • • ‘ ' / DATE: S/24/71 f / 1 - Mr.' A. Rosen - £ 1 _ Mr. C. D. Brennan I — Mr. R. L. Shackelford 1 -Mr. T. D. J. Brooks PARTY 1-Inspector l \fn* J jii.L;). ir. — ItrrAn *. •' l* * Callahio Conrad DkM«) C«tq — ponder . |toM*n — T*‘el . taller* . 5 lo>»r* Tele. Root |IotC*r» Candy , PU RPOSE : . . To advise you of n^ha^the'^Milwaukoe^BI Field Office a Secret Service ailega i to assassinate President had information on 6/19/71 of a P tine Ba)te the information Richard H. Kixon ana did not, known to Secret Service. ' ..A BACKGROUND: • • • • . . Hr. Richard Force, J'^^s/vu/^/sec^o/servico receive’ D . c. or. 8/2 3 /71 > advised that i O^8/-0/71 i he i ^ ^ a „ d information (souicc no - . nlot to assassinate the Kathy Morales were involved xn__ji fiatej thls information «a* president of tne U.S. .0 ^ e pgj and information furnished to the Milwaukee OI > concerning Beal and l^i^1as n f^h^o e ^et Service. I } held at the Milwaukee of ^ o/oi /7i a conference v/as Force advised, 1 J tc ^ ° f f i by sac Edward Joseph _ . ^ith SAC Robert Burhe fejE 2 SSTo T t i SSSSW5S^ Fa/iiad **““ inf ormat io^concerning the assassination plot on TDJB:cae r jjv . (a) /C6" j-}L 7/t)V- EHCLOSUril •/ay: CONTINUED - OVER ) m m Menrorandum to Mr. C. D. Brennan Ref Irving Dana Beal (8/19/71 and failed to advise Secret Service. According to Force, during this confe rence ei ther SAC Ilaycs or Supervisor ^^Ujviscdo^heolot '.-.t'_ . jXirf* - that Secret Service was aware ' * SAC Hayes, after notification of the Secret Service allegation, by teletypes 8/23/71and 8/24/71 denied the allegation and stated that SA ^BHB^rcceived the informnt -ion H _ on 8/20/71 ormation on 8/19 training. in the afternoon o Emil L. 71 received the in he was at firearms upon his return to the Milwaukee Office 8/20/71, furnished this information to Supervisor Schroeder who informed him that the information was known to Secret Service, 'as they had made inquiry of the Milwaukee Office sometime earlier that day a t wnich time they were furnished results of a file review , ma msaa Hbi Regarding the conversation of SAC Eurke Service at the FBI Field Office, SAC Hayes advised that alleged that th is infor mation had been furnished to the ecret Burke FBI ill 1 by prior to 7/°0/V ; :.. : Burke was, at that tim^^adv^^ec^Ther^was no record of an ■ y.^uch report and the FBI Milwaukee Office received no inf ormnt 1 c-..y • oncerning the alleged ulot nrior to 8/20/71. On 8/23/71 contact was made with vho advised he did not furnish the information colTCerning the alleged plot prior to 8/20/71. SAC Hayes avers allegation that Milwaukee Office did_not_notif y Secre t Service on is untrue . SAC Hcp ' misinformed by t advised prior to es i s of the opinio n that Secret Service was that the -FBI had been e contents of the memorandum. t . rs Hen-or-Cndum to Mr. C. D. Brorioan • . /• .. ; Re: | Irving Dana Beal K , * o+ . qap Rurke of Secret Service 1/T addition, SAC Hayes advised Q ) 0 ^ /71 th ere was no 1 stated" on 8/21/71 ^ | I at faUlt i ! question in bis on v/ ^ u for failure to advise Secret , ^ i ACTION: • + nf statements with complete details, Upon receipt^odP .sta g eC ret Servi ce. • I to j b . upon receipt to Secret Service |Un_appro priato le tter^agxS--^.-^ fcr' ,-$Si Ts\S< T *OM.O«ii »0«* w ° •• rfMAT 1 9*2 lOlt _ \ Ifc OM — - (EXTREMIST) I . rji I / 'j ( 'h-‘ A p Y Shackelford to Mr # C«D# Brennan, Memorandum R.L. jhackei ed refutes Secr.et dated 8/24/71 /\ a copy of vhieh is att j office had in its Service allegations that the Milwaukee t of the possession, information of an^a; this i inf ormation to Secret Serviced S£ memorandum i srgtf u ^ -««. - «- Director noted thereon Expedite, Statements of Charge Edward J 1 1 ~ | t^^^lwaukeeOffice and Special A gf n t ^ ^r'| . ^ vi ^ f , ' n |fd icates they substantiate the have been received anaa revie _ v, v Milwaukee of which is have been received ^no i^ished*' thrSireau ' by Milwaukee u f 1 ftSU o s.sr^^s^« 1 th ' content sit fo?tb in attached memorandum. ACTION : ' The attached memorandum will be sent to Secret n Service, Enclosure ;W 1 - Mr. W.C. Sullivan 1 - Mr. J.P. Mohr 1 - Mr. N.P. Callahan , 1 - Mr. A. Rosen (Route throu 1 - Mr. C.D. Brennan-" 1 - Mr. R.L. Shackelford 1 - Mr. T.D.J • Brooks 1 - Inspector i CSJf TDJB us ad ,^(9) ,A m ’-I !0V , %£. ft-' revie,) SEP 1 m ! /// ‘ 1 55 SEP ; o 1971 YRE&T AS YELKfeW FB * Date: { • > \ * V/ □ IMMEDIATE (^URGENT Transmit the message that follows by coded teletype: ^ (Field only) ********************************** TO: □ THE PRESIDENT FIELD DISSEMINATION □ □ THE VICE PRESIDENT □ATT. : □WHITE HOUSE SITUATION ROOM □ATT. : □ SECRETARY OF STATE □ DIRECTOR, CIA □ DIRECTOR, DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY □ AND NATIONAL INDICATIONS CENTER □ DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY □ DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE □NAVAL INVESTIGATIVE SERVICE iy. S. SECRET SERVICE (PID) ]ATTORNEY GENERAL (BY MESSENGER) □ NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY, ATT: SENIOR OPERATION OFFICER \ □ From: DIRECTOR, FBI ^ Classification: f 1 * ^ Subject: ^ EX-IDA REC 1 i l.Hon _ f .11 t'llivan • »lir .shop _ r<*nnan. illnhnn _ i Mir ad _ '.tJhcy _ .*lr •;rr r (Text of message begins on next page. ) HDERM. BUREAU Of INVESTIGATION COMMUNICATIONS SECTION ■r- ^,;AUG2 31971 a\el alter i 4 iyara rlr. Room lot MV andy . MAIL ROOM I I TELETYPE UNIT 1 / W Approved J -Xc ' . UMMMUNIOVIIUNb itL'ilUrt . AUG 2 31971 % 0CEUE3TE5: 121 0FH i-23-71 RSP PRIORI!*- A TO U. S. SECRET SERVICE (PID) FROM DIRECTOR FBI 001 i unclassified / • © / IRVING DANA BEAL T SECURITY MATTER DASH SUBVERSIVE (EXTREMIST), ON LATE P.M., EIGHT TWENTY LAST , U.S. SECRET SERVICE, MILWAUKEE, CONTACTED MILWAUKEE FBI OFFICE AND ADVISED THAT THEY HAD RECEIVED A RUMOR TO THE EFFECT THAT CAP- TIONED SUBJECT AND HIS GIRLFRIEND, KATHY MORALEZ, WERE IN SOME WAY IWOLVED WITH a PLOT TO KILL THE PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. MILWAUKEE IMMEDIATELY MADE AVAILABLE ALL PERTINENT INFOR- MATION TO SECRET SERVICE, MILWAUKEE, AS CONTAINED IN MILWAUKEE FBI OFFICE REGARDING BEAL AND MORALEZ. A- v page two unclassified . . ;.t SECRET SERVICE, MILWAUKEE, WAS AGAIN IN CONTACT WITH THE MILWAUKEE FBI OFFICE, AND AT THIS TIME INDICATED THAT THEY WERE GOING TO CONDUCT AN INVESTIGATION RE THIS POSSIBLE PLOT TO KILL THE PRESIDENT AND THAT THEIR INVESTIGATION WOULD INCLUDE THE — *■. -i INTERVIEW OF BOTH BEAL AND MORALEZ. SECRET SERVICE, MILWAUKEE, WAS ADVISED THAT THE MILWAUKEE FBI OFFICE WOULD READILY MAKE AVAILABLE ANY PERTINENT INFORMATION CONCERNING BEAL OR MORALEZ. END PAGE TWO ■I •• / v • . . _ • i * v jf ** ' f I ■ t r 1 1 r fe i\ r| % •vf 4 **-‘v UNCLASSIFIED ' f ' i 4 - '/( - : f RAGE THREE jij 1 IF ANY INFORMATION IS DEVELOPED INDICATING A POSSIBLE VIOLATION •ioF TITLE EIGHTEEN , SECTION ONE SEVEN FIVE ONE, U.S. CODE, I: ' f .j PLEASE NOTIFY THE FBI IMMEDIATELY. . v BT r »* t I* m US QSL 001 T NX KK : * .r~ V . * : \ AUG 2 3 1971.//-, jj>/ TELETYPE i 1 / NR 0<*7 NI CODE 752PM URGENT 8/23/71 LRK J TO DI^ECTDR ' FROM MILWAUKEE ; i : v 1 •> IRVIN DANA 100-17687 (EXTREMIST ). \c. 6 AL , SM - YIP ^ fy 0 /' I C V ' ' ' C \ ^ - Mr. Mohr — ^ Mr. Bishop Mr.BrenrmnCIjJiL Mr. CaBahan^d— Mr. C.tjp't . -f I - Mr. C«nrnd Mr. Pn’V.y Mr. Onl» — Mr. Tor.'W— — Mr. r.^sen Mr. TavcL ■ — Mr. ^Valters Mr. Sf*;nrs Tele. B'om . M i S3 Hi-lroca Miss Gandy RE BUTEL INSTANT DATE\ FOR INFORMATION BUREAU, BEAL ARRESTED EY MADISON, WISCONSIN \ ! PD ON JULY FOURTEEN LAST AND IS CURRENTLY BEING HELD IN DANE COUNTY JAIL, MADISON ON CHARGES OF POSSESSING MARIJUANA AND TWO COUNTS OF \ SELLING HASHISH. BEAL IS ALSO UNDER FEDERAL DETAINER ON A THREE AND ONE-HALF YEAR OLD CHARGE OF POSSESSING LSD WITH INTENT TO SELL IT IN NEW YORK. BEAL IS BEING HELD IN LIEU OF EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS BOND. n i % mg -i ■EEG-flRPl .^>K jLL -T H £ /RRKS IDEMI- . A N D./C 0 M MU N IC AT 10 N BEING PREPARED RE SUBJECT’S EXTRE&FST ACTIVITI *r *> ! iM-i ■J-i * •M e* * , ■K&' rpiu.g until j -• ■s £ V ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN NEW LEFT EXTREM.IBT J ACTIVITY SHOULD BE CONSIDERED DANGEROUS BECAUSE OF THEIR KNNil-ADVOCAY AND, /v ! \\i\ • IBE OF EXPLISIVES, REPORTED ACQUISITION OF FIREARMS, AND KNOWN ,Af a: ft UG 2G r. o i SEP 9 N ** « < - * * / . ' V FBI V Date: August 24, 1971 Transmit the following in / V!a AIRTEL AIRMAIL (Type in plaintext or code) ( Priority ) to : DIRECTOR, FBI ATTENTION: DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE DIVISION FROM I SAC, MILWAUKEE (100-17687) (P) , j- SUBJECT : IRVING DANA BEAL SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) 1 / !»•% > fr. * I i/ i i / ) Re Milwaukee teletypes / 8/21 and 8/23/71 ^ Bureau telephone call, 8/23/71. Pursuant to Bureau instructions, there are enclosed memoranda concerning captioned matter as requested by the Bureau. ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN NEW LEFT EXTREMIST ACTIVITY SHOULD BE CONSIDERED DANGEROUS BECAUSE OF THEIR KNOWU ADVOCACY & USE OF EXPLOSIVES, REPORTED ACQUISITION OF FIREARMS AND* 1C END I ARY DEVICES, AND KNOWN PROPENSITY FOR VIOLENCE. (,(<*.» I J V v 2j r 3uireau (Ends. 3) (AM) d. -Milwaukee (100-17687) EJH/ds (3) £ * , - 1 '7 5 ■' J.} (J r- 1 'Mioorf //V' 'A !■'/> ! 7 - 7 6 SEP 1 1971 ,■ % FEDEAL BUREAU OF IN VENATION’ Reportlrq < lice Office of OrfQia Dote Inwe stigollwe Period MILWAUKEE Milwaukee 8/26/71 ‘ 7/14 - 8/25/71 Tff la of Co . _ IRVING DANA^EAL, aka Paul Charley* Augustin, Jia' Crewe, . paul^Yippi®, • ' j Leon* Yipsky, G®orge/Metefsky • - Typed By; kdb Charocter of Case - SM - YIP /(EXTREMIST) / • v . . . - •* t . * * -* *'- •>?'->? -jr ^ * // . - V SUMMARY ■*' J> ■■ ■ / ) REFERENCES : Milwaukee letter to Detroit, 7/28/71. -.0 I Milwaukee airtel and enclosed IilM to Director, 8/24/71., i ...w .. copies not furnished Detroit. . il J V; G‘- r * • - '* - * : . . — ' " ^ ~&r * f| / ■ ■ ■■ ■ - . J ■ -p- . ■* V. — - i •• ' • • • ■ »* ■ « — *- _ *»- ■'V-JW* *•». vc -r ■»- k - • i ADMINISTRATIVE: (toe additional copy of this report has been furnished to the Bureau, and one copy is being retainedin^JLhe V-iI.y a.uke e Office for future dissemination to^/ ^ ^kilwaukee, in the ©vent subject is ap^rovt ^^^B^Ksion on the S©curJ Division. r^- > ^Bureau (RM) i Cleveland (Info) (RM) ; i Detroit (Info) (RM) . * Milwaukee (100-17687) cur^t y Index of the Milwaukee • v 1 Do oot writ • in spaces below /fid' ~J£ » AUG 30 1971 , ' J.V REC-36 YPJ fca^o . / c C /Tax cv f oL O I . - • -V ***4^ ■ -V rj LEADS: MILWAUKEE DIVISION At Milwaukee, Wisconsin Will await Bureau's decision regarding Milwaukee's request to include subject on the Security Index, which request was submitted by separate communication. B cover page FD 20* (F f v. 3 J.SV) / 'i UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Report of: Dale: Oific: MILWAUKEE Field Office File 4: MI 100—17687 Bureau File #: Title: Character*. Synopsis: Details: IRVING DANA BEAL SECURITY MATTER - YIP IRVING DANA DEAL, born 1/9/47, at Ravenna, Ohio, is currently incarcerated at the Dane County Jail, Madison, Wisconsin, as a result of his arrest, 7/14/71, on local felony warrant. BEAL identified by sources as being active within Youth International Party (YIP), Milwaukee and Iladison, Wisconsin, and as being instrumental in planning of "New fere nee" sponsored by YIP during period of at Madison. ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED TN NEW LEmSTRHlIST ACTIVITY FH0trD5 — 5E - C , UN bTDIHlEiy _ IU(N?7ER0CJS _ BECAUSE "OF THE Iff “KNOWN — ‘ADVOCArY 'AND USE" OTTIjrPECJSIVi^r,' HEPORTEIT“A _ CQirrb'TITON — UF 'FIREARRS'TNirTN CENDTSKYnDEVT CES' "AND - KN Or N TffUPENS ITY FUR "VIOLENCE . Th^^^Ui^gstigation is predic^e^on information using the alias Title: O.orocter; Synopsis: Details: associated with the youth International Part Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Chapter. The YIP, also known as Yippies, is * r ^ "T rs : J « looselv-knit . anti-establishment. ' '**' Youth International Party (YIP) are not to be distributed out tide your agency. MI 100-17687 I . BACKGROUND v Birth Data The records of Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD), formerly known as Bureau of Drug Abuse Control (BDAC) , United States Department of Justice, 90 Church Street, New York, New York, reviewed by a representative of the Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI), disclose that IRVING DANA BEAL was born January 9, 1947, at Ravenna, Ohio. Citizenship IRVING DANA BEAL, in view of his birth as set forth above, is a citizen of the United States. Current Residence and Employm ent hat IRVINC he Dane County Jail, ^^jad vised on ^ — ___ DANA BEAL“i£ "cTw^ently an inmate a Madison, Wisconsin. Arrest Checks - v On May 6, 1971, records of BNDD, supra, were reviewed by a representative of the FBI, and the following ( arrest information, pertaining to subject, was obtained; The BNDD file further reflects IRVING DANA BEAL was arrested August 22, 1967, in New York City, by BDAC Agents for violation of 18 USC 111, 21 USC 321 (q) (2) and 21 USC 331 (8) (3). Concerning this arrest, BEAL, then residing at 41 East Third Street, New York, New York, and employed as a newspaper distributor for the "East Village Other” located 147 Avenue A, New York, New York, was arrested on charge of selling 48 capsules of LSD, resisted arrest and assaulted BDAC Agent. BEAL appeared before United States Magistrate CLAYTON D. BOLLINGER, and a hearing was set for September 11, 1967. BEAL failed to appear, and a Bench Warrant was issued on January 31, 1968, for his arrest. Wanted notices were placed by BDAC with New York City Bollc* Department and FBI. 2 MI 100-17687 L BEAL’s FBI Identification Record, FBI Number 108 504 F, indicates he was arrested January 13, 1964, by the East Lansing, Michigan, police Department lor attempted breaking and entering of a coin machine, arrest number 18C-64, and that he was listed by the State Hospital, Kalamazoo, Michigan, on September 9, 1964, as an escaped patient. reflects 1 Kalamazoo, Michigan, advisea s. ft. zj&m I B JJ AC * Michigan, in Decenbej^^^^^^Wr^TJtAI^as admitted to that Hospital in June, 1964; in September, 1964, he escaped, but returned; in January, 1966, terf°th State Hospital as sound of mind. QUOBmsSW ^ a t©d that BEAL was not suffering from any menial liin^ss during his stay in the State Hospital, and in his escape, used no violent means. mi iirrr^^lBW PBH»Mw —i On February 16, 197 1 , of identification, Milwaukee Police Department, iffiwankee advised a review of the files of this agency ^eflec t* that subject , using the alias o£ PAUL CHARLES AUGUST I M ias arrested November 12, 1970. This arrest was the result of a narcotics raid conducted by the Milwaukee police Department at 2545 North Oakland, Milwaukee. Subject was released on $500 own recognizance bond and subsequently failed to appear at a scheduled judicial hearing, at which time he was declared a State Fugitive. inFebruary 16, 1971, ■ ■■ „ „ _ . Pm Bureau of Identification, Milwaukee county ^fffffftTomce , Milwaukee, Wisconsin, advised a review of the files of this agency failed to reflect an arrest record identifiable with subject. Onj ladvised that subject was arrested on July 14, 19VJL, by {he Madison, Wisconsin police Department on a local felony warrant, charging B AL with two counts of selling hashish. At the time of arrest, REAL had in hi6 possession a large quantity of hashish, because of this, another felony charge n. *«»••** him Tot possession of hnshlsh with intent to uahe e ssie. 3 ***** f MI 100-17687 Further, at the time of arrest, subject was accompanied by KATHLEEN ANN MORALES. KATHLEEN ANN^^ORA LES a APPROX vised on August 24, 1971, that "hATH^XoRALES Is a white female, approximately 16 years of age, who is the girl friend of IRVING BEAL and has been BEAL’S traveling companion. / ». Source advised that subsequent to subject’s arrest in Madison, the Milwaukee police Department forwarded ^ felony warrant to the Madison police Department as a detainer against SEAL, charging him with two counts of selling LSD in the Milwaukee area (a felony). Further, a felony detainer w?» placed against subject for the Federal narcotics warrant, charging him with violation of the following Federal Statute; Title 21, U5C-331, (a)(2), 36 a (b). 321 (b), and 333 (a). Source advised subject is awaiting court appearance for the local Madison charges, and after the local matters have been handled, subject will face an extradition hearing to New York City, where, if extradited, subject will appear on the Federal charges. II. BEAL’S ACTIVITIES ON BEHALF OF THE YOUTH I NTERNAT I ON A L PARTY that during** ,y. .. subject at tended^^BJSaee tings oi with the me© being held both in Madison, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin l iiMliA. . Trig?. I MI 100-17687 advised - - -..-3 that the "Now Nation Coni'erfence," sponsored b y YIP, was he_ld in Madison, Wisconsi n, dur ing the period of W&. tj SjvF&ESm through tiU gphler.t 1 n pTtC-nTj nnr , ^mirre 6tated — . . __ MMMK58!S!SHS^R9HIH»ft£&bc^£'. ""«* h ft PnnfGre nr* e that sub ••The Milwaukee journal,” a newspaper published daily in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, contained an article on July 26, 1971, captioned, ’’Suspect in Madison a Leading yippie.” This article reads, in part, as follows; •’Dana Beal, the former radical leader in New York’s East village who was arrested in Madison, Wis., last week on charges of being a mirijuinfl. dealer, is a major theoretician and behind the scenes leader of the underground youth movement. ••interviews with spokesmen of the movement have stripped away the elaborate system of aliases Beal has used since jumping bail on drug charges In New York in 1967. •’Beal, 24, was named by these spokesmen as a founder of several radical youth groups, Including the Yippies, and as organizer of many ”pro-pot” demonstrations, such as the second annual smoke— in and anti— CIA heroin inarch held in Washington July 4. "His friends and associates identified Dana Beal - he does not use his first name, Irving - as one of the first movement writers ^0 for a merger of political radicalism and the psychedelic life style. 5 / MI 100-17687 "Abbie Hoffman and jerry Rubin, Yippi© leaders and authors who garnered national attention during the 1968 Democratic convention demonstrations, both agreed in separate telephone interviews that Beal was an important figure in the movement. *1 »ne is a unique blend of a street person and a theoretician,' Hoffman said. 'His writings are far more important and impressive than people like me and jerry Rubin.' •’Rubin said Beal’s writings 'were a strong force in helping us understand who we are.' He asserted that Beal was such an important symbol that local and federal law enforcement agencies specifically sought to catch him dealing in drugs. ’’Hoffman and Rubin identified Beal's most important pieces as 'Right On Culture Freaks’ and ’weather Yippie,' which were reprinted in more than 100 underground newspapers in this country and abroad. •’The articles called for more militancy on the part of young radicals but criticized the elitism and lack of humanity that Beal saw in the more violent radical groups. "His associates said that B®al preferred to organize • alternative culture actions’ to highlight hi6 beliefs rather than get involved in bombings or violent confrontations. ”A. J. Weberman, an unofficial biographer of singer Bob Dylan, said that it was while attending New York University night school that Beal first became convinced of the importance of psychedelic drugs to youth politics. 6 / MI 100-17687 "•His first paper was on the effect of LSD on the politics of hippies, and he decided acid radicalized them, f weberman, a former roommate of Beal, explained in a telephone interview. "When Beal was arrested by federal narcotics agents in New York in 1967 his friends marched through lower Manhattan and raised $3,000 to bail him out. He was arrested a second time, shortly afterward, and then disappeared from the city. "Beal, changing aliases about once every six months after the second arrest, turned up in various places on the continent from Mexico to Canada. H© was connected with the White Panther party and several other radical groups in the Midwest. "He was arrested in several cities on drug charges but managed to jump bail each time before coming to trial. "His most recent arrest occurred as he was hitchhiking out of Madison on July 14. The first car to stop was that of plainclothes detectives who were seeking Beal on a 1970 charge of selling hashish. "Beal is charged with celling dangerous drugs (marijuana) and possession with intent to sell dangerous drugs (marijuana). Bail has been set at $8,000. A preliminary hearing was continued last week and is tentatively set for Thursday. "Madison police said they found 69 bags of marijuana in Beal's Suitcase and, in addition, a Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs agent said his agency, New York City police and a number of other local and federal law 7 I HI 100-17687 < • enforcement groups had warrants against Beal. "Within hours of his arrest, underground leaders were organizing defense plans for Beal. "In an interview with reporters Thursday in his jail cell, Beal was chagrined over his latest incarceration, "*I should have taken the bu6, but it was such a beautiful day I let my guard down,* he said." The "Milwaukee Sentinel," a newspaper published daily in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, contained an article on July 31. 1971, captioned, "Kunstler to Defend Yippie in Test Case." Thi6 article reads, in part, as follows: "New York Atty. William Kunstler, who contends drug laws are being used to curb radical political movements, said Friday he will defend Yippie lrvin_ Dana Beal on marijuana charges. "The defense counsel in the ’Chicago 7' conspiracy trial made the announcement after conferring with Beal in his Dane County jail cell. "Kunstler said he was asked by Beal and friends, including Abbie Hoffman and jerry Rubin, to defend the Yippie in an effort to have the court declare marijuana laws uncon- stitutional. "In a statement prepared in his cell, Beal said the state 'is clearly using grass laws to stop me and other Yippies in the street. 8 I JJI 100-17687 ”His being jailed would not stop the movement, Beal asserted, because 'a thousand will rise to take my place.'” "The Milwaukee journal," supra, contained an article on August 2, 1971, captioned, "Hoax on Hero? Yippie Case Puzzling." This article reads, in part, as follows: "It has the ingredients of a perfect Yippie hoax. "Dana peal is busted for drugs in Madison. Almost immediately he is identified by Abbie Hoffman and jerry Rubin, no less, as a famous underground organizer and theoretician, protected in his ceaseless travels across the country, in eluding a stay in Milwaukee, by fanciful aliases - Leon Yipsky, Paul Yippie, George Motefsky of the White Panther Party. "Atty. William Kunstler, whose clients are the leaders of a political movement that could use a few heroes, flies to Madison to lead Beal's defense, converting the mystifying claims of his importance into a genuine cause. "Kunstler indicated that he would use the Beal case to test the constitutionality of the marijuana laws, which he contends are being used to suppress the youth culture. This also has been one of Beal's contentions. "The defense forms; A marijuana smoke-in will be held on the Capitol steps the day Beal's trial begins; rallies are scheduled; a defense fund is started; undoubtedly, 'Free Dana' buttons will be on the streets any day. 9 MI 100-17687 L "It continues, until it is almost as hard to separate Beal from his reputation as it usually is to separate e radical leader from the image created by the press. "Dana Beal came to Milwaukee in the spring of 1969. According to his friends, be was running from t.h® law and he was tired. "*We didn’t believe him,' one local Yippie said. * . . .He was a very intense, nervous^ person. Two years* running had done a lot to him. He said be knew the Dp Against the Wall... organization in Hew York and a lot of people from the legitimate radical movement, but we thought he was leaky (unreliable "Dennis Gall, editor of t.be underground newspaper. Kaleidoscope, recalled that Beal was ’very nigh energy, almost to the point that it bothered you. 1 "•He had the kind of personality where either you hated him and didn’t wont to see him or you liked him real much. And you might change your opinion from day to day.' «»A woman living in an East Side commune learned to respect iieal as a * genius, really a genius at using the media, much better than Abbie* (Abbie Hoffman’s political reputation rests largely on his ability to publicize his style of radicalism). But she didn’t like him particularly, felt he was a 'male chauvinist. * "Beal eventually convinced Milwaukee radicals that he was authentic. But his presence still was sometimes annoying. ’All 10 •* I MI 100-17687 i- he did vas talk politics,* Gall said* "He was in and out cf Milwaukee, traveling on the East Coast and around the country, his friends said. He was an important influence among Milwaukee radicals, they sa.y, f but nobody can point to a single outstanding local achievement. "He impressed East Side Yippies with the importance of a street paper to bring together the hippie subculture and the political radicals. But his real influence seemed to come through the example of his un- tiring, dynamic organizing. "B»al was one of the organizers that was able, through his contacts in cities all over the country, to draw radicals together into a sense of unity, at least." III. miscellaneous Sources, familiar with certain phases of subversive, radical, and racial activities in the New York City area, were contacted regarding subject during April and May, 1971, but advised that subject was unknown to them. IV. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION The following is a physical description of IRVING DANA BEAL obtained from reviews of arrest records identifiable with subject: Name Race Sex Date of Birth IRVING DANA BEAL, aka Paul Charles Augustin White Male January 9, 1947 > 11 ^tl 100-17687 Place of Birth Height Weight Hair Eyes FBI Number Relative Ravenna, Ohio S’ 9$" 140 pounds Blond Blue 108 504 F Mother, MARJORIE NELB^&EAL 1206 Park Street Lansing, Michigan (1967) ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN NEW LEFT EXTREMIST ACTIVITY SHOULD TSITTUNSTDER ED "ITSNGEHOTJSHBEca lis r. UF ultlrt plUEN ' A D VOC ACY AND U SE ' U K ~ E XP LOSTVES , ULPUltTELrXC^Ul'b r ITTON XJT FIRE ARMS ~ AH D~INCENPr A HY~13EVrCES AND KN OWN WOPENSTH TOR VIOLENCE. In Reply* Flea m Rtfer $0 FUe No* l i ns, Ui^fED states DEPARTMENT OF Jl iTCE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Milwaukee, Wisconsin August 26, 1971 Title IRVING DANA BEAL Character SECURITY MATTER - YIP Reference Jfli lv/aukee report dalUU STro Optioned as above All sources (except any listed belov) whose identities are concealed in referenced communication have furnished reliable information in the past. This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions ol the FBI. It is thn property Of the FBI and Is loaned to your aqency; It and Its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. u) TELETYPE \ ffOrRAL CL'HCAU OF INVESTIGATION COMMUNICATIONS SECTIcflODE ELETYPE TO SAC MILWAUKEE^ (100-17687) FROM DIRECTOR, FBl\ Tl H IRVING DANA BEAL, SM - YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY (EXTREMIST) REMITEL AUGUST TWENTY-ONE IAST.^ ADVISE THE BUREAU BY RETURN TELETYPE THE STATUS OF LOCAL AND FEDERAL NARCOTIC CHARGES AGAINST BEAL AND IF HE IS STILL INCARCERATED IN THE DANE COUNTY JAIL, ^TlAXNTAIN close LIAISON WITH SECRET SERVICE TO ASCERTAIN IF > ^T/LOT^JXI STS TQ KILL THE PI^SI DENT, SUBMIT AN LHM WITH COMPLETE 1 INFORMATION CONCERNING BEAL'S EXTREMIST ACTIVITIES. ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN NET LEFT EXTREMIST ACTIVITY SHOULD BE CONSIDERED DANGEROUS BECAUSE OF THEIR KNOWN ADVOCACY AND USE OF EXPLOSIVES, REPORTER ACQUISITION OF FIREARMS, KNOWN PROPENSITY FOR VIOLENT* J /-J ' " 46 7J*H1 \h TDJB : sad. A t- ( 6 ) * PORTED i IIS, AND LJL MET‘28 F AUG 24 1971 j T»la> < Kelt Sullivan Mohr H i«hop . NOTE: Wresl teletype, M advised Secret, Service was nd his girl friend as they wer$ rumored to be (I i '* • »■ I I iron nan. CO. . _> Callahan Casper Conrad Halbey C.alr onder - Roaea Tn v estl g ating subject And his girl friend as tney wer? rumoreo to uc > T, invoived^lrf a nl o't^t o'k ill the Pre sidents _J a recent weeks anonymous / ^ telephone calls were directed to sa ^flS££3S9HB& at the Madison, t Wisconsin, Resident Agency which contained an implied tp« at designed to obtain the release of Beal from local Jaif* T aval _ ■ Walters . \ v»y«ra - Trie. Room Holmes ' landy l ; 4/ vt K 1 1 * ^ * f MAIL ROOM ! 1 TELETYPE UNIT •r.o 0/1 ■ V TO FROM UNITED STATES > ^ptNMENT Memorandum Mr. C. D. Brennan \ l ‘(« DATt: 8/26/71 R. L. Shackelford / • SUBJECT: ir V ING DANA BEAL SM - YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY (EXTREMIST) Fell Sullivan . Mohr Hit. top ttronnnn. C.D. (‘all alum Cnapor Conrad l)al»»r> dale Ponder Ro»en Tavel Waller* Sovara Trie. lion* lloliara Handy . r m / /~S Memorandum R.L. Shackelford to Mr . C.D . Bren nan, dated 8/2 4/71 .-I a copy of which is attached. ET^i fZv*: x *;. n *£ •/- JTgr.lVt. ' • * " \ ^ - . .1/ mM CaT *: Statements of explanation of Snpriai Airpnt in Charge Edward Josenl^Iaves^ftuperv^or and Special Agent tire Milwaukee have been receiveoana^^re^K^UKiicates they substantiate the Information previously furnished the Bureau by Milwaukee teletypes dated 8/23/71^4nd 8/24/71^ the content of which is set forth in attached memorandum. ACTION: ft The attached memorandum will be sent to Service. '* •' «• •-‘•4 • P Enclosure ■) 1 - Mr. W.C. Sullivan 1 - Mr. J.P. Mohr r % 1 - Mr. N.P. Callahan j) C\/ ighNtor review) / 1 — Mr. A. Rosen (Rou,te throu 1 - Mr. C.D. Brennan” 1 - Mr. R.L. Shackelford 1 - Mr. T.D.J. Brooks 1 - Inspector TDJBrsad (9) ^ ^-i - ' . 4} ' 55 SEP ,.o wi * $& 0*7 'V 4-" ^ x... 6 SEP 1 ! . ■ \ MI 100-17687 be considered dangerous because of their known advocacy and USE OF EXPLOSIVES, REPORTED ACQUISITION OF FIREARMS AND INCENDIARY DEVICES, AND KNOWN PROPENSITY FOR VIOLENCE. \ i ' / / / 1 Y-. WAt I*A 1 IDITION CM “ifN IIC *40 I f r FROM ‘ * I UNITED STATUS (.^^ERNMENT Memorandum, Director, FBI (Bufile- ' ' MILWAUKEE (100-17687) S*.‘ 1 r % ) date 8/26/71 subject IRVING DANA BEAL SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) ifti h / Re . Milwau k ee re p ort of S^ GBit is recommended that a Security Index Card be prepared on the above-captioned individual. '8/26/71^ [ ] I lie Security Index Card on the captioned individual should be changed as follows (specify change only): Name V / 1 k ft \ RVING DANA BEAL } rL Aliases p au i/ Charles "Augustin Jim' Crewe \ Paul / Yippie V.^"/ Leon^Yipsky'^X ' George/M^tefsky [Xj Native Bom 1 1 Naturalized | | Alien Tab [XJ Priority I 1 I Priority 11 I 1 Priority III I j ANA □ AWC □ BNT I I BPP □ COMMUNIST Cj jfg I I MIN □ PLP □ PRN □ SNC I I MVP f~~l noi □ ppa □ sns CIS PI. f ~l vovp [X] Miscellaneous < Specify > — liter na t .i_ona l_J>Ar1 i I Date of Birth 1/9/47 Place of Birth Ravenna, Ohio Race w Sex [XI Male 1 i Female Business Address. Name of Employing Concern and Address, Nature of Employment, and Union Affiliation, if any. Inmate Residence Address Dane County Jail Madison, Wisconsin ')/ S' ' " - ^ L i J i / i / . J -< 1 1 Key F acility Data Grog raphi cal Reference Number v MCT-4B Rcsponsibi Illy REG ISTERED MAIL / »‘ - 72^- Bureau (RM) Ut'U \* • ,* • 1 - Milwaukee (100-17687) >,*(•' JMA/kdb * '4 • . , / (3) • . f y / . ♦ . i.;i *.0fcfo3 5 1572 T WrT? "MI 100-17687 Succ inct Summary IRVING DANA BEAL has been identified by sources, who have furnished reliable information in the past, as being active within the Youth International Party (YIP), Milwaukee and Madison also identified the "New Nation Wisconsin, during the period of 1 - Hr, Shackelford (FS) 1 - Mr, Brooks SAC, Milwaukee (100-17687) 9/8/71 Director, roj u.00-467404) - (r IRVING DANA BEAL SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) ReMI FD-122 dated 8/26/71. $ The succinct summary, attached to referenced FD-122 on the subject, is completely inadequate for Justification of the subject for inclusion on Priority I of the Security Index (SI) • Immediately submit amended succinct summary fully Justifying subject's inclusion in Priority I of SI in accordance with Section 87G of the Manual of Instructions. ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN NEW LEFT EXTREMIST ACTIVITY SHUUHJ D ' ANGKKOt IS ' iflX'AUSK OF '' ill El 11 TUUUWTfDVUCACY anI) UbL "UK KXPLWjiVEs, KLpOV.Tiu AuQuibiriuN gF TIl?E7llZMS' i , ~TKIT TTNDWN TKOPENS HY ITW'TlULmJl' ,' TDJB : sad ^ (5) NOTE: Subject is active in the Youth International ( 'arty, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; •reported also involved in an ssassfnation plot against President Nixon in Jiiiy, 1$71. ilwaukee submitted an FD-122 recommending subject for the SI, Priority I and succinct summary was completely inadequate. MAILED 10 I d 1*0*1 ’ * It ■ itlivan !obr i * hop 'r- nnan, C.D. .illahan •**»prr • wrad SEPii 1971 FBI TQ subject: UNITED STATES ( ^ERNMENT Memorandum DIRECTOR, FBI (100-467404) SAC, MILWAUKEE (100-17687) (P) - 9 IRVING DANA^BEAL SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) date: 11-23-71 00: MILWAUKEE Re Milwaukee report of Sk\ 8-26-71 \ Milwaukee letter* to Balt imore^^^T^^^^m? Milwaukee letter to Minneapolis, 10-27-71.>° Subject currently incarcerated at the Dane County Jail, Madison, Wisconsin, awaiting trial on charges of illegally selling narcotics. FD-122 being prepared for subject's inclusion on ADEX, and will be submitted under separate cover. MILWAUKEE DIVISION LEAD AT MADISON, WISCONSIN Will follow and report prosecutive action regarding subject. ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN NEW LEFT EXTREMIST ACTIVITY SHOULD BE CONSIDERED DaNGErOUS BECAUSE OF THEIR KNOOTTAEVUCACY "AND' USE OF EXPLOSIVES,' REPORTED' ACQUISITION OF' FIREARMS "AND INCENDIARY DEVICE'S - AND KNOWN" PROPENSITY FOR VIOLENCE'. 2_~ Bureau (RM) 3 - Milwaukee ST-106 REC 201 I j:. d'V i ) V / •’ D JF : gras j(jd Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan MAY l**J fOI?K>M CIM *tO MO If UNITED STAT ES G RNMENT i Memorandum / •» to/ , Piircior , tbi (Bufiic- 100-467404 sac. Milwaukee (100-17687) (P) i aril filed SUBJECT: IRVING DANA BEAL CarJ:1 sc ^-,00 SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) ) DATE: 12/15/71 ^ ^ UNAVAILABLE SECTION * Re: Milwaukee report of SA Recommend: (x^^^Card I I SI Card changed r specify change on In | I Subject removed /succinct summary attached! Aliases . Paul.Charles Augustrn Jim ''Crewe [jC Native Bom Category [Xj Qsas i Leon Yinsky George Metefsky Paul nfippie j ! Naturalized f 1 Priority II I | Alien Lj- I 1 Priority HI Name IRVING DANA BEAL I I AWC □ BNT I I BPP I I COMMUNIST I I JFG I I MIN □ NL □ NOl y * • . [_jsrfc^ f jswp I I PLP □ PRN □ PPA ClSDS DSPl. ' ^]WAVP [X] Miscellaneous < Specify > YTP (RXTRKMTST) y ^ j. 2&U Date of Birth Place of Birth Race 7 K Ma,e \ I ; Female ' 1/9/47 Ravenna , Ohio Business Address, Name of F.mploying Concern and Address, Nature of Employment, and Union Affiliation, if any. Residence Address U- v'J j * 4 r jjjrriace 1 f 4 Dane County Jail _ lladison, Wisconsin , i * 5 EJCJ l 1 Liz Key Facility Data Geographical Reference Number /2/ Bureau (RM) '‘■1 -Milwaukee DJF:mhb (3) f / V * JAi! IZWtc Re spon sibi ( hv OP - fJ « Do not write In space below > * < 1 • , ,, jmTs^ 72 f to ^ Jk? j . , t it) ir* 7t>/W» w*d'.y ndKsitZX *»in n 'o' ,} B C-3 \ m. ANMENT MAY 1*42 COITION csa rpMR (41 cm) ioi-ii.« UNITED STATES G Memorandum DIRECTOR, FBI (lOO-l^ilOlj) date: 1/5/7 2 from jY/ SrACf MILWAUKEE (100-17o87) (P) subject: r\ IRVING DANA B2AL SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) (00: Milwaukee) Y> Re Milwaukee letter to Bureau, dated 11/23/71; and Milwaukee FD-122 to Bureau, dated 12/15/71 • H Dane County Jail, 12/22/71* on a charge amended to possessing marihuana. BEAL entered guilty pleas to the marihuana count as well as to two counts of selling hashish. Visiting Judge KENT HOUCK of Richland Center, Wisconsin, sentenced BEAL to two years imprisonment on each of the hashish counts, then suspended sentence. Judge HOUCK made the year sentence retroactive to 7 /II 4 / 7 I, the date of the defendant's arrest. The court said it was denying Huber Law privileges "for the time being". Attorneys EDWARD KRUEGER and MICHAEL ROTHS TEIN, who represented BEAL, arrived at the negotiated plea with Assistant District Attorney HOWARD HIPPMAN in Judge HOUCK's chambers before the court session was held. Subject is presently incarcerated in the Dane County Jail, Madison, Wisconsin, where he will serve the remainder of imposed sentence. LEAD: ^ M ILWAUKE E PI VI S ION ; 2) - Bureau (RM) 3 - Milwaukee DJF:k js (5) /•' tJ ' ’ ’ / t JAN 10 1972 Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan 6 Vj HI 100-17687 At Iladiaon, Wisconsin L •• Maintain contact with County Jail authorities and imme information regarding Bi3AL. and Dane report pertinent m INDIVIDUAL INVOLVED IN NEW LEFT EXTREMIST ACTIVITY SHOULD BE CONSIDERED DANGEROUS EECAU'J'- OF THEIR KNOWN ADVOCACY AND USE OF ENPLCfNVLS, REPORTED ACQUISITION OF FIREARMS AND |*l~W.V7 DEVICES, AND KNOWN PNoRL^mY &k VJOJ.,..- 2 FD-37<> (lii'V. 12-10-71) ~ - C’A uLrED STATES DEPARTMENT OF Jco l k ICE federal bureau of investigation WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535 February 7* 1972 Department of the Treasury Washington, D. C. 20220 RE - IRVING DANA BEAL SM - YIP Dear Sir: ...... □ Throats or actions against persons protected by Secret Serv.ce. 2 □ Attempts or threats to redress grievances. 3 . o Threatening or abusive statement about U. S. or foreign official. 4. □ Participation in civil disturbances. antMJ. S demonstrations or host.le incidents against foreign diplomatic establishments. 5. □ Illegal bombing, bomb-making or other terrorist activity. 6. □ Defector from U. S. or indicates desire to defect. 7 oq potentially dangerous because of background, emotional instability or “ activity in groups engaged in activates .manual to U. S. Photograph □ has been furnished B enclosed O is not available. \JnT\j frill v vours. l Snecial Agent in Charge (Enclosure(s)l (2) U S Secret Service, Milwaukee (Via Courier) , ' nr clo«ifi.d *“»' Enclosure(s) unclassified... CSA rrMH (41 ctr) 10I-II4 UNITED ST/' 'S <^’ERNMENT Memorandum r* TO Subject: Kj « i 4 * 3 1 >>V* V tl • ^ DIRECTOR, FBI (100-467404) date: 2/14/72 y. I r‘ SAC, MILWAUKEE (100-17687) (P) IRVING DANA BEAL SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) (OO: MILWAUKEE) Re Detroit letter to Bureau, 10/27/64, BEAL"; Milwaukee report of 8/26/71;^Legat, Ottawa letter to Bu^au^^^u^^^copy to Milwaukee; and Milwaukee letter to Bureau, l/5/72.\* \1 A search of Milwaukee Office indices reflects DANA BEALLE, aka John Wesley Harding, may be identical with one IRVING DANA BEAL (MI 100-17687, Bufile 100-467404). BEAL, a self-proclaimed Youth International Party (YIP) leader and theortician, was arrested at Madison, Wisconsin, on 7/14/71, on local charges of making illegal sales of narcotics. BEAL is presently incarcerated in the Dane j County Jail, Madison, serving a one-year term on a charge I amended to possessing marihuana. \J Detroit and Milwaukee has furnished the Bureau complete background information regarding BEAL in referenced communications, including BEAL's present status and residence. ^ CONSIDER DANGEROlffi^ 3fkTREMIS' 1 2 - Bureau (RM) — •— ,nr- 2 - Milwaukee ■ , r - - r .— DJF:rab j r '/*/>.?'-- . (4 > rtC lQ7V'-’ ' f E, B 2 5 I97£r.'.l. 18 FEB 17 1972 Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Saving 2/7/72 ■ L Routing Slip FrMtRcv. 12 - 22 - 69 ) To: [Xj Director Att.: * Q SAC (22 ASAC | | Supv. | | Agent G SE — □ CC \ \ Sieno □ Clerk Acknowledge Assign Reassign j ! Bring file [ — Call me [7] Correct i • Deadline Date BUfile 100-jip_ HIfile'TDO=T7oo7 TRVING DANA BEAL RE: □ Rotor #: A C T I ON DESIRED | | Open Case □□ Prepore lead cords 77 Prepare tickler QJ Return assignment cord f j Return file I Deadline passed 7] Delinquent 1 Discontinue j i Expedite ; ' File r i For information [ 2 Hondle ' — ^ Initial L return j — ' Leads need attention Search and return ^2 See mc | ; Serial * - 7J Pot1 I r Send to - Rechorge 7 r 27 Submit new charge out Submit report by 77 Type Leads neea oncnnv.. , Return with explanation or notation os to action token. \J/|// / nt- 4 -o^v.Afl FD-376 enclosing photo of subject f or* dlsaemination^at ^Headquarter* a leva! . ;yr*- ss -m $-11 -73 TfiP/F* 106 1 registered kail See reverse side A /SAC Office toward J. HAY ES, _milwaukee l , / . , CPO : «» 7 « 4 »i* 4 io / 4 i r FF" I « X.!? fll FEB 151972 i:>- 2 Vi'riO\. ! 2 » - 2 M t> 7 ) FEDERAL# 5 UREAU CF INVESTIGATION HF.POR*. INC OFFICE O KKICE or OHICIH o* re Ml DVAUKBL A .... ..... ■ - L * M I UVAUKisis 4/20/72 lc cr case | \/ ainXGrj.'l X a\ a ksy John l/c^lcy jlardinp/ x IN VtSTIC ATI VC Pf-R'OO 4/17/72 - 4/J.8/72 CHARACTER OF CASE SH - YOUTH INTERNATIONAL F/lRTY (jbXTRLMlST) 7 Title is marked changed to show subject's correct name as obtained through Bureau of Vital btatisticc* records, Ravenna, Ohio. subject's first name was previously carried as IRVING. RbFr-RO'NCbS * 0 Milwaukee summary report of SA 8/26/71 ; Minneapolis letter to Milwaukee, 8/26/71;^ Cleveland letter to Milwaukee, 9/2/7l;*0 Bureau letter to Milwaukee, 9/8/71; 1/ Detroit letter to Milwaukee, 9/13/71 0 Milwaukee letter to Minneapolis, 10/27/71 Minneapolis letter to Milwaukee, 10/23/71 \o Milwaukee letters to Director, 11/23/71 ; <51/5/72 ; and 2/14/72. ACCOMPLISHMENTS CLAIMED con vie. ^ aw TO. I — I NONE FINES RECOVERIES ACQUIT- TALS C AS C H AS BEEN: PENDING OVER CNE YEAR □ Y ES (~~1 r. PENDING PROSECUTION OVER SIX MONTHS dl YES I * N APPRO VEU 5PECI AL AGENT IN CHARGE DO NOT WRITE IN SPACES BELOW /// - /67-/0- /- 17 h SGI -2 20 APR 24 1972 j 1 F SC H x-11; 1 . COPIES KtAOj 7T) Bureau (RM) (100-467404) 1 - U.S. Secret Service, Milwaukee (RM) 4 - ^Milwaukee (100-17687) IajJjLvvc* 0 TTtTBkvA AfinnJ- Di sseminotion Record of Attached Report Agency ROD -is b tLS-C. i'-ooduj;aJ Rct/icsi Kccd. f Due Fwd. 0,-/1 7- 7.1 V3 f 7-'a 3-57-7JL. How Twd. FD 7 r 7t &• -S' <0 ( By Tpm/iixSt TDTnAvoA 7DTB j-wF*. a *}.* 'r . /'}> (\ iv'- 61 APR cro i **• ' COVER PACE MI 100-17GS7 - P - ADMINISTRATIVE This report has been prepared by Milwaukee to apprise the bureau and interested governmental agencies of all information ascertained regarding subject since submission of re report. Milwaukee is retaining this case in a pending status for handling in accordance with AD EX - Category I, (Extremist) criteria. The Cleveland Division advised by letter to Milwaukee, 9/2/71, Jhat its indices are negative regarding subject’s parents, VaRNGN LiioTER B.&AL and MAR JuRIE NELL BEAL, nee GILCREST, at one time from Ravenna, Ohio. FD-376 is stapled to this report. B CUVER PAGE MI 100-17687 >j rVM_ S Y>.TB 0 L I Z ED INFORMANTS Identity Location E* COVER PAGE ijvti, ; RV37t> (Kov* 2- 17-7 2> SIyvJE % £ UNmiD states department of FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535 . ** J ' Milwaukee,- Wisconsin ^ , April 20, 1972 . >■ RE: IRVIN DANA BEAL Department of the Treasury Washington, D. C. 20220 Dear Sir: ’* * • The information furnished herewith concerns an individual or organization believed to be covered bv the agreement between the FBI and Secret Service concerning protective responsibilities, and to fall within the category or categories checked. 1- □ Threats or actions against persons protected by Secret Service. 2 . r— ] Attempts or threats to redress grievances. 3 (— i Threatening or abusive statement about U. S. or foreign official. 4 . n Participation in civil disturbances, anti-U. S • demonstrations or hostile incidents against foreign diplomatic establishments. 5 . □ Illegal bombing, bomb-making or other terrorist activity. 6 . □ Defector from U. S. or indicates desire to defect. 7. Potentially dangerous because of background, emotional instability or activity in groups engaged in activities inimical to U. S. Photograph □£ has been furnished □enclosed □ is not available. Very truly yours, JmH^Edgar Ho&ver Director 1 - Special Agent in Charge (Enclosure^)) 1 CRM) S. Secret Service , Milwauke Fnclosure(s) 1 fUpon removal of classified enclosures, if any. this transmittal form Enclosure^) A becomes UNCLASSIFIED.) , i^|ted states department of FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIOT Copy »cs 1 - U.S. Secret Service, Milwaukee (RM) Report efi Dalci S/t ' April 20, 197 Field Office File Is MI 100- 17687 Tiller IRVIN DANA BEAL Office. MILWAUKEE Bureau File Is 100—467404 Character. SECURITY MATTiJR - YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY (YIP) SynopiUt Detai Is : Vital Statistics* records, given name of IRVIN DaNa BEaL, was reportedly writing a book to Ohio .show I subject has. (BeAL as of 2/72, j j ct _ _ deal with his efforts to organize and radicalize youth^and in 4/72, he was released from i-ane County Jail, Madison, Wisconsin, having served sentence on conviction for local narcotics law v i o 1 f^^ons^^A confidential informant described as leading theoretician in Madison YlP^WTapt er . Subject resides 334 West Wilson Street, Madison, and is unemployed. INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN N J'.Yt 1^ FT EX TR x.M I S T «CfIVITY ' UlUuii ALL siiuu rz "Bn ’FIREARMS aNiJ “aN C UN oji/ XiR j-u (Jo ij kjV I EAi^G^ltoUo ~\PL0 d TV^S " 1 C ajO , .h!' ■JJTuAirrr <_T' TH^ iR KivvVi'N Ri.i- v_'R i a C lJ i Cj i T 10N VS Tmr OF PRJP'JJToTTTTuR VIoLj-iNCj Thl* document contain* neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI- It 1* the property of the F BI and 1* loaned to your agency; It and lie content* ere not to be distributed outside your agency. U. fc. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 19*9 O - 351 -07* MI >0- 17687 I . BACKGROUND A, Birth cata tt 7 : »***% Bureau of Vital Statistics, Ravenna, OTToT* e nn a ’ and^i^ efntme^f born on January 9 .J 9 ^kdL?t »aa filed, May 15, 1947, changing^ subject ’s first name, i^RVIN, to iRVxN. B. Residences o —| ' l " that subject *^^ ad H,e e DaSelB^^n^adison, Wisconsin, was incarcerated in the l)an ^ 14 , 1972. He now resides at 334 lest Wilson Street, Madison. V- . Employment unemployed; , . i( topic mat April. 17, 1972 ^ that subject^ Close Relatives , advised on August 26, records show subject’s parents^as IS® USM^I. and MnRJORlE NELL BEAL, nee GXLCRbST. ii f.red it and Arrest — at A reviev/ of records by i c the Akron Credit Summa-t ^ “ lo) on September 2, r 9 ?ir*^d c rrocftn f ny r^i* Keviraof the 2 L,h ig 7 i°\«J lllo^egative. records by on Se P tember 2 ’ 1 ’ ~L» * v. i I 100- 17 68 7 The following agencies according to the record custodian contacted, on September 13, 1971, were Sound to h«o no Information in their files regarding subject : Lansing Credit Exchange Lansing, Michigan msing Police department Lansing, Michigan ^^^^ff^pecial Investigations Unit Lansing, Michigan. • tp Tournal “ a Madison, Wisconsin ‘'The Wisconsin St«te journal, ’ ied a n daily newspaper in issue dated c o er ^ yip ’ ie , ana Beal." p-r ^ t * ^rTS^^^UolirS^Wy 19 y 71 arrest, at 5 8. 000.00 cash , T ?V r ?i C Cm‘ 1 l.SS B is^being°charged in Salmon with f criminal o«eLeFof possession and sale of marijuana. youth international party The Youth International Party, f YIP} also known as Yippi es » iS a loosely knit, anti-establishment, revolutionary youth organization formed in Hew York City, in January , 1968. 3 MI 100-17687 “The Capital Times," a Madison daily newspaper, in issue dated December 21, 1971, carried an article captioned “Beal Sentenced To Year On Amended Pot Count." This article, in part, said that Beal, on this date, v/as sentenced to a one year term in the Bane County Jail after being convicted for local narcotics law violations. Madison Police Department, 1972, that BDAL was released Mad is on from the Dane County Jail on or about April 14, 1972, He was allowed to go free before the expiration of his one year jail sentence due to good behavior on his part. G. FBI Number The FBI Identification Division by communication received at Milwaukee, March 9, 1972, advised that subject has FBI Number 108 504 F. II. ACTIVITIES A. Beal Defense Fund that on 9advised on September 25, 1971, a "smoke- in" and march was held in Madison, participated in by approximately 1,000 individuals. Purpose of the first event was to protest against alleged repressive laws outlawing possession and use of marijuana. Purpose of the second event was to show support for subject and to raise money for the Beal Defense Fund. The activities for the day of September 25, 1971, were sponsored by Wisconsin YIP activists. The BEAL support march began at approximately 2:00 i'M and proceeded from Brittingham Park where the "smoke- in" was held. It went up West Main Street to the Capitol Square and then over to the otate Street steps of the state Capitol Building. Speeches were then given and after about an hour the crowd marched over to the steps of the Federal Building. 4 * MI 100-17687 * j "The Daily Cardinal," a University of Wisconsin (UW) Madison student newspaper, in issue dated November 4, 1971, carried an article captioned, "Kunstler To Speak, Help With Beal Defense Friday." This article, in part, advised that prominent New Left Attorney WILLIAM KUNS'TLER plans to be in Madison, November 5, 1971, to speak at the First Congregational Church for the purpose of coordinating and defining his role in the legal defense of IRVING DANA BEAL. The article noted that the KUNcTLER talk will take place in the evening. Funds will be solicited for the Beal Defense Fund. The article said that according to one of BEAL's local Madison attorneys, KUNSTLER would be an "active participant" in the BEAL case and would serve in more than just a figurehead capacity. ■ggW advised that KUNSTLER spoke to a^rowc^^stimated at “about b(JU people from 8:00 to 9:30 DM, November 5, 1971, at the First Congregational Church, Madison. This event was organized by the Madison Yly chapter. YIP activists, during lCUNSTLER's speech, moved throughout the crowd soliciting money for B^L's defense. ever $400.00 was obtained. KUNSTLER’s speech centered around telling the church gathering that marijuana laws are used by government to discredit college community people throughout this country and that public officials specifically used these laws to make records, to stay in office, and to oppress. KUNSTLER noted that he has therefore agreed to act as B^eL's attorney in an effort to show that marijuana laws are unconstitutional and wrong. "The Daily cardinal," in issue dated November 9, 1971, carried an article showing an interview with KUNSTLER in Madison, November 5, 1971, by a staff member of the "Cardinal." This interview, in part, elicited the following comments from XUNoTLii* 5 * • MI 100-17687 I Regarding B3AL and marijuana, KUIToTL-Ji commented %liat "Dana represents young people - they’re being vamped on. Grass is a serious political issue. it causes no harm either physically or psychically to an average person. Since it has already and will continue to destroy the lives of many political people, grass is as serious as the fight against racism or anyone of the irrationalities of this political system." "The Capital Times," in issue dated January 5, 1972, noted that subject, since his incarceration in the Dane County Jail, July, 1971, has been unable to make cash bail set at $ 8 , 000 . 00 . The article said that BDAL has been unable to raise bail even though he has received scattered collections from the radical youth community and a commitment from national YIP leader .“.BBID HOFFMAN of half the profits from the mail order sales of HUFFMAN’S newest book. * 1 y * si B. YIP "Pre-Conference’ for days o This agenda was note con ference agenda was announced. 1. Discussing organization of "Joint Day" demonstration tactics for day of May 1, 1972 to be held by YIP activists in state capitals throughout the U.S. Purpose of this day would be to show protest against alleged discriminatory state laws prohibiting use of marijuana. # m £>s Mil 100- 17687 ^ 2 . Discussing protest tactics for Miami Democratic National Convention. i , ■KTgsBiPTvT , - • -jam m hkbh ' E ' K,. --- m This conference «as held for the purpose of flSniSS YIP functions throughout the country to be used^ Euiidup for the YIP ?resrden ^ -^o-^s^conference indichted ?!^U ~ -o^«Sip 5 to designate^their group. The .ip. are to be the political arm of the YiPs . BDAL reportedly feels that use. of j^ip^detr o^the from all the organizing and ^uj 1 JJ n | he new name , he says, past two years in YiP. * sc . iblv resulting in its will only detract from YrP, P Y should be new leadership UTlot by f^tinraVe^Unor group that is unhnovn to -ost revolutionaries . C, M iscellaneous ..The’sast Village Other," an underground ^paper^ published on a gLv^Prison Letter This article a set iC forth a f i°eft d er fr^B^herein in part he advises .as follows : u ' »• .....if I don’t get onfall eoon.^it I d F l JI^! lt It“s d ha a r2 y tHri°t ; , Jr talk over the U- to^^pre-matur^sett lement ,*a &&L. in court..." I \ MI 100-17687 f "In this vein, I think it ultimately more important that a strong party organization be built in the course of my defense, than that I get off completely. I could do a couple of years in jail if i knew that it would somehow help build a strong party to keep fighting on the outside,” ft ft Subject is reportedly currently incarcerated in jail in Madison.' "The Capital Times,” in issue dated January 5, 1972 in its article regarding subject, supra, noted the following £ additional information: BiiAL is currently working on a book he calls "Yippie Manifestos.” Regarding this book Bi^AL advises, "In a sense what the book is about it what we'll be doing in practice in Miami. What we want is to revive the idea the revolution.” BiiAL, said the article, made his reputation as a YIP theoretician by writing analytical articles for the underground press. advised , Regarding his current confinement, BEAL reportedly 'Jail just makes it more difficult to organize.” - that subject has, since his ™rr iva been writing a book which he hopes to publish in the near future. This book, (name unknown), will deal with subject’s efforts to organize mm and radicalize youth. 8 MI 100-17687 I I |_ subject as the leadin^theor^^^^r^^^th^M^^Tson Ylt 1 Chapter • III INTjoRVliiW OF SUBJECT FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Del* o! IronJcrTpJlon I Isi individual who ioontafacd himself as T-nyT-m T) p/ ~ T ; (incarcerated ill the Bans County Jail, tir^rV-a-Hoor)* was contacted in the interview room adjacent”, to the jail- He was prised or the i^ennx^ o'- > t'-’ e •interviewing a vent , ana sc the o v-sa-e ne an died throe idvice of his attorney not to talk to tho rHI or any other law enforcement agency regarding any matter. fjiv.Q doll owing description of BmAL was obtained ‘through observation and interview: ; nexgsu, Weight Build Conplercion Hair Char-act eristics incite ilalo "* 5«e n - 5*9 n Ik0-lli5 pounds H odium thin Fciij? Dark brown, combed’ straight over ears, and shoulder length lias short beard and mustache (brown m color) nlcf viewed on_ 2/lji/72 Madison. Wisconsin MI 100-17oS7 Ool* dlcto»*d_ 2/16/72 TKh comment c&ot oitit r>*ifS*r f ecomm.r'Wioni no r condition! il ond Iti confenli or* noJ to b* dutflk hC l ui ; oftl . of «h. FSL If « ib* p'op*riy of rh* FBI ond li loon*d »o youf og.^cy; i f f t "O JO & I n «f G. MO If -• UNITED STATES (“.'ERNMENT Memorandum TO : Director, FBI (Bufile- 100—11.67404 , I ■ FRONrl { . Aac. Milwaukee (100-1 7687 ) ^9 ) UATli 1 :. April 26, 1972 subject 1 XRVI^M^BE^ata Sf* ■ <*V z^> 1 4 3 Re . Milwaukee F D-1 22. to_J^xaP-tmkJL2_Zl$ZZJ - K Recommend: □) ADEX Card [X] ADEX Card changed (specify change only) □ Subject removed (succinct summarv atiaclmlj Aliases IRVIN VAX A BEAL John Wesley- "Harding | | Native Bom [ T r } Xaiura lized □ Alien | j Category I I Category II j [ \ Catruorv III ! 1 C'Jttvon’ IV ; □ AWC □communist □ NC ) □ BNT □ JFC • □ NOI □ PLP □ PRN CSNC CTjSWP □ ppa OSDS CJSPL C«r [ | Miscellaneous (Specify) — □ -BPP □ MIN Dale of Birth Place of Birth Race Sex □ Male | ; F cma le Business Address, Name of F.mploying Concern and Address, Residence Address Nature of Employment, and Union Affiliation, if any- 334 West Wilson Madison, Wisconsin ,-4 u ) B MI 100-17687 SUCCINCT SUMMARY ; Sources who have furnished reliable information in the past identified BEAL as being active within the Youth International Party (YIP), Milwaukee, and Madison, Wisconsin, and as being instrumental in planning the “New Nation Con- ference" sponsored by YIP during April 1-4, 1 971 , at Madison. BEAL has also been identified by friends and associates publicly as a founder of several radical youth groups, in- cluding the Yippies, and as organizer of many " pro -pot" demonstrations. ABBIE HOFFMAN and JERRY RUBIN, Yippie leaders and authors, also publicly agreed BEAL was an important figure in the YIP movement. These same sources have further advised that as of 2/72, BEAL was writing a book to deal with his efforts to organize and radicalize youth. Also, during 4/72, BEAL was identified as the leading theoretician in the Madison YIP Chapter. Based on the above, it is recommended that subject be included in the Stop Index File . Subject is described as follows: Name Race Sex Height Weight Eyes Hair DOB POB FBI # IRVIN DANA BEAL White Male 5 ’ 9V 1 140 Blue Blond 1 /9/47 Ravenna, Ohio 108 504 F ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN NEW LEFT EXTREMIST ACTIVITY SHOULD BE CONSIDERED DANGEROUS BECAUSE OF THEIR KNOWN ADVOCACY AND USE OF" EXPLOSIVES , REPORTED ACQUISITION OF FIREARMS, AND KNOWN PROPENSITY FOR VIOLENCE. . I £ ' v\J ED STATES DEPARTMENT OF MCE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Milwaukee, Wisconsin April 26, 1972 File /Vo. SUBJECT: CHARACTER: REFERENCE: IRVIN DANA BEAL SM - YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY Report of SA<^_ dated 8/26/71, at Milwaukee, Referenced communication contained subject’s residence and / or employment address. A recent change has been determined and is being set forth below (change only specified) : Residence: Employment: 334 Vest Wilson Madison, Wisconsin Unemployed o>pt «* bj routing *•* ° 2 - _ 6 / ms no rc not Thin document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents arc not lq Jus distributed outside your agency . A l ft;?/ fesn fITED STATES DEPARTMENT 0 m STICE fn Be}ily t Pleas* Refer t-o FUe No. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Milwaukee, Wisconsin April 20, 1972 Title IRVIN DANA BEAL Character SECURITY 'HATTER - YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY Reference Milwau kee report by Sa dated and captioned as All sources (except any listed belov) vhose identities are concealed in referenced communication have furnished reliable information in the past. . Thle document contain* neither recommendations nor conclusions ot Ihe FBI. It ts the properly of the FBI and l* loaned to your agency; It arid It* content* ere not to b* distributed outside your otjeney. OT.1'4 C ReV . 12-22-6^) - - U ^ Date: May 6 , 1972 I (Bufile : 7°: Dir^t° r < r bi^ vi ^ I ^ I Attention * Legal Attache, Ottawa : Title IRVING DANA BEAL, aka. , 00: Milwaukee ' • 105-4385 Charagt|r^ Y ^.p (Extremist) rRefen^ce. 7 i. \ v V. 7* 1 • . t •• '<■ • j \\ ✓ Milwaukee letter, 2/14/72. i Re marks:, > w Please note request in Para 2. •T-" J, ,- -- 4r KVASS I3f SUN &tU9?2 i£t \j£t Do not writ e In spacebelow r tj5JL/£4 REC-71 _ Jf y at r t -•> ' — ~ •• . r\J aX-/// ■ 6 MVMrC 15172 E Cv? >'v I csa. *>m* (*i UNITED '^TES GOVERNMENT Memorandum ■ to ACTING DIRECTOR, FBI (100-467404) ■ r.;;,. . SAC, MILWAUKEE (100-17687) (P) subject: IRVIN D.ANA BEbL SM - YIP (^aTReMI8T) • GO; Ml date: 5/31/72 Re Bureau Routing Slip to Milwaukee, 5/15/72, enclosing Legat, Ottawa letter to Director, 5/6/ 72 , which asked for a photograph of su bject for furnishing enclosed for the Bureau are two photographs of subject taken 7/14/71. Bureau is requested to forward enclosures to Legat, uttawa for furnishing Milwaukee will submit letter and letterhead . ( memorandum regarding subject pursuant to Bureau letter \Oj «lbany captioned, "Calrep-Midem, " dated 4/3/72.. / Ja / / 7 / //.. 'LL IHSiVIPM 59. 0 ). EX-109 REC 99 ( V2 i 7 JUN -5-1972 I •3 X Bt dojk, ’ ft, - Milwaukee (100-17687) W“ /1J I cvJl oc Levdr GTTCOiA Jkj Cr-1 I '9^ T D j R / g-urft O C X> oc t> 54 j$| 2 1972 Buy US. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan . ■ 'CD*.. .r.x.A.x • •• :■ ' '• . :■ -V. <• r A*S,i&& VV O ° *- vb ■ W^M umted states d EPAHTMENT OF JUSTICE v • - - ■-■ -■ *- ... > .. „ r' ~'v«\>v>' 4 '* - ' -. ..-V- V ^eopkal iiukeau of investigation In Rvty, rim ' ' . ’ ' ' >VT %A,Ti .' .*, "L- .-A ' ' E n/f A’o. t ... . : ■ . ;^'v r: ' ~ - . ‘ Milwaukee , Wisconsin -- • r-rv- --'i: :v-l K*:>;-.'.P'.../'. Ju CT '.--J"' ' ■ Juno 5, 1972 ;•£> •- v ^.y :'^i ... . c . ;.-*•■•. /Y;-' .-.^r UP , * •'* ■* * -rr r -.'* v-' .*''•• V* ^ .'* ♦>* k ’ -’; -*: V J % ;.' "IRVIN DANA^Eil mal;n a * n . .. • .' **\ r^. i> .jC\ - 1 : ~ . - ■ ■ ^ *'l v l . ’ . ;.; "Conf jj 4t ial" - ; i: v .;Z:Z*.T v "IRVIN DANA^BEAL" '.£V • • rf : cyVf^.v C v-VIV^V- ‘•>^;V h*%^ v -‘^- s A YoUTH INTERNA TIONAL PARTY (YIP) - ■' * * ~‘ ' " " ■ ■ ■ — , f , - *• ' >'*•'■»•.;"* «•- uEMONSTRrtTICNS DURING THE DEMOCRATIC ■' " ; . H national convention - july. 1972 •••,. •rvVv-T>' MIAMI, FLORIDA ■ A- “; T; v ; YOUTH INTERN ATIONAL PrtRTY : ' '''I ‘ : k ’ zy, .v; /. V 'A' The Youth International Party (YIP), * ' v -.VVA-:.;- •j'. • V o ’ also known as Yipples t is a loosely :‘ >* '.. knit, anti— establishment , revolutionary ' • ‘ :. ; ' youth organization formed in New York •* •.• ‘ ■' ! h City in January, 196B. .• y'- 'T'.' ” ' ' J. 1 *' s * •■': - ‘ ■ ■ " ' i. 'V„ + v^" f lrs ^ sourco * wh ° has furnished reliable information * it w aciyiscd on May 31, 1972, that Irvin uana Beal, a Madison Wisconsin YIP Chapter theoretician and leader, has that i e 13 goin £ to travel to Miami, Florida, during ). f ^st part of July, 1972, to participate in YIP activities there during the Democratic National Convention (dNC) , It is not toown how Beal will travel; however, in the past he has moved throughout the country by hitchhiking. • ; ..- Conf id Jhtia 1 M GROUP I . . . . - .. •• :. :A b;. Excluded from automatic • ‘ ' downgrading and declassification "This d of the your ag outside ocumen ' FBI . ; ency; : your f ;on ta i is th and i sney „ " ns neither recommendations nor conclusions e property of the FBI and is loaned to ts contents are not to be distributed ' T*- *• >. . >* . .• ‘ ' ^ > . > •; : :’. '■_' ' ,'J ;* j£v'*f\V Vv * \z?f^ *J*V\v * m ' ' ’" : *T f ; • >££ '5 ^v’{- "Con f ia • ' O i v> rV . ’Con fid/. YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY (YIP) £j'£h\ i/LM0N3TRhTIoNS CURING THii DEMOCRATIC - V -’.:'~W ; : N^TICNhL CoNVUmON - JULY, 1972 • * .- £ £ MIAMI, FLoRIurt - : • C - . x . , . «. •>, . **'. -<■ . vr*. ■ / V'- * - * > . • v / * *„ JV > . - i ' f .1- „•« , : ; . ■ -<- - ; /» ;v ::Y:* ; .; * Kk-V * •'■ .1 •;■;> ► ; • «>»-■*>• - V t :>< ;• .. * '*t \ *. ' . • ’• # . ‘ ?i? 4->»* :. j - / ' fi /> S» -' V ;** *' **;£>£:■ 'v'-’.' / ■' Source further advised that Beal is a ’’dope” pusher , He has been convicted- on numerous occasions in .- -. the past for illegal possession and use of narcotics and currently he is incarcerated in the Rock County Jail, W- Janesville, Wisconsin, serving a sentence that be received through the United states district court, Madison, for possessing VJu. Beal has noted that he will probably not ,' be released from the Rock county Jail until the first part Of July, 1972, / •'••• . ••••■ •; • ■ - source said Beal is definitely a violence-prone jixtremist, having participated in many University of Wiscons: (lAf) student originated demonstrations at Madison directed against the Vietnam War and the ’’establishment," curing mai of these demons trat ions Beal has functioned as ahaciivist, encouraging demonstrators to provoke confrontations with 5 police and to commit acts of property destruction, , , Rock county sheriff's*' ’*• office, Jan e^lffte^a^ vise . He was '/ sentenced to serve 50 days in jail and was, thereafter. He will be released on placed in the Rock county Jail, or about July 4, 1972, ! ... First source further advised, on May 31, 1972, thz individua Is, who were reported to have previously left Madis< to Miami to attend YIP activities there, have indicated thai some of them are staying at 3113 Mary Street, Coconut Grove Florida, (phone 305-444-5037) . They further noted that all can be contacted in care of "hippie, " Post office Box 132, Miami, 33142. . . v ^lj •J: > V- Alt INDIVIDUALS INVCIVcO IN Nc.V LEFT DCTftKitST i" A ^ ■ r • '?■' ' ACTr/HY SHOULD BE C0,'ISiDci3 0MJ5EMUS f)EC/.U0> ' P -v '♦ ‘ :iy. CF THEIH KKO.VH ACVOa'.J/ Ai.’D tCE OF I'TICS.VcS, '..".i - : V-; ■V:' RCporteo acquisiuon of f.uiv:.s k:o iv.w.zujx t.: v • ‘w,.!!- -r.'- 8 -' : • DEVICES. WO KNOWN PfiOrENSIJY ?0« ViCtEuvl * : '!;>v 'Conf icr-Pstial •* t ' KAMO IRVIN Dana BeAL * *' ALIASES I'aul, Charles, Augustin',* Jim Crewe, Leon Yipsky, George SOX:. RACE: DOB: ROB: Male - White 1/9/47 Ravenna, vhio RESIDENCE: 334 West Wilson HEIGHT: WEIGHT: BUILD: .HAIR: EYES: COMPLEXION: on. wise on lin OCCUPATION: Unemployed MARITAL STATUS: Single FINGERPRINT CLASSIFICATION: FB II : POLICE#: SOCIAL SECURITY#: 140 Medium. Blond (combed s traight' over Blue shoulders)* Medium Subject is* a known "dope” pusher and has been convicted in the past on several occasi •for illegal possession and use of narcotics. REMARKS: (EXAMPLES) SEE FBI IDENTIFICATION RECORD OR SEC (CITY) POLICE DEPARTMENT RECORD ATTACHED. ATTACHED .i NR 010 MI CODED » / M - 740PM NItEL 7/5/72 LSK rrorRAL BURtAU or IWTSTIGMION COMMUNICATIONS StCTION JUL S19?2 TELETYPi^ £ V > TO ACTING DIRECTOR r It FR Is A I' i' 1 /r? /fisri/ /FROM MILWAUKEE (100-17687) CP) 3 PAGES IRVING DAN/TBEAL, AKA; SM - YIP. MIDEM; MIREP. ror. r*u Mr. Bates • Mr. Bishop Mr. Callahan Mr. Campbell Mr. Cleveland Mr. Conrad Mr. Dalbev Mr. Jenkins Mr. Marshall^ Mr. MiHef, Ff. Mr. Ponder Mr. Soyars 1 Mr. Walters Tele. Room te Mr. Kinley Mr. Armstrong Ms. Herwig Mrs. Neenan ON SEVEN THREE LAST^^2SZSESS33 ROCK COUNTY SO, ADVISED SUBJECT SCHEDULED FOR RELEASE ON SEVEN FOUR LAST, AND ARRANGEMENTS AWDE TO ATTEMPT TO IDENTIFY PERSON OR PERSONS WHO MAY CONTACT BEAL ON HI ^RELEASE, AND TO AT , PHOTOGRAPH, IF POSSIBLE. REC-5I /SO - ' y / Mj ON SEVEN FOUR LAST, ADVISED FOUR WHITE MALES’ •«< t AND ONE WHITE FEMALE ARRIVED ROCK COUNTY JAIL TO GREET .« * f i " 4 BEAL ON HIS RELEASE. THREE MALES ENTERED JAIL WHILE / END PAGE ONE 1 \vA - m S ' m'fS „ jfte MW ' A »* / /' NR010 MI QpOTD 7/5/72 LSK / 740 PM y T r- 7 ‘“Nt D I COMMUNICATIONS SECTION JUL 5i3?2- . S' TELETYPI TO actin! director r o sn Mr. Kflt Mr. Bates Mr. Bishop Mr. Callahan . Mr. Campbell Mr. Cleveland Mr. Conrad . Mr. Dalbey . Mr. Jenkins^ Mr. Marshall \ Mr. Mr. PonderV_ Mr. Soyars _ Mr. Walters ON SEVEN THREE LAST COUNTY SO, ADVISED SUBJECT SCHEDULED FOR RELEASE ON SEVEN FOUR LAST, AND ARRANGEMENTS A»DE TO ATTEMPT TO IDENTIFY PERSON OR PERSONS WHO MAY CONTACT BEAL ON HTS^RELEASE, AND TO 4^ nrp cti W /. ^ * 1 ' ^ \ r PAGE TWO OTHER MALt^ND FEMALE REMAINED IN CAR, DESCRIBED AS SIXTY TWO CHEVROLET BEL-AlR STATION WAGON BEARING SEVENTY THREE WISCONSIN LICENSE K TWO FIVE FOUR FOUR SEVEN, BLACK- C WALL TIRES, NO HUB CAPS, GOLD 0OLORED WHEEL RIGHT FRONT, DAMAGED RIGHT FRONT DOOR, AND RED INTERIOR. BEAL DEPARTED ROCK COUNTY JAIL IN AFOREMENTIONED STATION WAGON, AND NO SURVEILLANCE MAINTAINED. RECORDS, WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES, REFLECT SEVENTY THREE WISCONSIN LICENSE K TWO FIVE FOUR FOUR SEVEN REGISTERED TO R.^feuLASKI, O NE SIX TWO FIV E A W. LINCOLN, MILWAUKEE, WIS. >MADE AVAILABLE INSTANT DATE, PHOTOGRAPHS OF THREE UNKNOWN MALES WHO PICKED UP BEAL ROCK COUNTY JAIL SEVEN FOUR LAST. ;i ADMINISTRATIVE* re MILWAUKEE LETTER AND LHM TO ‘r~ ACTING DIRECTOR AND MIAMI SIX FIVE LAST , CAPTIONED YOUTH international party." • • • y MILWAUKEE INDICES NEGATIVE i\ LEADS, MILWAUKEE AT MILWAUKEE AND MADISON, WISCONSIN ,4' WILL DISPLAY PHOTOGRAPHS OF PERSONS WHO PICKED UP BEAL AT ROCK COUNTY JAIL, IN AN EFFORT TO ASCERTAIN IDENTITY AND ■ * r j DETERMINE IF BEAL DEPARTED MILWAUKEE, EN_ ROUTE TO MIAMI*. ^ F-j ' MIAMI AT MIAMI, WILL ALERT LOCAL ' AUTHOR IT I ES AND ft! INFORMANTS RE POSSIBLE ARRIVAL OF BEAL IN SIXTY TWO ' •; r ) STATION WAGON DESCRIBED ABOVE, AND ADVISE MILWAUKEE. » . f- •» St ; END r- ! *, fcl i. CODE TELETYPE l TO SA£ MILWAUKEE (100-17687) SAC MIAMI NITEL 8/25/72 FROM ACTING DIRECTOR FBI (100-467404) STOP INDEX MATTER RE MILWAUKEE FD-ONE TWO TWO APRIL TWENTY SIX LAST. AT SIX THIRTY THREE AM EDT AUGUST TWENTY FOUR LAST, B ^%EAL f IRVIN DANA. RAC/W. SEX/M. DOB/ZERO ONE ZERO NINE FOUR SEVEN. SUBJECT OF ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE IDENTICAL WITH STOP PLACED BY RE MILWAUKEE FD-ONE TWO TWO. ABOVE FURNISHED FOR INFORMATION OF MILWAUKEE WHO WILL DETERMINE IF ANY ADDI1IONAL INVESTIGATION IS NECESSARY. INDIVIDUAL IS AFFILIATED WITH A GROUP HAVING KNOWN PROPENSITY FOR VIOLENCE AND MAY BE ARMED AND DANGEROUS. (5) * ZH 2\ tX-iQ4 REC-23 — kderai bureau of investigation * COMMUNICATION'S SECTION ii P Sz - aug^sbk. wU: < 11 i* Jcrwt* _ MAIL ROOM CZI TELETYPE UNIT '/f / _ ( ~P Z 18 AUG 28 ISrS 1 h MAY 1 9*2 COITION ACTING DIRECTOR, FBI (j oo - 4-C1 4-0 4-^ ! ■ i-SAC, MILWAUKEE ( 100-17687 ) (P ) r' IRVIN DANA~fiEAL, aka SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) 00: MI date: 8/31/72 f / R© Milwaukee letter to Bureau, 5/31/7 2. Milwaukee has previously advised the Miami Division that subject departed Madison, Wisconsin, for Miami to participate in protest activities there during the national political conventions. the last ladvised on^Ea^j^j that subject, during was report^d^rarrested in Miami for participating in protest activities there during the Republican National Convention. Facts regarding the arrest are not available. LEADS MIAMI DIVISION At Miami, Florida Will, through local police agency records, ascertain details regarding subject's arrest. Obtain disposition and photograph. REC% -vt - V. V- XSS! a tiSf > ~ . i c * * ' v 2 - Milwaukee (100-17687)' ' : TRM/lj (6) r •’ « ' * * i ' r ; ' 1 ' & fV7? 1 1 y cP 7 23 SEP G If-;? Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Kegularly on the Bay roll Savings Plan •v*r & NITEL 8/31/72 TO SAC MILWAUKEE (100-17687) SAC JACKSONVILLE FROM ACTING DIRECTOR FBD (100-467404) STOP INDEX MATTER RE MILWAUKEE FD-ONE TWO TWO APRIL TWENTY SIX LAST AT TEN FORTY NINE AM EDT AUGUST THIRTY LAST i/BEAL, IRVIN DANA SEX/M. RAC/W.DOB/ZERO ONE ZERO NINE FOUR SEVEN SUBJECT OF ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE IDENTICAL WITH STOP PLACED BY RE MILWAUKEE FD-ONE TWO TWO ABOVE FURNISHED FOR INFORMATION OF MILWAUKEE WHO WILL DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION IS NECESSARY, MDIVIDUAL IS AFFILIATED WITH A GROUP HAVING KNOWN PROPENSITY FOR VIOLENCE AND MAY BE ARMED AND DANGEROUS iiKhop — nl'ahan . l.vcland •*nttint arahall • ller.E.S. — •wider *.var» m altera .0 t»le. Rooa % *. Kialey f. Anaatroog • . Ilerarig LETYPE UNIT MAIL ROOM CODE TELETYPE NITEL 9/22/72 H 70 SAC MILWAUKEE (100-17687) SAC CINCINNATI FROM ACTING DIRECTOR, FBI (100-467404) 1/ STOP DJDEX MATTER y 1 RE MILWAUKEE FD-ONE TWO TWO APRIL TWENTY SIX LAST. / AT TWELVE ZERO TWO AM EDT SEPTEMBER TWENTY ONE LAST, ONE ZERO NINE FOUR SEVEN. a r , , /_ / EAL, ERVINGD.* fadtr/ZERO ri ■ SUBJECT OF ABOVE MESSAGE MAY BE IDENTICAL WITH STOP "7" /• i ' • . t * , ' PLACED BY REFERENCED MILWAUKEE FD-ONE TWO TWO. ABOVE FURNISHED FOR INFORMATION OF MILWAUKEE WHO WILL DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION IS NECESSARY. INDIVIDUAL IS AFFILIATED WITH A GROUP HAVING KNOWN PROPEN- SITY FOR VIOLENCE AND MAY BE ARMED AND DANGEROUS. xi l-i, Fell Baker Helen _ Hinhop . I ^ ('allahaa EX-116 PEC 43 h 22**** ««•» r- I." I'.lhry U\l ( 'ii f ( • ic r - L» ,u ‘ IUi '*O.JS StcTJOfy y«d - , !«8 SEP 35 1872 | * Ponder Soy ere * *) lore Tele. Room T P* Mr. Kmlcy T ‘ J •* Mr Anaatroeg. 1*^ Mk. Henrig ■ Mr». Neenae _ MAIL ROOM I 1 TELETYPE UNIT 1 X /•» MI 100-17687 | j 4 - MILWAUKEE DIVISION At Madison, Wisconsin Will follow this matter locally. ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN NEW LEFT EXTREMIST ACTIVITY SHOULD GE CONSIDERED DANGEROUS BLCALISE OF THEIR KNOWN ADVOCACY AND USE Of EXPLOSIVES. REPORTED ACQUISITION OF FIREARMS AND INCENDIARY DEVICES. AND KNOWN PROPENSITY FOR VIOLENCE. 2 rTDBRAL or li.ihBIlOATSatt WA r rHIMOTOH, O.O. 10.?. 504 y O | ?G1 CAL 8-13-72 I j o/.v oi v* ' V v- TTuo f»>l]ovAvn FBI record, NUMBER , is fuiuj'-hed FOR OFriCIAL USE ONLY. t I 1 l-J I i t I 4 |r* coin mnu ron r ino-i J«i*ni;4 is NAML* AN r J MUMIILR Am • Iiol linger use USM MY NY Irving Dtp a Beal 8-'22-67 viol D:*ua Abuse i , Law LSD Title .21 • - I use ?r3(>0 us) PD Dana Beal 12-19-67 220:35 (nr.le Till J - O NY NY f*‘BGi)G:tG2 Dang Drugs) c u .f: c ± 7. :ii': 1* \ Mcr-5/ .v-u’i’ont # 4 / PD • Paul Charles 11-12-70 Boss Ding Drug 11-5-71 cent Hilv;.oi ,1 rc e j c August i.ne Kuril del of minor #124230 * Foss Dan;; Drug $35 *' “* J NOT EEC r or.s Coiitr Del or Minor ^ ‘ dr ir%s j $35) - z ~*2/ j J>u of Fare & rrvin Dana 7-14-71 21 USC. 331 (q) V?v./ Dang Beal (2) rale of Yv’ash DC #52-C-3-13S TSD 13 USC 2 aiding ' and abetting T/ I’D Irvin Dana 7-14-71 sell marl. 1 1&2 Not more Kadi soil Wis Beal #33530 2 counts than 2 yrs 5u; (conr.uren t) . ... i - 1 . 1 w Dane C: hjilLY-Jy 1 J h* i •* lnloxinaiion fliown on this Ir(\70nca^;o>l Kt-corcl o«.onts data turmshod F13I by {in/;crr m: contributors. \^.-A ^c> r-hown ox iuiibcr explanation of eh or go is dcsiicct, no?n with r7 \J>'OM^iirful ; i n tUor^ 'fingerprints. Notation*. indicated by * ok. HOT herded on firyn ipj min in FBI fifes bvf aio lir.Lcd only os galivc Jeacs ns ki»in«| prxr.iiLly identical with :>jbjcci oj this jooord. kliaft v covrtuuihf rrmn«'». *v.r»c* t»t» p • 2 f'i.L'_»{r l iv'.'i'.-nrivi'f V/A$l{!U\>TOti, D.C. 2U527 | 7G 1 CAL 9-3 3-72 1 2 Tho feiic.wing FBI record, NUM5ER 108 504 T , it furniilod I OR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Inform'iiion shown on this Identified! >->n Record represents cJota furnished FBI by finqcrprinl contributors. V/HEkE final DISPOSITION IS NOT SMOV.'N OP. FURTHER EXPLANATION OF CHARGE IS DESIRED, COMMUNICATE WITH AGE! !CY CCNTfcluUTING THOSE FINGERPRINTS. I ** It CO' WMOZ Of HM&U^KiNTS NAME ANO HUMttt ACKISTCP O* KCCIVEO CHAftGc DISf-OSmOH Bu Of Hare f» Dong Drives Via nh DC J.rvin Dana Beal v 52-68-3.35 7-14-71 21 use 331 (q) (2) Sale of LCD 3 B U5C 2 Aiding and abetting UC*4 Uatiicon TV is Irvin Baun Deal #01057 4-7-72 21 U3C 331 (q) (2) SC.On (b) 321 (v) 353 (r.) 18 BSC 2 selling a doprcyj.r.nt or stimulant drug Y’/t* t srboviscal ion • SO Janesville • VTis Irvin Dana Beal #55046 7-14-71 Sol 1- I)ali ver- Diupo.se of dru*;s • 50 das Jail transfer f rr ;n TV 1 0 Co J a 1 1 • Madison, Wis residence: 334 V. Wilson Street r.» a di son TV; s. T>, :Ll:c Safely Ili.v.ii .V3.a rvin Bam Beni • '*.J > ( 8 - 2 B -72 rose rr.nrij • \ •sicl^iico: 3039 I ■■ j»y Ij t Jo :ornit Grove Fla • Ji**' boing possibly identical with subject ol 1l>if record. 1 1'. ::. j i ) cm : 'v-j ptvt ‘ mm 1971 '* ' * rtl/MK/\L w — 4| WASHINGTON, U.C. 20537 3 lC\ W Tho following FBI rocord, NUMBER 1 r <° 504 F * ' , is furnishod FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Information shown on this Identification Record represents dcta furnished FBI by fingerprint contributors. WHERE FINAL DISPOSITION'S NOT SHOWN OR FURTHER EXPLANATION OF CHARGE IS DESIRED, COMMUNICATE WITH AGENCY CONTRIBUTING THOSE FINGERPRINTS. cONtr.rruTOR*>f HNGUlPRINf NAME AND NUMBER ARRESTED OR RECEIVED CHARGE DISPOSITION ::t;x : 1 1 ^ in I; -inn ’:rr ] , no l i f y US S3 Int.nl 1 i fp no o I r: jC 20226 l”f TP. } rfoi to rr so ;>f - 35 , coo for Loootion Dos iv. rr 025-1800 10-10-71 7,530 rnd 1 St, Notations indicated by * are NOT based on fingerprints in FBI files but are listed only as invesiigativo leads cs being possibly identical with subject of this record. r PC NT I F 1 CAT I ON D I V I S 1 ON •? CKJ : l» 7 l 0 - 40-011 S w4j ; 1-TiU AW * — | VV/ vi^| •> — 2-BU 103 504 F %/ X«J"* | 4« | The following FH1 record, NUMBER , is furnished FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY, information shown on this identification Record represents data furnished FBI by fingerprint contributors. WHERE DISPOSITION IS NOT SHOWN OR FURTHER EXPLANATION OF CHARGE OR DISPOSITION IS DESIRED, C Q}uAi \ U N • C A T E WITH AGENCY CONTRIBUTING THOSE FINGERPRINTS. NAME AND NUMBER CC: Internal Sec Sectioj Dom CC: FBI Milwaukee Wi THIS PAGE SHOULD ARREST'D OR RECEIVED NOT BE D CHARGE S SEMI NAT ED OUTSIT DISPOSITION i IE FBI ) nr; it 1 r . cat i on o y >' • i - FD-36*;rfev. 5-22-64) ‘ \ ' . .. / : r HZ' F B I *-■ •. -v - • ... r ■ Transmit the fJiowingin atrt^l • Date: "9/28/72 ‘ r • • . . , (< vr.’ . f . . <:• . /•* « ' • ■ ' . /. ' ■ ■ $01 ■ •' v . (Type, in plaintext or code) '_" - r v '> ' ,.-v . , .-iv I..* ; ./*. ■ ‘ •' ' “• : ; Via (Priority) MvBcn n i , — Mx. ..Bishop ‘ 1 'i^Coilaho- ' T — Vn . .Cleveland Jj. Ki. Con fed Mr. Delve y V.x\ Jonkinj' — , Mi. Marshall Mi. Mill *y, l Mi. ?< -.der^_ Mr. ' Soy era Mr, 'Walter?' " * Tele. Ropn Mx. Kinloy, I Mr. Armstrong t4rs. Nee* nan 1 . • •* ! . : v * / TO: . ACTING DIRECTOR, FBI (100-467404) ; i . . «ry ■ ■■ ■ ■ , ■' M FROM : f> \^^SA.C , MIAMI (100-16832) (RUC) . IRVIN DANA'^BlSAL , aka •••-"' ■ - V- ; ' 1 « *-' ; SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) (OO: MILWAUKEE) «\ «. ♦ Re Milwaukee letter to Bureau, 8/31/72. «r . * f ‘ ^ . * * •• Enclosed for the Bureau are five copies of . an LHM, and for Milwaukee are two copies of LHM and one copy of a photograph of BEAL taken on 8/24/72, by the Public Safety Department, Dade County, Fla. l\jli The LHM concerns BEAL’s activities during the Democratic and Republican National Conventions. "r Sources of information are as follows: wm - : wM® Secret Service, Miami, Fla. I a ■ \ \ §• !# ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN REVOLUTIONAR¥~EXTRE»I ST— “ o ^ ACTIVITIES SHOULD BE CONSIDERED DANGEROUS BECAUSE 6F THEIR ■? +> 2 O +> S raOWfftiVOCACY ANd U'SE' OF "EXPLOsTVES', - REPORTED ICQUISTtTO!? OF e g ■ o - ™r=-L - Milwaukee (Enc 3) (RM).‘, 1 - Miami BJW/pap.- . * 1019721 Approved: HOW fORW, n _JZJ2< nr -Oct 2. • o ^ ir/M /M' f. gg-37fr; ; - < ' V . fj ,i /ZZ&lZZ fdfr £P& •. • i ■* ' $ ; * > ■•\ T Sent — M Per Special Agent in Charge; *U.S.Gov«rnm«nt Printing Office: 1972 — 455*574 Director United States Secret Service Department of the Treasury Washington, D. C. 20220 UNrnTD STATES DEPARTMENT OF J E - FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535 September 28, 1972 IRVIN DANA BEAL RE: SECURITY MATTER - YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY (EXTREMIST) Dear Sir: 1. □ Threats or actions against persons protected by Secret Service. 2. □ Attempts or threats to redress grievances. 3. □ Threatening or abusive statement about U. S. or foreign official. 4. □ Participation in civil disturbances, anti-U. S. demonstrations or hostile incidents against foreign diplomatic establishments. 5. □ Illegal bombing, bomb-making or other terrorist activity. 6. □ Defector from U. S. or indicates desire to defect. 7 □ Potentially dangerous because of background, emotional instability or ^ activity in groups engaged in activities inimical to U. S. Photograph □ has been furnished CJ enclosed □ is not available Very truly yours, Director (g) - Bureau 1 - Special Agent in Charge ut S. Secret Service , i in Charge (Enclosure(s)) 2 (RM) lervice , Miami, Florida. Enclosure! s) (Upon •/ t i # UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Miami, Florida > September 28, 1972 ^ • • '* * # - % ”* 9 4 * A • ' * • I V \ > • . . . 7 * RE: IRVIN DANA BEAL SECURITY MATTER - YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY (EXTREMIST) It has been previously reported that IRVIN DANA BEAL was associated with the Madison, Wisconsin, Chapter of the Youth International Party (YIP). The Youth International Party, also known as Yippies, is a loosely knit, anti-establishment, revolutionary youth organization formed in New York City in January, 1968. (The ZIP is a faction of the YIP). the Zippie faction. taken over leadership of the Zippies. eported that BEAL had idvised that DANA BEAL did a lot of talking at Flamingo Park, Miami, Florida , and indicated that the forces would have to be organized if they wanted to defeat NIXON and his capitalists pigs. advised that the Zippies held a demonstration "at the DoraTHotel, Miami Beach The purpose of the meeting was to confront Senator GEORGE MC GOVERN with their demands. MC GOVERN eventua y appeared and talked to them later in the evening and the Zippie spokesman was DANA BEAL who grabbed a microphone and asked MCGOVERN about heroin, indicating CIA is importing it into the USA. RE: IRVIN DANA BEAL Zi klbion Hotel, Miami Beach-f^and accused the Yippies of living in Penthouse suites while they were living in the gutter. DANA BEAL was one of the Zippies involved. On - aEM advised that the On July 14, 1972, an Agent of the FBI reported that a meeting of non-delegates was held at the Jewish Cultural Center, 5th and Lenox Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida, for the purpose of planning strategy during the Republican Convention. DANA BEAL stated that a large number of persons would in itself be able to congest the area around the Convention Center to the point where movement in that area by delegates would be greatly impaired. BEAL stated that it would be inappropriate to have less protest activity against NIXON than that displayed during the Democratic Convention. BEAL stated further that as a result of his experiences during the May Day demonstrations in Washington, D.C., in May, 1971, he believed, as did others, that rather than having stationary acts of civil disobedience ... such as sit-down activities, mobile civil disobedience as manifested by small groups engaging in hit and run tactics throughout the city would be more effective. BEAL, later in the meeting, said "everywhere that the Fascist pig NIXON shows his face, we will confront him, but not necessarily in a non-violent way." He stated that his organization, the "Zippies", has twelve organizations throughout the country planning for the Republican Convention and that each one of these would engage in whatever action they deem to be appropriate. advised that there On were 29 Zippies in Miami, Florida, as part of the Repub- lican Convention Task Force and they are led by DANA BEAL. a power stru DANA BEAL for leadership o On advised that there was , .> I m Jr * RE:*>«4RVIN DANA BEAL nryp:'- ■ ^L'- , „.g^- advised that TOM FORCADE is leader of th!T Zippics' and has appointed DANA BEAL to lead the violent type demonstrations. On August 24, 1972, the Dade County Public Safety Department, Miami, Florida, arrested . possession of marijuana. BEAL was released the same day on a $250 cash bond. BEAL listed his occupation as writer and address as 3039 Mary Street, Coconut Grove, Miami, Florida . advised that BEAL had left the M This document contains neither recommendations . nor conclusions of the FBI. It ls * h ® S^S'SntSntS® FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. i 3 * *3 * 3 . FEDERAL BUREAU Ur figk WASHINGTON, D.C. 20537 The following FBI record, NUMBER 1 (-B 5< n 4 F , is furnishod FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Informotion shown on this Identification Record represents data furnished FBI by fingerprint contributors. WHERE FINAL DISPOSITION IS NOT SHOWN OR FURTHER EXPLANATION OF CHARGE IS DESIRED, COMMUNICATE Notations indicated by * are NOT based on fingerprints in FBI files but are listod only as investigative leads as being possibly identical with subject of this rocord. ^ I Du Mil Fi CAT] ON ON cw ttrt o-li' .» *. WASKSN^TUSS, U.<*. & 108 504 F Tl , „ . cr> ; „ . kii j rarer . , is furnished FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. \\i^E^E° > 'DiS^Z>SITloN n I^NOT "sKOWN* 1 O^VlJR^HE^^XPL/^ATIO^'oF ^H^^C^^OR^^SPOSITIC^nTTs DESIRED, COMMUNICATE WITH AGENCY CONTRIBUTING THOSE FINGERPRINTS. CONTK'SU’TOl FIKGEfcPRlH CC-USSS Intellicj Rrn 825-1800 Wash DC ence Div St NW This confirms FZ NAA\£ and nuvjer of 6-9-72 to USES Intelli j ARRESTED OR RECEIVED I telepho charge nic conversation lence Div DISPOSITION / DENT I FI CATION DIVISION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20 SJ7 1~BU The following FBI record, NUMBER 108 504 F is furnished FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Inform atio n shown on this Identification Record represents data furnished FBI by fl ng jer print ^;i^ors WHERE DISPOSITION IS NOT SHOWN OR FURTHER EXPLANATION OF CHARGE OR DISPOSITION IS DESIRED, COMMUNICATE WITH AGENCY CONTRIBUTING THOSE FINGERPRINTS. CONTWSUTOl Of FINGERPRINTS ( NAME AND NUMCER ADEX FLASH: Ir or inquiry recc Internal Securi Division and two ARRESTED OR RECEIVED .»ing Dana Lved ref ei 'ey Section ‘ #100-17687 Bu FLle^lOa^ Aliases: Pau Yipsky, George^ copies CHARGE Al • 1 Beal harles^i: etefsky , Any information one copy of record to Domestic Intoll: o BFD Milwaukee 67404_ Inf rgc 2-1 gustin , Jim Crews; Paul^Yippie. THIS PAGE SHOUI D NOT BE DISPOSITION DISSEMINATED OUTSIDE FBI. J i n \ : i c/v t ' »; pi . 2-BU 108 504 F In Reply, Please Refer to File Vo. 100-16832 TED STATES DEPARTMENT OF J^TJCE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Hi ami, Florida September 28, 1972 Title irvIN DANA BEAL Character SECURITY MATTER - YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY (EXTREMIST) Reference Letterhead memorandum dated and captioned as above at Miami 9 Florida. All sources (except any listed below) whose identities are concealed in referenced communication have furnished reliable information in the past. This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to hr distributed outside your agency nor duplicated within your agency . MAY IW tDITION CSA FfM R (41 cm) 101 - 114 UNITED STATES .ENT Memorandum TO % : ^ACTING DIRECTOR, FBI CHICAGO (100-53129) (RUC) FROM subject: changed IRVING ;>DANA BEAL, aka Dana“Beal SM - YIP 00: MILWAUKEE date: 10/16/72 Title is marked changed from DANA BEAL to that as set forth above to set out full true name of subject. Re Miami airtel to Director dated 8/15/72, captioned "STUDENTS FOR A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY/WORKER STUDENT ALLIANCE, IS - RA", Chicago letter to Milwaukee dated 2/28/72, captioned "IRVING DANA BEAL, SM - YIP". Attached for Milwaukee is one copy of a newspaper article contained in the "Chicago Today" newspaper dated July 27, 1971, concerning the subject. Referenced airtel indicated DANA BEAL to be a Students for a Democratic Society/Worker Student Alliance (SDS/WSA) member from Chicago who was in attendance at the Democratic National Convention during July, 1972, at Miami Beach, Florida. A review of Chicago files indicate that BEAL is not from Chicago but from Madison, Wisconsin, and is the subject of a major security investigation by the Milwaukee Office as origin under Milwaukee file 100-17687. There is no indication the subject has ever been in Chicago nor is there any additional information available in Chicago files not in possession of the Milwaukee Office. ,, REC 68 f (2s - Bureau (RM) 2 - Milwaukee (100 r j.7687) (RM) (Enel. 1) 1 - Chicago DBC: f lk (5) !•' H> r ' v K ;f f 0 SJ24l972 Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan L FEDERALi hJUKt.AU Ui IHVLMiUAiiun WASHINGTON, D.C. 20537 'r>J 108 504 F • jr-iCAVt.Ti m v - !, i >. v. ' > The following FBI record, NUMBER , is furnished FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. CONT RIDUTOP OF FINGER PRINTS NAME AND NUMBER ARRESTED OR RECEIVED CHARGE DISPOSITION ■*D East Lansing Irvin Dana Beal 1-13-64 att B & E of a 1) 1 STT lich #18-C-G4 coin machine / iHosp Kalamazoo Irvin Dana Beal 9-9-64 patient !ich (escaped) i - >. Food And Drug Irvin Dana 8-22-67 vio Food Drug 1 Admin Beal And Cosmetic / Bu of Drug #52-68-135 Act-sale of Abuse Control • LSD Wash DC f i) Dana Biol 4 Fed Det Kdqtrs 8-22-67 S-NY viol Food NY NY #27669 . & Drug Act *> • Hoi linger USC USM NY NY Irving Dana Beal 8-22-67 viol Druq Abuse • I-»w Lsd Title 21 USC #360 (B) A PD 1 * Dana Beal 12-19-67 220:35 (sale r *iil • 9 *; NY NY >B698362 /•’> •' D 2 ng Drugs) eh: of •..’avr'iD 1. PD Paul Charles 11-12-70 Boss Dang Drug 11-5-71 c:-:t Milwaukee Vis " Augustine Mari) del of ninor • #124230 Poss Dang Drug $35 LSD 11-5-71 poss Contr Del of .dang dnr;s Mi 9° r r (Mari j $35). Bu of Hare & Irvin Dana Peal 7-14-71 Jv '■* ■ ; Dang Drugs {jif ™ Wash DC #52-08-135 LSD 18 USC 2 aiding and abetting { 1. : v :,) PD Irvin Dana » 1 M sell tr^rij If. 2 Not i | r.adloon V.’is Beal # 33530 2 counts than 2 yv:: ; »•: (cr/ncun isi ) 3 . 1 vr >' M"lfv 1 I ■/ / Information shown on this Identification Record represents data furnished FEI by finr-.. ‘ u L v /nni.H^t>iU Vi’hcMC. final disposition is not rhown or fuzthcr explanation of iz eh rirc*i, l.vi- * 9Lf| It} AU /fth fOr, iicv contributing those finder .?rinls. -*j iT>.WlYon:i indic ated by * are I JOT based on linfl'erprirds in TBI files but are lir ! • J only ns ix; i- native ) coils uii 1 . ii.v. possibly iilcr.iical with cubj« ti of this roco/d. • « corii^vtiT M'mirf ofrirr iuir % nasSaS fit 2 2 1-tUfcKAl BURSAU Of INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20537 The following FBI record, NUMBER 108 504 F , is furnished FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Informotion shown on this Identification Record represents data furnished FBI by fmgorprint contributors. WHERE FINAL DISPOSITION IS NOT SHOWN OR FURTHER EXPLANATION OF CHARGE IS DESIRED, COMMUNICATE WITH AGENCY CONTRIBUTING THOSE FINGERPRINTS. • CONTH’SUTOR OF FINGERPRINTS name and number ARRESTED Of RECEIVED CHARGE DISPOSITION Bu Of Narc & Dang Drugs Wash DC Irvin Dana Beal #52-68-135 7-14-71 21 USC 321 (q) (2) Sale of LSD 18 USC 2 Aiding and abetting USM Madison Wis Irvin Dana Beal #01057 4-7-72 21 USC 331 (q) (2) 360a (b) 321 (v) 333 (a) 18 USC 2 selling a depressant or stimulant drug rtf- authorization • 50 Janesville ».is Irvin Dana Beal #55946 7-14-71 Scll-Deliver- Dispose of drugs 50 das Jr: 1 transfer from L’at.e Co Jail • Madison, Wis Residence: 334 IV'. Wilson Street Madison W: s. • # ,, ^ < * 4 *-* Irv?n Din' 1 . Beal 8-2U- 7? poss r.arij Residence: 3039 I iry St Co :onut Grove Fla PD Columbus Ohio l - Irvin Dana Beal 827-A 9-20-72 DC-5300 Notations indicated by * ore NOT based on fingerprints in FBI filos but aro .listed only as invosligaiive leads cs being possibly identical with subject of this record. t • ft c.\T ! "M '• i v i * K'\ * 1 - Mr. B. P. Murphy 1 - Mr. T. D. J. Brooks S*-C, Milwaukee For the Acting Director, FBI W. Mark Felt Acting Associate Director 4 IRVIN DANA BEAL SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) 00: MILWAUKEE 12/1/72 BeNYalrl captioned,<_ dated 11/14/7 i Thomas KingForcadeisresidinE at 22 Dohrn StrceT^Orlando, Florida, with an individual using the name John W. Harding. • - ert M, • •*'* For information of recipient office the name John Wesley Harding is an alias used in the past by Irvin Dana Beal. Since $he current whereabouts of Beal is unknovn Milwaukee should furnish Tampa a photograph of Beal to determine if John Wesley Harding le. Room - \CCty MAIL ROOM C/n % ?v Jf, n«*ro& _ Mh. Hrnaic ‘•Ira. Neenan ST-Ul' SEE NOTE PAGE TWO ’ ^ DEC 4 1972 l TELETYPE UNIT I I Letter to Milwaukee Re: Irvin Dana Beal NOTE:* . ' ' * • Irvin Dana Beal is a Youth International Party (YIP) leader who has been very active in YIP demonstrations particu- larly at the Democratic and Republican National Conventions in the Summer of 1972 in Miami, Florida. His current residence is unknown and he may be residing in Orlando, Florida. • 2 - »'I CMrav l)mRI(w M«;torv >•/., . Cu,, P , n«»rij rCf | l«a('fo!i;i) fj-if, . -r ~ ° ‘ cn tercel in « «*"* :,y to rXT'V" <««C> ,:i f ; r i*. ■ "rwms i„ ,K ' t hroi ,..: '■‘••-rtl call £ u " r 1 ,;i * " id« n< jf j, / " I >;, rt}*: ** *• • •. *:* . • i. *••• t * •. . •• * . - • C *»*4 V S4 i. */j* •* r, : IM 1 lOUtOM eti cim tic mo if I’NITED STATES ERNMEN Memorandum TO Direclor, FBI (Bufile- 100-lj.6740lj. ) iM-rt: December 12, 1972 I i MILWAUKEE (100-17687) ( P) Z' IRVIN DANA BEAL, aka SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) ft)* / 00 : MILWAUKEE Milwaukee report of tpU' 1 1 1* ^ )' * " \ /•■U( ' Jfjj Off dated 12-12-72. Recommend: \UF.X Card Q] ADEX Card changed (specify change only) [^] Subject removed (succinct summary attached) Name Aliases 1 1 Native Bom 1 1 Naturalized FI Alien Tab I | Caieeory I m Categort 11 | 1 Category III Category IV □ AWC □ BNT |~l BPP I I COMMUNIST □ JFG I I MIN □ NOI □ PLP □ PPA □ RA C^SNC I ! SWP □ PRN □ sns □ SP1 L? wwt [^Miscellaneous (Specify) < ^ Date of Birth J * S' * V 's. Place of Birth Race Sex [ 1 Male 1 | Female * i Business Address, Name of Employing Concern and Address, Nature of Employment. and Union Affiliation, if any. f \ i - 1 •V 1 -- •* ? Unemployed Residence Address Unknown / C •'/ > X ll. ./ NO'. . ’ .1 Key Facility Data ('(’('graphical Reference Number (^2,- Bureau (RM) 1 - Milwaukee ^ , u TRM :m jk r o 573 » (3) • >liJ ‘ csponsibjUlv _L/_ m i Ta k oj - ai^.r - ? -TEL, MI 100-17687 SUCCINCT SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES The following information, unless otherwise noted, was obtained from confidential informants, who have furnished reliable information in the past: ^Subject, as of February 17, 1972, was reportedly' writing a book to deal with his effi to organize and radicalize youtbtjf and on April 17, 1972, he was describedas the leading theoretician in the Madison, Wisconsin, Youth International Party (YIP) Chapter. Anti-war demonstrations occurred at the University of Wisconsin (UW), Madison, May 8-II4., 1972, sponsored by the United Front (UF), coalit ion of Madison anti-war organizaJ * Till 1 W 1 Subject was part of a crowd (May 8, 1972) during the above action, that engaged in spontaneous acts of property destruction (window breaking and setting rubbish fires). Police records show that one police officer was injured when hit by a rock. A Special Agent of the FBI, on July 14» 1972 noted on this date that subject attended a meeting of convention non-delegates, Miami Beach, Florida, to plan protest strategy during the Republican National Convention (RNC), during August, 1972. BEAL said at this meeting, "Everywhere that the Fascist Pig NIXON shows his face, we will confront him, but not necessarily in a non-violent way.” MI 100-17687 SUCCINCT SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES CONTINUED BEAL, a leader in ZIPS (political arm of YIP), was active in demonstrations (1972 summer) at Miami, at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) and the RNC. Police records show subject was arrested for disorderly conduct (DC), September 20, 1972, at Columbus, Ohio, for his actions during a demonstration protesting the appearance of Vice President SPIRO T. AGNEW, in Columbus. BEAL was described on November 20, 1972, as being a Madison YIP Chapter activist, having a current propensity to instigate and direct revolutionary acts of violence. "ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN NEW LEFT EXTREMIST A C TIV I TY _ SH OU LD BE CONSIDERED DANGEROUS BECAUSE OF THEIR KNOWN ADVOCACY AND USE OF EXPLOSIVES, REPORTED" ACQUISITION OF FIREARMS AND INCENDIARY DEVICES. AND KNOWN PROPENSITY FOR VIOLENCE."' In view of demonstrated propensity for violence and other factors as noted above, subject is recommended for inclusion on ADEX. I Ui Y~J i — , t «— • f — j 'ey a v ^-4 j u v J * h *• f»OR TING OFFICE MILWAUKEE fLE OF CASE " OFFICE OF ORIGIN MILWAUKEE I - IRVIN milA^BEAL. aka OATE 12-12-72 investigative pcrioo 11/20 - 21/72 REPOR T M A PE UY SA BHB SbaHKaBHI TYPED OY mjk CHARACTER OF CASE SM - YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY (YIP) (EXTREMIST) REFERENCES B 4-20-72. Milwaukee report of SA Milwaukee letters to Director. 5-31-72 and 8-31-72. Kiaiai air-tel to Director, 9-28-72. Chicago lot tor to Director, 10-16-72. Bureau letter to Milwaukee, 12-1-72. - P - ENCLOSURE S T O CINCINNATI DIVISION One photograph of ( taken 6-29-71), individual who was poeexo’^^Travelling with subject. A C COMP L I S HM B N TS CL A I U B D IVIC. AUTO. FUG. . /-dC/fla-cfc f5~& J^~| HON E nccovEHirs M ACQUIT- TALS SPCCIAL agen t s It4 C H A F< G ti CASE H AS liEEN: PENDING OVER ONE YEAR j \ Y ES ( ) NO PENDING PROSECUTION OVER SIX MONTHS | 1 Y ES [ ] NQ DO NOT WRITE IN SPACES BELOVA >i-l ES MADE: T \Mr Bureau (100~)|.67$0l|.) (Enc.l) (Rii 1 - U.S. Secret Service, Milwaukee 2 - Cincinnati (Enc.l) (RM) 2 - Cleveland (Enc.2) (RM) 2 - Jacksonville (KM) Copies continued on page B. Di sseminotion Record of Attached Report "K> Enc.l) (RM) r.y —f , t Dtc IS 1912 r-l/ ST-115 cncy iitcst Rccd. *tc Fwd. >w Fwd. USSS &M. c<’. 'type/, so Jpp C ", C?. I 77?48 ; p C,<£> -y 4 ) jsss CTO i 11)1—441.121 COVEH PARE a - r.f — - MI 100-17687 Copies continued *2 - Tampa (Enc.l) „k - Milwaukee (2 (2 TRM:mjk (18) (taken 8-29-71 )• TO CLEVELAND DIVISION Photograph o Photograph of subject, BEAL. TO TAMPA DIVISION Photograph of subject, IRVIN DANA BEAL, (taken 8-2k-72). ADMINISTRATIVE Confidential material is attached. Special Agents of the FBI, who observed the Youth International Party (YIP) sponsored activities . Madison, __Wisoonsin« lx— 2. SAs and Special Agent of the FBI, who observed the meeting of non-dele gate s^)el^a^5igji^Beach, Florida, 7-14-72, was SA Milwaukee feels that subject should be retained on the Milwaukee ADEX per new criteria, set foith in SAC Memorandum, dated 9-12-72 (21-72). Accor ing J * Milwaukee is submitting an FD-122, making this recommendation. COVER PAGE B t MI 100-17687 Tho Bureau, by nitol to Milwaukee and Jacksonville, 8 - 31 - 72 ! bearing caption, « ST0P^NDE3yjATTER» advisod that on 8-31-72, 'obo — — j^i raa( f[Q inquiry regarding subject tnrougn HCIC. For information of recipients, KATHLEEN MORALES,* supra, the individual who may be travelling with subject, is described as follows: Sex Race Date of Birth Place of Birth Height •Weight Hair Eyes Marital status Re sidonce Employment status Female White 4-18-55 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 5' 2" 120 lbs. Brown Brown Single 5053 North 52nd Street Milwaukee, V. T isconsin Unemployed Subject is described as follows: Sex Race Height Weight Build Complexion Hair Characteristics Dato of Birth Place of Birth Male White 5»8“ to 5'9“ 140 to l4£ lbs. Medium Fair . Dark brown, combed straight over ears, and shoulder length. Usually lias mustache (brown in color) 1-9-47 Ravenna, Ohio COVER PAGE C * m 100-17687 v-.' Referenced Bureau letter 12-1-72, noted thatthe New York a ■ I I — V— V— I r, 7 "J ^ t oS^do7Vlorida7 with an 'individual 'using the — a* tott'T v HARDING Tho Bureau furtnor Soted that the* name It JOffil WESLEY MHS is an alias used in the past by subject, BEAL, FD-376 is stapled to this report, with photo attached. This report is classified "CONFIDENTIAL" as * unauthorized disclosure could reasonably be expected , ^ 3Tn r rTA national security by c oiupr om 1 s m g ill T— — > an Jnfo^ant wib is burnishing valuable information oS Continuing basis relative to YIP activities. informants ; * v * ) , l * Identity Location pOSS?* $cV BES* • * v*i- COVER PAGE D HI 100-17687 informants continued Identit y Location Sj^aj»..FaWttaai LEADS CINCINNATI DIVISION At Columbus . Ohio. , 1. Will ascertain disposition pf subject* s 9-20-72 arrest for disorderly conduct IDC;. 2 Will ascertain whether subject and O TITIAN MORALES are residing at li^-6 Hunter across given by subject, when arrested, on above date* o Xf subject is not residing at the Hunter Street* address, will, through appropriate inquiries duals living there, determine if they asto^sub ject 1 s whereabouts and activities. nT.FVFLAN P DIVISION, • th^ac tivi tie s" 1 of ° the°Youth International 3 Pa^y 1 uip) to NELL BEAL* nee GILCREST. Current whereabouts of the parents is unknown. / COVER PAGE E MX 100-17687 LEADS CONTINUED JA OK SON V I L LE t DIVISION At Ta llahassoo, Florida Will ascertain basis for 8-31-72, NCIG inquiry, regarding sud TAMPA DIVISION At Orlando, Florida. 1. Will determine whether subject is the individual known as JOHN W. HARDING, residing at _ 22 Dohrn Street, (current residence of THOMAS KING POR CADE ) . MILWAUKEE PI VI SI ON At Madison, Wisconsin. _ At Milwaukee. Wisconsin. 1. Will contact individuals residing at 505I3 North 52nd Street, (MORALES' last known residence) to ascertain whether they know the whereabouts of MORALES and subject* COVER PAGE P r: : r. - . 1 . 2 . 3. 4. 5. |X] Sulii 1 lu 1 ADEX Card arc necessary and Form FD-122 submitted to the Bureau. m [X] A suitab photograph QCj is> □ is not available. \ ■ Date phdhi^i* iph was taken 6 l=l21p=l£2 — .... [ | Subjoetds oinployrd in a key facility and — — charged with security responsibility. Interested agencies are ( \ This report is classified (state reason) because . * • 1 - * 7. Q£] Subject previously interviewed (dates) 2 -lij .-72 [ — | Subject was not □ interviewed □ reinlei viewed because (state reason) 8 . 9. | — | Tin's case no longer meets the ADEX criteria and a letter has been directed to the Bureau recommending cancellation. fXl This case has been reevaluated in the light of the ADEX criteria and it continues to fall within the criteria of Category marked above because (state reason) BEAL, OH 5-8-72, at a Madison anti-war' demonstration, was part of a crowd that engaged in spontaneous acts of property destruction (window breaking and sotting rubbish fires). One police officer was injured, when hit by a rock* A confidential informant advisee! on 11-20-72, that B3AL is a Madison YIP Chapter a c*iYis& having curront propensity 10. QTItis ease has been iccvaluateo in the light of tneADUX criteria and it should be tabued Category [ 1 1 I 1 11 □ 111 CD IV because (slate reason) to instigate and direct revolutionary acts of violence. { f $ a . ••■•■’• December. 12, ,1972 -; Director United States Secret Service Department of the Treasury Washington, D. C. 20220 Dear Sir: - r -, .c y. -v :V.' ; &V‘v’ D * * * i i j y >■*,,.* ■+ . i v 5 - * «. "»/• ' * »■ *» - ; v I ; Va.^ :* * /S " \ ’#• • V* •,'J* ■ J ^ gk . - — ■.*• -- V- l* ‘ w »« .- * • • : op. IRVIN DANA BEAL SECURITY MATTER - YOUTH INTERNATIONAL ;*• - . ' ’ PARTY -(YIP) The information furnished herewith concerns an individual or organization believed ... to be covered by the agreement between the FBI and Secret S ervice concerning protective ; responsibilities, and to fall within the category or categories checked. 1 . Threats or actions against persons protected by Secret Service. 2. Attempts or threats to redress grievances. . 3. □ Threatening or abusive statement about U- S. or foreign official- . .. 4- □ Participation in civil disturbances, anti-U. S . demonstrations or hostile . . ; incidents against foreign diplomatic establishments- 5. □ Illegal bombing, bomb-making or other terrorist activity. 6. □ Defector from U- S- or indicates desire to defect. 7. tX> Potentially dangerous because of background, emotional instability or . activity in groups engaged in activities inimical to U.- S- \ . t . • \ '■ ... ■ ' v.. • y * Photograph □ has been furnished [2 enclosed . O is not available. . •„ , • Very tnm/>'Ours, n- . I . , L. Patrick Gray, III // /. Acting Director J/ j D 1 - Special Agent in Charge (Enclosure^)} (2) U- S. Secret Service, Milwaukee .(EM) t Enclosure(s) (2) ■" ; ' - * / '*:■ V '9* ’ * , -t ■ .f> . v • * * * “ . ■■ -.v t * > . \ h* * * . v r *:-. ‘ ^ -9 7 .. r I fj-svt U^f^D STATES DEPARTMENT OF^^RtICE federal bureau of investigation l Copy »o: Report of: Date: *1 - United States Secret Service, Milwaukee (Rli) DECEMBER 12, 1972 Field Office File #: MI 100-17 6^7 Office: MILWAUKEE Buieau File #: 10 0 — 1[-67 t+Olj. Title: IRVIN DANA BEAL Character: Synopsis: SECURITY MATTER - YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY (YIP) BEAL participated in anti-vr&r demonstrations, Mad 5 s?n, Wisconsin, 5 - 72 , and on one occasion, was part of crowd that encaged in spontaneous acts of property destruction, (window breaking and setting S^hfi^es). One police officer was injured when hit by a rock. BEAL, incarcerated in Rock Jan, Wisconsin, 5-72 - 7 - 72 , (convicted on 1967 federal charges of 3 el } in S.narco uics) , actively Madi^Yout^Intormtoo^win-SCIP) Chapter activist, «v^Uonarf a Ss P ofvlolono“ 3t Bl?I%ru n e m ployed, Othtraonylpeft^ forthf ^ogsipirsTO JEC? ... ' . \ - P - oo Classified by SAWHpH|||p|pi u Exempt I^om^Senpajal Becias sii icubion Schedule of^Executive— Drdor 11652 C ^ w Exemption Category 2 '^Trse^-r.i* fa t>'40ls) jP^A^tbma t i c aliy Declassified on Inobfimt . Jt^lnf ormation attributed only to MI T-l in this * report is consiclorod cl8.«sslf rod* r prt »nd ii loaned to your agency; it and ita contex: Th - document contains neither recommendation* nor condition* OTybwage^yr “ “ “ •re not to be distributed outside your agency. covehnmEHT PRINTING OFFICE : \910 O - W-r w MI 1OO-17607 Details: \ I. BACKGROUND^ A. RESIDENCES »O^fS3r- nt0:Lli 6® nc ®* . a ^^^C o lumb u 3 , Ohio, advised on September 20, 1972, that sub ject, when ar^^ed at Columbus, on this date, indicated that he was residing at 1446 Hunter Street, Columbus* WATHLEEN MORALES By advised on — _j that MORALES has been an uuo^ist in Youth International Party (YIP) matters in Milwaukee axid Madison, during approximately the past two years. YOU TH INTERNATIONAL PARTY (YIP ) The Youth International Party (YIP), also known as Yippies, is a loosely knit, anti -establishment, _ revolutionary youth, organiza oion formed in New York City* in January, 1968. TUrnup-h cha raoterizingjMi^BBs-flv 3 : 36 ^ ^ that subject and MORALES £ r .©^^^^HRimpor!?ily residing in the Cleveland, Ohio area, and it is not known when they will return to Wisconsin. - 2 - MI 100-17687 Source further noted that subject, following his release from the Rock County Jail* •Janesville, Wisconsin, July k» ^J^ travelle to Miami, Florida, where he resided until the end of the Republican National Conve^ion^RNC ) , during the HaSsjr B. EMPLOYMENT • * **8 advised on November 14> 1972, that subjRTflWnemployed. He has not worked s i nC o his release from the Rock County Jail, and it is believed that he is obtaining money to live by buying and selling narcotics. C . ARREST CHECKS - FBI IDENTIFICATION RECORD. The "Wisconsin State Joumaiy a Madison, Surstoyf to two PadeSl gorges of selling narootics (LSD) to undercover agents in New York City, in 1967. These charges were transferred to Madi o Federal Court, for handling after subject was arrested in Madison, during the summer of 1971* for hitchhiking. ^ Rock Sheriff's om^S^iSSTmSHJTsconain, advised on May 31, 1972, that BEAL was convicted an Federal Court, Madison, on or about May 19 > ±9(^1 on the Federal narcotics charge a. He was sentenced To serve 50 days in jail ana was, thereafter, placed in ?he Rook County Jail. He will be released on or about July !|-» 1972. MI 100-17687 Rock County _ advised Special n July 4, 1972, that this date from the ■ She Agent sub je Rock County Jail. Records of the Dade County Public Safety Department, Miami , Florida, show that this agency, on August 24, 1972, arrested subject, for possession of marijuana. He was released the same day, after posting $250 cash bond. The FBI Identification Division, by communication received at Milwaukee, October 10, 1972, advised that subject has the following arrost record on file with the Federal Bureau of Investigation at YJashington, D. C.: f ! t f MI 100-17687 D. MARITAL STATUS that sub tog© ther, married . idvised on ITHLEEN KOI even though, /el one urave they are not officially v© II. ACTIVITIES A. YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY (YIP) 1. April 29, 1972, "J-DAY, SPRING PLANT-IN” FBI Agents observed the following Madison activities on April 29, 1972, publicly billed as "J-Pay, SpriDg Plant-In" sponsored by Wisconsin YIP in their effort to gain support for the YIP Presidential Nominating Convention to be held during July of 1972, in Miami: From about 12:00 noon to 1:30 P.M., individuals congregated in James Madison Fark, where a live band plav6d music. The crowd, estimated at about seven hundred, then marched five blocks to the State Capitol Building. The crowd grew to about one thousand upon reaching the State Capitol grounds. From about 1 :l\$ to 2:05 P.M., speakers using public address system, covered the following points: They said Governmental agencies - Federal and State, have used marijuana legislation as a means of suppressing legitimate dissent of America's youth on all major protest issues. The "illegal and immoral" Vietnam War, in addition to being fostered for imperialistic purposes, it was said, is being used by the FBI, CIA and others to keep open the Channel for hard drug3. These drugs, such as heroin, are coming into this country at a rapid rate and when usod by the Nov; Left (NL) are hurting minds of people who have potential for changing wrongs currently existing in America. Marijuana, they say is no more harmful than alcohol and possession > of it should bo lawful. 7 - m.jLOO-17687 BEAL was identified as one of the above speakers at the State Capitol grounds. The gathering broke whon BEAL urged the audience to support YIP action during tho Democratic Presidential National Convention in Miami this summer. Several alleged marijuana plants were then planted in the Capitol grounds grass as a symbolic gesture at liberating New Left Movement from dictates of marijuana laws. People then marched about ten blocks through the radical University of Wisconsin (UW) student housing area on Mifflin Street, to Brittingham Park, arriving about 2:30 P.M. . The crowd, now estimated at about 1300, according to a voice over park loud speaker, would spond remainder of day listening and dancing to live music. "Tho Capital Times," a Madison daily newspaper, in issue, dated May 1, 1972, carried an article captioned, "POT CELEBRATION DRAWS 2500; POLICE SMELL NOTHING AMISS." This article in part advised that a marijuana "smoke-out" was held at Madison, April 29, 1972, end was attended by about 2500 young people. Tho article further noted that BEAL, who spoke to the crowd at tho State Capitol grounds, issued a series of demands on behalf of the YIP. Those demands were noted as follows: 1. "A guaranteed weekly stash of at least one ounce of grass for every man, woman, and child in America, who digs getting high*" 2. "The release of "all political and cultural .prisoners* . " 3. "An immediate, unconditional surrender of the United States Government to the Viet Cong." I4.. "Internationally sponsored free olectibns in America." - 6 - r **MI 100-17687 2. DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION (DNC) JULY, 19727 "A1)D 1 REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION (~RNCT -AU GUST, 1972. advised o! that on tnii^iate^^^groupc ailed the Zippies held a demonstration at the Doral Hotel, Miami Beach, Florida, The purpose of this activity was to confront Senator GEORGE MC GOVERN (Democratic runner for President of the United States), with their demands, MC GOVERN eventually appeared and talked to them later in the evening. The Zippie spokesman was the subject, who grabbed the microphone and asked MC GOVERN about heroin, indicating that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is importing it into the United States. ZIPS, also known as ZIPPIES advised on B^Hfcthat the ZIPS, also known as ZIPPIES, is the political arm of tho YIP Party. The alphabetical letters for ZIPS are intended to connotate that the group ha3 a great amount of energy and enthusiasm. The letters are not abbreviations for an organizational name. that subject. Wisconsin to participate in YIP protest activities planned for the Miami area during the Democratic National Convention (DNC) and the Republican National Convention (RNC). A Special Agent of tho Federal Bureau of Investigation, on July llj., 1972, reported that a meeting of non-delegates was held at the Jewish Cultural Center, £th and Lenox Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida, for the purpose of planning strategy during the Republican National Convention (RNC ) • - 9 - MI 100-17687 Subject, who attended the meeting told pooplo there that a largo number of individuals would bo able to congest the area around the Convention Center to the point whore movement in that area by delegates would bo greatly impaired. Subject further noted that it would be inappropriate to have less protest activity against President NIXON then that displayed during the Democratic National Convention (DNC). He said that as a result of his experiences during the demonstrations in Y/ashington, D. C., in May, 1971> be believed as did the others, that rather than having stationary act3 of civil disobedience, such as sit-down activities, mobile civil disobedience as manifested by small groups engaging in hit and run tactics throughout the city would be more effective. BEAL later said in the meeting, "Everywhere that the Fascist Pig NIXON shows his face, we will confront him, but not necessarily in a non-violent way. " BEAL advised that his organization, called ZIPS, has twelve groups throughout the country planning for the Republican National Convention and that each one would engage in whatever action they feel is appropriate. "The Y/ashington Star," a newspaper published daily in Washington, D. C., in issue dated July 16, 1972, carried an article captioned, "LEFTISTS MORE MILITANT TOWARD GOP." This article, in part, advised that when the Republican National Convention begins in Miami, in August, 1972, from reports that have been received, it is possible the delegates wall be greetod by largo, militant street demonstrations. The RNC is scheduled for August 21-23, 1972. - 10 - MI 100-17687 The article noted that after the last of the Democratic National Convention protest inarches, in Miami, BEAL, a leader of tho ZIPS, reportedly said, "This was a dross rehearsal for August." BEAL advised, "We will have a lot more people and bo a lot more serious in August. YJe all hate NIXON. We are going to try to push him into the sea right here. We don't want trouble, but we are prepared for NIXON to react." "The Capital Times," in issue dated «Jhly 25 , 1972, carried an article captioned, "POT PARTV PERFECTED HERE TURNS ON MIAMI." This article, in part, said that subject was the chief organizer for a "third annual smoke-in," and "Smack Attack" held at Flamingo Park, Miami Beach, July 23, 1972. The "smoko -in" was a protest demonstration against marijuana prohibition lnw3 and the "attack" was a protest march against th9 alleged heroin trade. It was noted that both activities were previously perfectod in Yfisconsin, by subject. The "smoke-in" consisted of the public flaunting of the law by passing out quantities of marijuana to the crowd, which is then smokod under the eyes of the TV cameras. The crowd then marched from the park to the Democratic National Convention Center and on arriving outside the Con ter, they heard BEAL denounce what he called the "CIA-nark heroin main line." Subject sited alleged recent testimony before a Congressional Committee that traced what he described as "tho route of opium" from Southeast Asia through the hands of tho CIA to the heroin sold in the streets of the United States. BEAL claimed that the NIXON Adminis tration was cracking down on marijuana partly because it was willing to have young people who might otherwise be NIXON's political opponents "pacified by smack." HI 100-17687 that aubjil" arrived in i^Tvan. jTS~ to^organizc I Caravan or ca ravan^ from the Orlando area to Mi<£i^f°iU£^g|||j|f||^n Rational Convention. Wr * vT^aSS* cm adviced on auviouu that subject, aloader in 1972) and in demonstrations at both the DNC IJU j, the RNC (August, 1972). 3. M I S C E LLAITEOUS advised on OJ this gg^5jiaa|j^: t S^eS :>y subject. Ljl-i-"- v>- rpha ouroose of this meeting was to , -T\t ?nr.*YTP 01*0 test activities during the Democratic^Tational Went Spring the^e? »*“ Conven ion , to * held ^ ^ participate ^in non-violent demon* trationa there and the University of Miami would be a staging area and a "safe ground" for YIPS. There was also indication that money . on n_ him to a possible long js.il sentence^ itdvisod on 1 — , +y. B+ . onhioct is a Madison YIP Chapter activist, having a J current propensity to _ instigate and direct revolutionary acts of violence. - 12 - i.iW? * — MI 100-17687 B. MISCELLANEOUS 1. HAY lu 1972, ANTI-WAR RALLY “The Capital Times," in iisue dated May 6, 1972, carried an article captioned, "PEACEFUL RALLY PROTESTS WAR." This article, in part, advised that several thousand people gathered on the State Capitol Building steps, Madison, Wisconsin, on May 4, 1972, to protest the war in Vietnam. Foui’teen speakers, including subject, addressed the crowd, denouncing the war. President NIXON, and alleged American imperialism. Following the rally, a contingent of demonstrators walked down West Washington Avenue past the International Business Machine (IBM) offices, whore they broke into anti-war chants. They then proceeded to the University of Wisconsin (UW) Campus for another rally. 2. MAY 8-lil, 1972, ANTI-WAR DEMONSTRATIONS a Univers fc t ho "United Front," (UF), a coalition of Madison anti-war o rganizations, was planning demons tra period of May 8- learned that the V that 8, 1972, indicating s.tepped-up mi3.itary action in Southeast Asia, individuals, several hundred in number, congre-gated in the streets adjacent to the University of Wisconsin campus area about 9?15> P»M. A following ProsTdenT MI IOO-I 7687 called the gathering and it appeared to be spontaneous in nature. No specific organization or group Source noted that the crowd, angered over what NIXON had said, then, engaged in spontaneous acts of property destruction (window breaking and setting of rubbish fires). Subject was observed taking an active part in this melee. The protest action was over about 32 midnight, after the demons tratoi*s were told a rally would held on May 9> 1972, at the University of Wisconsin. tladison Police DepartmenT^iadison, advised on May 9, 1972, that about I 4 DO people participated in the protest action during the evening hours of May 8, 1972, at Madison. Eight windows were broken and one police officer was injured when hit by a rock. Four arrests were made for disorderly conduct (DC) and criminal damage to property. !' * ^furnished th e following informa tic A United Front meeting was held on May 14, 1972, in the University of Wisconsin Sellory Hall (student dormitory), Madison, lasting from about 8:00 P.M. to about 10:00 P.M. Subject was one of about £0 people at this meeting. The purpose of the United Front gathering was to discuss goals and the structure of a new "anti-war’ 1 organization presently being formed at the University of Wisconsin and also, to discuss and evaluate student strike protest activities for the University of Wisconsin, regarding escalation of the air war in Vietnam. 1 - lh - # MI 100-17687 No specific decisions of any consequence were agreed on. SEPTE MBER 20, 1972, DEMONSTRATION AGAINST VICE PRESIDENT SPIRO T. A GREW. advised on I that various anti-war groups _ m Lao Columbus, Ohio area, plannod to protest tho appearance of Vico President SPIRO T. AGNEW, who was scheduled to come to Columbus, September 20, 1972, to make a speech. demonstrators assembled at about 6 :l\S P.1-1., September 20, 1972, across the street from tho KKO Palace Theatre, Columbus, whore the Vice President was scheduled to address the Ohio State Republican Convention. The demonstrators chan tod anti- Vietnam war and anti-KIXOlI and AGNEW slogans. The Columbus Police Department made numerous arrests, beginning at about 0:00 P.M. and at 8:10 P.M., tho demonstrators were forced by police from the Palace Theatre area, at which timo, they disbanded. advised that arrests were made when the demonstrators began to use obscene language. Subject was one of tho individuals arrested on a charge of disorderly conduct (DC). J ■ "ALT/ INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN NEW LEFT EXTRE MIST A CTIVITY SHOULD BE CONSIDERED OF BECAUSE REPORTS D A CQ'J I SlTI ON DANGEROUS THEIR KNOWN ADVOCACY AND USE OF EXPLOSIVES, .... op j.'XRi/'iiO’IS AND INCENDIARY DEVICES, AND KNOWN PROPENSITY FOR V10 LEIJCE 7™ - 15 * - EfipERAL BUREAU OR INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON. D.C. 20537 . 108 504 F ' I '7 V ‘i \ r • •'*» < . t 1 1 . v •; i V * ^ i Tho following FBrfWord, NUMBER , is furnished FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. CONT niflUTOn OF riKGtflPJUNTS NAMC AND NUMBER AHnrSTCD or* NCCLiv'EO CHARGE DISPOSITION fc| ’0 East i.nnsing ’.ich Irvin Dana Boal <■‘18-0-04 1-13-64 att B fe E of a coin machine Dism Kalannr.oo Irvin Dana Deal 9-9-64 patient !i eh (escaped) • Food And Drug Irvin Dana 8-22-67 vie Food Drug • Ac'isin Pu of Drug Beal £52-68-135. And Cosnetic Act-cale of • Abuse Control . • J,SD V.'asli DC . • Tea Dot IfJSotrs KV 27Y Desna Biel £27669 8-22-67 S-:rY viol Food & Drug Act > Bollinger USC Uf.M NY NY Irving Dana Deal 0-22-67 viol Drug Abuse T-nv lsd T? <;!*=■ 21 .USC if 3 60 l»j I’D ran a Deal 12-19-67 220:35 (sale r M i - ! ^ - *. - • - NY NY • £1:398362 Dang Drugs) chr of Warrant FD Paul Charles 11-12-70 Poes Dan" Drug 11-5-71 cent: MilwauVoe Win Augustine £1 24230 Kir Ij Pees Dang Drug LSD Conlr Del of Minor del of minor $35 11-5-71 pess dang drugs , (Marij $35) rm of re vc a Irvin Dana 7-14-71 i 21 USC 331(g) ! D:;ng Drugs Wash DC . real i: 52-63-135 W (2) sale of :i im 1G usc 2 a idirjg * \ w ‘ r.ncl abetting ' u 1 • i TD 'I Irvin Dana 7-14-71 sell rrnrij 16/2 Not nrnxv • W’ipcn Vis i: :.n 1 i. 3 35 SO - 5 - 2 counts . 1 w than 2 yrr. ;>u. (concuronl ) fVKn»y !• * Info^na'.icn shown on this Identification Record icnrcnerits data fund: Lrd FDI by finq:rrii;*t conli . tors. Where final dir:y»osilion is net rhcr.vn or further ex;*,! ana lion o i chmgo is desired, c.un- rr.v. : *r. te with cleric/ conlrbmtim th%v~.c fingerprints. 1“ \ i:*.d : .ce!*'d by * nn j'O)' Lr.r.rd on iinr^rprints in FBI tiles but aro listed only as inv_* .;i- Lc.as c.# p;>--,ibly i;.ci.iical wiih subject c. this record. • • C'H:m«tt.r nmn*; rmci . mi o-««;-3il • 2 ’ Y/ASKINGT0I4, D.C. 20S37 • 2 . . The following FBI record, NUMBER 103 504 F * is furniihod FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Information shown on Ibis Identification Record represents data furnished FBI by finaorprint contributors. WHERE FINAL DISPOSITION IS NOT SHOWN OR FURTHER EXPLANATION OF CHARGE IS DESIRED, COMMUNICATE WITH AGENCY COKliivUTING THOSE FINGERPRINTS. COWTr:5LfTO? Of HNGUfUNTS NAME and number ARRESTED 02 RECEIVED CHARGE DISPOSITION _ X- Bu Of Ware & Dang Drugs Warn DC Irvin Dana Beal #52-00-135 7-14-71 ’ 21 USC 331 (q) (2) Sale of LSD 10 USC 2 Aiding and abetting USM Madison Wis # Irvin Dana Beal f/01057 • . . . * 4-7-72 21 U3C 331 (q) (2) 360a (b) 321 (v) 333 (a) 10 U3C 2 selling a depressant or stitrjlnnt drug w/o authorisation • CO Janesville i. i s Irvin Dana Beal . rVauv46 7-14-71 Sell-Delivcr- Disnoso of drugs 50 cios Jail from L':.r. Co Jail • Madison, Vis residence: 334 A". Wilson Street Madison TV: s. ■'.tv a r+.t..* 1 • * \ ri » • x i .. t *r* n * • J • * —.4 Irvin r^rn Beal .1 6 b;->7 toss mrij • • > .erid-'neo: 3039 * iry Ct Co '.omit Crove Fla PD ColuMbuc Ohio Irvin Dana Beal U27-A 9-20-72 DC-5300 •«( - 6 - • Moto!:cns indicated by * cuo HOT b'.;secl on fmgr.rpunts in f%>l files but art? listed only as invosfigotivc leads as bein'* por.f.ib!y identical with subject of this record. -I'lli.'zi 9 : CWTI'f; MV.Ur * ere l«TI O - 40 O'# ' i * In Reply, Vlcatc Hc/er to File A'o. ^TKD STATKS DKI’.AKTAIKKT OK'^TJCK FKJJF.KAI. It U II K A U OF INVESTIGATION Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202 December 12, 2972 Title IRVIN DANA BEAL Character Kcfercncc SECURITY MATTER - YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY (YIP) Milv:aukee report of SA dated and captioned as abov^ All sources (except any listed below) whose identities arc concealed in referenced communication have furnished reliable information in the past. This document contain* neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI ami is loaned to your agency; it and its contents arc not to he distributed outside your agency nor duplicated u'lthin your agency . t k PD-'Se it »v. S- 22 - 64 ) f i * F B I Date: 12/27/72 Transmit the following in I»TEL Via (Type in plaintext or code) AIRMAIL (Priority) u : TO: ACTING DIRECTOR, FBI (100-467404) FROM: IRVIN DAnX^EAL, aka SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) SAC. JTAMPA (100-3390) (RUC) ReBulet to Milwaukee dated 12/1/72. Milwaukee report of sh Miimua msmmmm 1 2 n 2 m Enclosed for New York is one copy each of above referenced communications. A photo of subject will be forwarded by routing slip to New York. are subject and his, giifl friend, KATHLEE^ITgRALES , aka "JUDl with PATRICK'STiALL residing at 6 Bleeker St., New York City. ' ' Tli is is thc^residqnce of ivLLAN ERK/^jk 1 who wqs one of the principal fundef s of th§ Zi^pi'edV* Tliey are believed to operate current YIP activities from this .residence and are attempting to set up a national headquarters. On 12/21/72, Post Office, Or Information advised SA ited he Master Scheme does not include any Don fljHmi^dvised that the name JOHN WESLEY HARDING used by BEAL as an alias is the name of a hit record in the past and DOIIRN is the name of BERNARDINE DOIIRN, Activist Fugitive on FBI Top Ten list. o A when they w£nt' O- Bureau 2 - Now York 3 - Milwaukee 1 - Tampa GWT:sjra/bg ( 3 ) i,.. A/ REcis; Approved: ST-102 FORCADE utilize suett names pie who hre not familiar with ~ l o i * Li. 23 DQFi£f> 197- Sent .M Per Agent in Charge *U.5.Gov#rnm*nt Printing Office: 1972 — 45S-&74 CjX J TP 100-3390 their significance and $hen they get a big lahgh’*because they are I not recognized. main | j | .ipprw T ~ I . I III II IJWII BMII ' . ■ Yif 1 -- LEADS MILWAUKEE DIVISION ^^^in fugitive status of subject's companion, Jpmd if wanted take appropriate action, also SwTork of pertinent details. NEW YORK AT NEW YORK CITY, NY Conduit 'appropriate discreet Invest igationTto * ascertain if subject, KATHLEEN MORALES, and PATRICK SMALL are - residing at residence of ALLAN J. WEBERMAN, 6 Bleeker St., Mew York City, and their activities in establishing YIP ^Heaclparters there. Copies of informant's report will be forwarded above Divisions upon completion of transcription of FD 306 and appropriate processing. FD-36 (Rev. 5-22-64) if • j Transmit the following in v/ . AIRTEL Via A - ;:** . . • * •! V '» * -V. • ; A . * r *■ » -.*’•**• k ' * • , • . ’ * < . ? • • *••.*»•* * ^ ; *1 **’ ’ '1 : , ‘-V-' •' I - • :&i , ■;>: '■. Date: : .' 1/22/73 -V. r [V .. / - fzft? \-V * r •. •• ' t • ' ' I " ■ — I (Type in plaintext or code ) / • • • - • * V i ... v \ J • •*. * ' — : H ’ • .. •, (Priority) • . w i . Y I • • ' : • TO: ACTING DIRECTOR, FBI. (100-467404) - - • n/.* ‘ . i. i • -. . ;• •. - FROM: SAC, NEW YORK (100-172721) /(P) vv v . SUBJECT: IRVIN DANA^EAL ' SM-YIP (EXTREMIST) ( 00 : MI ) ReMIrep of SA TPairtels to Bureau, dated 12 -'■L *■ .*’> • •_* ated 12/12/72, ; 'QJ- Bureau (RM) £j U. I Cel u. V J. uu y _ . . p 2 - Milwaukee (100-17687) (PM) 1 - Tampa (10r 1 - New York 1 - New York 1 - New York 1 - New York GJL: trr ( 10 ) SSjkn 3 •. • / ,i. ife.; ’ M Per Sent pproved V\ ■ ‘W^yy photograph of BEAL, whom WgjjU ad vis ed he is ] he has seen BEAL enter and leave apartment A-. advised he is c estaiii-B EAL is not residing pe; apartment A-10.^H|kdvised he does not re< a girl in the companyof BEAL, and that no fer residing in the apartment at the presgv^lme. t * - ■a . NY 100-172721 Per re Tampa airtel 12 /27 /72 . d vl s ed BEAL and his girl friend, KATHLEEN MORALES, aka JUDY", may possibly be residing at 6 Bleeker Street, NYC. This address is the resi^nceofJ^^LWEBRRMAN, current YIP leader in NYC. On«flB^pg^^n advised the residence at 6 B1 e ek er St r e et ~ NYC , serves as a YIP "crash pad" and contact point for Yippies in the NYC area. Source advised that YIP also uses the residence as a headquarters, although the "office space" is loosely organized.* Source has no knowledge BEAL is currently residing at that address. To date NYO has not identified JUDY LOUDENSLAGER, the girl friend of DANA BEAL. LOUDENSLAGER may be identical--’ to KATHLEEN MORALES, aka "JUDY", and who was last known to be traveling with BEAL. Investigation continuing. In re Tampa airtel, l/4/73> vised BEAL is currently serving time at Columbus, Ohio, "on some sort of riot charge. " Re Milwaukee report reflects BEAL was arrested at Columbus, Ohio, 9/20/72, for disorderly conduct. LEADS • v' * • • . . * ■ y CINCINNATI • : ; AT COLUMBUS, OHIO. Will furnish NYO disposition of sub j ec t ' s a r r es t 9 / 20/72 . MILWAUKEE • Will maintain contact for any information re NJ 100-172721 NEW YORK AT NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK. contact with sources re subject's curr Will maintain ent whereabouts. hH'-V*. -d- 'JVXsS&yL'irV • V «• V S-22-C^ ^ W . W' ! • n FBI n Transmit th<* following in ,A I R T E L (Type in plaintext or code ) (Priority) ACTING DIRECTOR, FBI (100-448910) SAC, NEW YORK (100-162260) (P) SUBJECT: YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY (YIP) , aka Yippies I S-REVOLUT IONARY ACTIVITIES (OO: NEW YORK) d? 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 3- 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- Reference New York nitel dated, 1/23/73. „ v> Bureau (Ends. 8) (RM) ^ ^ 100-467404) (DANA BEAL) ~ oston (100-33319) (RM) ClS.3^) Cincinnati (100-19673) (Ends. 2? (RM) Cnicayo (100-44975) (Ends. 2) (RM> Cleveland (100-30796) (Ends. 2) (RM) Los Angeles (100-71449) (Ends. 2) (RM) Miami (100-16028) (Ends. 2) (rm) Milwaukee (100-16644) (Ends. 3) (RM) (1- 100-17637) (DANA BEAL) Newark (100-50033) (Ends. 2) (RM) New Haven (100-20514) (Ends. 2) (RM) Tampa (100-3390) (Ends. 2) (RM) Washington Field (100-48355) (Ends. 2) New York (100-177395) (INAUGURAL) York (100-172 York York York York York York York New New New New New New New New (RM) 2) “V^ /INFO) (42) I . I ./ t' *1 i Date: ' . 1/30/73 | ; * ‘ . * i ; ■ i i i - - ' i it f* NOT RE, „ A ~ FED 9 SIDED 1973 GJL: epl (36) * ■ENCLOSURE # Approved: f nCfcT , p Sent .M Per SSm v ^ Enclosed for the Bureau are eight (8) copies of an LHM dated and captioned as above. Three (3) copies are enclosed for Milwaukee, and two (2) copies are enclosed for each receiving office. The following sources were used in the LHM: becaus from ef f ec The enclosed LHM is being classified "CONFIDENTIAL" the unauthorized disclosure of information received could identify the source, and impair his future eness, and such impairment could reasonably be_ considered to cause to the national security is teit most Jhtacts with YIP in New York City would be through telephone 212-477-6243, listed to A.J. WEBERMAN, 6 Bleecker Street, New York City. NY 100**162260 LEADS : WASHINGTON FIELD • •* • *•, AT WASHINGTON, D.C. Will attempt to identify persons residing at 515 Second Street, N.E., telephone 202-544-0693. NEW YORK AT NEW YORK, NEW YORK . Will continue to follow and report activities of YIP. i. r 0 UN.ITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION New York# New York January 30, 1973 Youth International Party (YIP) , Also Known As Yippies The YIP, also known as Yippies, is a loosely-knit, anti-establishment, revolutionary youth organization formed in New York City, in January, 1968. In May, 1972, a faction known as Zippies came into being. gathere at&EaaS residence of A. J. Weberman, 6 Dleecker Street, New York City, for proposed travel to Washington, D.C., to participate in protest activit y during the President ■? Tnnnrmr^ inn Alan Jules Weberman, who was involved in YIP protest plans during the political conventions in Miami during the summer of 1972, is regarded as an official YIP spokesman in New York City. (Unclassified) (U) ument contains neither^^commendations nor conclusions of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) . It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. / Q/J ~~ ' / *-/ Ot/" ' Weberman is associated with the Underground Press Syndicate (UPS) , in New York City. (U) f Youth international Party (YIP) , Also Known as Yippies UPS, founded in New York City in 1967, serves as a clearinghouse for underground newspapers seeking information regarding underground publications and persons affiliated with the radical press. (U) On advised that the residence of A.J. Weberman, 6 Bleecker Street, New York City, is currently serving as YIP Headquarters in New York City. The source advised the headquarters serves primarily as a YIP "crash pad" and contact point for Yippies in the New York City area. The source advised that although the residence is used as a headquarters, the "office space" is loosely organized. YIP is not known to have an official membership in New York City. (U) YIP had tv/o (2) buses scheduled to leave from Union Square, New York City, for Washington, D.C. on the evening of January 19, 1973; only one bus actually departed, leaving Union Square at approximately 11:30 p.m. The source advised that the second scheduled bus was cancelled due to lack of support and lack of YIP finances. Persons planning to board the second bus either found other rides or cancelled their plans. (U) JMSfl£adyised_ that upon arriving in Washington, D.C.,, ^around 2:00 a.m. on ^he morning of January 20, 1973, most persons affiliated with YIP gathered at 515 Second Street, N.E., Washington, D.C., telephone 202-544-0693. About 25-30 persons were present, including A.J. Weberman and Dana Beal. It was at this residence where the "rat float" was being built to be used later in the YIP inauguration parade. - 2 - / N o Youth International Party (YIP) , Also Known As Yippies L* \ Irvin Dana Beal, also known as Dana Beal, was arrested in Madison, Wisconsin, and charged with local narcotics violations during the summer of 1971. At that time Beal was regarded as a leader in the Madison, Wisconsin, Chapter of YIP; and was considered a national YIP theoretician. Beal is also affiliated with UPS in Hew York City. (U) At about 9:00 a.m.,' advised that protesters begarT^IW^Wf^^fff^^WITVune marched to Union Station. About 60-75 Yippies were present at a rally in front of Union Station, where and American flag was burned along with plastic bags full of <2ead rats. Supposedly this was to symbolize Nixon supporters throwing off the "diseased rat plague" of Nixon. Several protesters from Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) were in the area, however they did not contribute to the YIP rally. SDS was founded during June, 1962, at Port Huron, Michigan, and in the 1960’s functioned as the leading New Left campus- based student organization in the United States. From a stance of "participatory democracy", the SDS moved to a radical-revolutionary position It maintained a national office at 1608 West Madison Streect, Chicago, Illinois, until February, 1970. Internal factionalism during 1969 produced three main factions: Weatherman, Revolutionary Youth Movement (RYM) , and Workers Student Alliance (WSA) . The Weatherman and RYM no longer consider themselves associated with the SDS. The WSA faction continues to use the name SDS. -3- f Youth^nternational Party (YIP) , Also Known As Yippies After the rally, most Yippies marched to the Washington Monument behind SDS. YIP. intentionally avoided marching with SDS as there had been some friction between the two groups. Many people referred to it only as a lack of communication which had caused some bad feelings. About 250 people joined in the march to the monument. After arriving at the monument several speakers were heard, and later all Yippies were asked to sell copies of the "Yipster Times", a YIP publication in New York City, in order to help raise funds for YIP. It was mentioned the "Yipster Times" is currently in financial difficulty. By late afternoon the large majority of demonstrators had dispersed. advised that on the evening of January 20, 1973, Yippies began gathering again at 515 Second Street, N.E. Everyone present expounded on the press coverage YIP had received because of the rat float. Most people were watching the news reports on TV. Everyone seemed well pleased that YIP had made all the news stations, and had received priority coverage over the other protest groups. At approximately 10:00 p.m. , January 20, 1973, about 25 YIP representatives gathered for a national meeting at the Capitol Hill Methodist Church, Fifth and Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C. The meeting place had been arranged by John Adams, who was present in Miami during the Conventons, and who wore an arm band labeled "religious observer". Adams was present at the meeting, but did not take part in the discussion. Present at the meeting were persons representing the local chapters from Columbus, Ohio; Madison, Wisconsin; and New York City; along with various unknown persons from Massachusetts, New Jersey, Chicago, and Connecticut. The meeting was chaired by Dana Beal with assistance from his girlfriend. A.J. Weberman from New York City was not observed at the meeting. - 4 - Youth -International Party (YIP) , Also Known As Yippies Discussion at the meeting first centered on the YIP parade and the apparent success of the rat float. There was mention of lac k of support at the demonstrations, and an argument as to why YIP and SDS could not get together. There is a noticable lack of national YIP leadership. Beal seemed unsure of himself and expounded on the idea there is no national YIP organization in the true sense of the word. Beal stated each local YIP Chapter is autonomous, free to act on its own without any national directives. Beal stated a national organization was needed only to announce national demonstrations such as for the inauguration. Such demonstrations were to be for nation-wide communication among local YIP Chapters, and not an example of a national organization. It was mentioned the "Yipster Times" could be used as a means for nation-wide communication. Discussion also centered on differences between YIP and Zippies, who are evidently still influenced by Tom Forcade. No arguments erupted, although Forcade was criticized by many. Tom Forcade in June, 1971, was affiliated with UPS in New York City. Forcade is regarded as a leader of the Zippie faction of YIP, which originally consisted of Yippies from the Madison, Wisconsin Area. (U) Many persons present criticized the lack of communication between the local chapters. Everyone was urged to make efficient use of YIP telephone contact points, and to make sure local contact points were in operation. Many persons expressed satisfaction that Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman had been successfully expelled from YIP. . It was widely agreed that Rubin and Hoffman no longer have any significant influence in YIP. - 5 - * Youth .International Party (YIP) , Also Known as Yippies Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman, on February 18, 1970, were found guilty of Anti- Riot Law violations that arose from activities during the Democratic National Convention, Chicago, . Illinois, in August, 1968. On November 27, 1972, the United States 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, Chicago, reversed the conviction. No decision has been reached regarding contempt citations against Rubin and Hobbman. (U) vised the entire meeting was obviously disorganized, and many people began leaving during the course of the meeting . No national meetings were proposed for a future date. It was mentioned YIP should sponsor a "Smoke In" for July 4th at various cities across the country. No specifics were discussed and no plans were made for a YIP "Spring Offensive". In conclusion everyone was encouraged to support National Women's groups during their demonstrations for Women's Rights at various cities on March 28, 1973. y - 6 *- '6 • FD-J23 (Mev, 1 1-29-61) UNIt"^ STATES DEPARTMENT OF j/^ICE federal bureau of investigation New York, New York January 30 t 1973 Title Youth International Party (YIP) . aka Yippies Character Security Matter-Revolutionary Activitie Reference is made to the letterhead memorandum dated and captioned as above. All sources (except any listed belov) whose identities are concealed in referenced communication have furnished reliable information in the past. Thl» document of the FBI ond your agency. contains neither recommendations Is loaned to your agency; it and it nor conclusions ol ths FBI. I, j. lh . property , s content s are not to be distributed outside state S GO^miENT. • . ^'3-ismore^dum ► • : ACyi^G DIRECTOR, FBI (100-46740A) • I X— ' S *f*> MILWAUKEE (100-17687) (P) subject: ixviK DANA^BEAL, aka SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) date: I-31-73 y o i- 1 o_i o 7 0 5 e Milwaukee report of Tarnpa airtel to Bureau, 12-27-72. leajn of their and furnished HARDING meant no thing ^0 him^ ^ nane JUDY and J0HN WESLE Y B ureau (100-467407) (RM) r ~ Cincinnati (RM) ST-1 n 1 - New York (Info) (RM) ot -th 4 - Milwaukee E20-86 /££ - M, DZ/kmv k.!y (9) iW-\ 2 - 100-17687 2 - 100-18295 (KATHLEEN MORALES) 14 feb 5 1973 Kt0-IM*0l S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll A review of the 1972 U.S. Postal Guide Directory reveals that zip code 430 is for the Columbus, Ohio, area. ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN NEW LEFT EXTREMIST ACTIVITY SHOULD BE CONSIDERED DANGEROUS BECAUSE OF THEIR AXOWN ADVOCACY AND OSE OF EXPLOSIVES. REPORTED ACQU I SITION OF FIREAR MS AND INCENDIARY DEVICES. AND KNOWN PROPENSITY FOR VIOLENCE. LEADS CINCINNATI DIVISION At Columbus, Ohio 1. Continue efforts to locate subject and KATHLEEN MORALES at 1446 Hunter St. 2. Contact sources to determine any information re subject's present whereabouts. MILWAUKEE DIVISION At Madison, Wisconsin At Milwaukee, Wisconsin Will maintain contact with in order to determine present location of KATHLEEN MORALES and subject. *>. 2 V 0»TK»*U. rollM NO 19 ^UKy >i(i * r>NR <«i crn) loi.n.t r\ .*•' UNITED STATES v JVERNMENT Memorandum *5Sfi -i. ACTING DIRECTOR, FBI (100-467404) SAC ^CINCINNATI (100-20865) (P) date: 3/29/73 ...a subject: IRVIN DANA BEAL, Aka.A^- , SM - YIP (EXTREMIST)— \y *F / Re Cl letter and LHM to the Bureau dated 11/9/72, captioned, "PROPOSED DEMONSTRATION PROTESTING APPEARANCE OF VICE-PRESIDENT SPIRO T. AGNEW, Columbus, ^h^^^Segtern^e^^C^ 1972"; Milwaukee report of SA dated 12/12/72; Cincinnati airtel and OHM to tne Bureau dated 12/14/72, captioned, "YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY, IS - RA" ; Milwaukee letter to the Bureau dated 1/31/73. Enclosed for the Bureau are five copies of an LHM captioned "IRVIN DANA BEAL". Enclosed also are two photographs of subject taken on his arrest, September 20, 1972. Enclosed for Milwaukee and New York are two copies of captioned LHM and two copies of photograph taken on subject's arrest at Columbus, Ohio on September 20, 1972. ADMINISTRATIVE : Jj'i /r 2 -Milwaukee (Enc, 4) (100-17§8Z) S5 j b£~J ~ — V 2 -New York (Enc. 4) i^WTS” if, 2-Cincinnati cm >t/T : 0-(&* .TSW;pl. I ' ,, HiAI>R26l9?3 ' Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan 932 . Cl 100-20865 unauthorized disclosure cov^P^Peas^^^bly^E>e expected tofdajnage National Security by compromising first and selond confidential sources, informants who are furnishing valuable information on a continuing basis relative to Revolutionary Activities in the Columbus , Ohio area. LEAD: CINCINNATI AT COLUMBUS, OHIO Will follow results of local prosecution regarding subject and report to Bureau and Office of Origin. ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN REVOLUTIONARY - EXTREMIST ACTIVITY SHOULD BE CONSIDERED DANGEROUS BECAUSE OF THEIR KNOWN ADVOCACY AND USE OF EXPLOSIVES, REPORTED ACQUISITION OF FIREARMS AND INCENDIARY DEVICES, AND KNOWN PROPENSITY FOR VIOLENCE. - 2 - L O/K'A yN/Au qejjxy^ Yn Reply i Pleas ejiiejer lu File No. I UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Cincinnati , Ohio March 29, 1973 IRVIN DANA BEAL who has turmsheci reliable information m the pas^T* advised that various anti-war groups in the Columbus , Ohio area plan to demonstrate by protesting the appearance of Vice-President Spiro T. Agnew scheduled for Columbus, Ohio, September 20, 1972. This source advised that leaflets announcing Vice-President Agnew 1 s appearance had been circulated around the Ohio ' State University (OSU), Columbus, Ohio area. These leaflets announced a rally for the demonstrators at the Ohio Statehouse , Broad Street and High Street, Columbus, Ohio, for 6:30 PM, September 20, 1972. The leaflets were endorsed by the Indochina Coalition, a local anti-war group, the Indochina Peace Campaign, the Vietnam Veterans Against the War and the Youth International Party. INDOCHINA COALITION The "Ohio State Lantern" an Ohio State University (OSU) daily student newspaper generally circulated on the OSU campus , Columbus , Ohio, in its May 8, 1972, issue, in an article captioned, "Anti-War Rally Set For Today, " described the Indochina Coalition as a recently formed group opposing the war in Indochina. VIETNAM VETERANS AGAINST THE WAR /\ The Vietnam Veterans Against the War (WAW) \ ' is a national organization whose membership opposes the war in Vietnam and the Selective Service System. The WAW has sponsored demonstrations in protest against the war in Vietnam throughout the United States. . , ' .• „ . /.- a ^ z/4 n <7 o C/ - -T - TS„ mmmm §F Eg III n RE: IRVIN DANA BEAL YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY The Youth International Party, also known as Yippies , is a loosely knit, antiestablishment, revolutionary youth organization formed in New York City in January, 1968. INDOCHINA PEACE CAMPAIGN (IPC) The IPC is an ad-hoc group of war resisters organized as an educational and action program designed to keep the Vietnam War primarily in the public conscience through the November election: no doing, they intend to embarrass President Nixon and gather support for Senator George Me Govern. . cff^^^TTu^^ate a group of approximately 50 to 60 demonstrators assembled on the west side of High Street across from the Neil House Motor Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, at approximately 4:45 PM and engaged in anti-war and anti-Agnew chants while awaiting the arrival of Vice-President Agnew. The demonstrators greeted the arrival of Vice-President Agnew with ar.ti-Agnew chants and with obscenities. The demonstrators did not attempt to break through police barricades ar.d broke intc small groups after the Vice-President had entered the Neil House Motor Hotel. The demonstrators then remained on the Statehouse grounds opposite the Neil House while the Vice-President remained in the Neil House. further advised that the approximately 6:45 PM, demonstrator September 20, 1972, and moved to a position across the street from the RKO Palace Theater, where the Vice-President was scheduled tc address the Ohio State Republican Convention. The demonstrators continued to chant anti -Vietnam War and anti-Agnew and Nixon slogans. At this time the demonstrators totaled approximately 75 in number. At approximately 8:00 PM, the Columbus Police Department commenced making arrests of some cf the demonstrators ar.d at 8:10 PM, forced the demonstrators fron. the vicinity of the RKO Palace Theater to the corner ol Eroad and High Streets where they were advised to disband. The demonstrators disbanded into small groups and proceeded immediately out of the area. - 2 - IRVIN DANA BEAL r advised that arrests were initiated when the demonstrators began to use oTfscene language. V advised that there were approximately 12 inarvrduals arrested by the Columbus , Ohio Police Department. . • Irvin Dana Beal , Columbus Police Department Slate Number' 32734, was one of the individuals arrested at this demonstration. Beal gave the Police Department an address of 1446 Hunter, Columbus, Ohio. Beal was born January 9, 1947', in Ohio. He is a white male and employed with the 'Underground Presd' in New York City. He was arrested for disorderly conduct. advised that Dana Beal was not m Columbus and his whereabouts was unknown. V _ — ^ , nr ■ ir /, rvf / p /? rrXTYJfrg. & A £)C who has/ *£ uzmi sli0d 1170 ii sJd 10 n_nfo2rm0.tiori in tii0 ^ pas t , advi s ed (Ah at Dana Beal and his girl friend, J udy Coudenslager attended a National Youth International Party* (YIP) Congress or Conclave held at Columbus, Ohio, November 22-25, 1972. r . . 1/rj ja / A — o r p/y/tsp^o-ry / / iC. / l • C>: L ’ ,r ”‘ This Conclave~was~attended by approximately 60-70”Yippies from various parts of the, country. , x/ • — > /3/?o/i/ x /oYY /. There was”^a "general 'meeting' from about 10r30-PM- — until 1:00 AM, Wednesday, November 22-23, 1972, to discuss the agenda for the YIP Congress. The meeting was held at 251 West Sixth Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. During this meeting Dana Beal served as the Chairman. On Thursday, November 23, 1972, the YIP Congress commenced at approximately 10:30 AM at the Wesley Foundation, Columbus, Ohio. The discussion regarding the agenda for the YIP Congress followed and this discussion was led by Dana Beal. Instead of formulating any definite agenda, Beal expounded regarding the theory of the Yippies , which is also grounded on the youth culture and "rock and roll". Beal also led the discussion regarding kicking Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman, founding leaders of the YIP Party, out of YIP because they were stealing f unds , had allied themselves with the Democratic Party, and had resorted to working through the system of the "establishment" . After dinner the YIP Congress resumed with a general session. This session was also led by Dana Beal. During this session, it was decided there would be a press conference to announce the expulsion of Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman from the YIP Party. After dinner on this date, the males and females attending the YIP Congress held separate me^^nTgsfron^m^^^^^^vR^^O^^^ur^i This source advised that Dana Beal also led the discussio n of the YIP Congress for On Friday evening, a workshop on Cultural Imperialism was held in St. Stephens Episcopal Church, 30 West Woodruff Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. Essentially, the workshop related to how the YIP "rock and roll" music has been "ripped off" by "straight" society and used without due credit to the Yippies. During this workshop, Dana Beal for the first time lost control of the proceedings and everyone who wished to talk did so. After this workshop, caucuses were held among the participants in an effort to take control of the YIP Congress away from Dana Beal who had been doing all of the talking during the Congress . On the YIP Congress conveneoana'^^wSsW^^WPSfl^WWDy Dana Beal. Copies of the "Yipster Times", the Yippie newspaper were landed out for everyone to sell. Beal talked about the "Yipster Times" and how to obtain national advertisements and how to distribute it. After lunch, those present at the YIP Congress discussed the coming inauguration of President Nixon, January, 1973, and Dana Beal said the Yippies had to be present at the inhoguration of President Nixon. It was decided that the YIP would be present in Washington, D. C. during the Presidential Inauguration and would perform guerrilla theater. In addition, it was proposed that the Yippies inaugurate some animal or other object as President of the United States prior to the Presidential Inauguration, which inauguration could be filmed and publicized. No definite plans were made other then the RE: IRVIN DANA BEAL fact the Yippies would be in Washington, D. C. for the Presidential Inauguration. It was indicated the next isteu<5 of the "Yipster Times' 1 would have announcements regarding plans for "actions" at the time of the Presidential Inauguration . During this Congress Dana Beal talked about the need for setting up a spring offensive, but no definite plans were finalized. Likewise, no date was set for the spring offensive. source such thing as national leaders, but that Dana Beal and Beal's present girl friend, Judy Loudenslager , definitely are Yippie leaders . source advised that This YIP Congress was poorly organized and -a ttenda nce was much less then had been antii the . Dana Beal as New York license tags. blue body, bearing information on| the next YIP Congress or Conclave would be helcT^in Chicago, Illinois, in April, 1973, no specific date mentioned. An announcement of the date and place of the YIP Congress or Conclave will appear in a future copy of the "Yipster Times". - 5 - /■S RE: IRVIN D*»..A BEAL / y y 7 n ' - so mentioned that the ■VJo-ppies are j^HinnTngto release 100 "crazed" dhickens in the mansion of Hugh Heffner, the publisher of "Playboy" magazine so Heffner will have all tne‘~"chicks" he desires. No specific date or plan for such an action was specified. cSrrSifirW^^mJt^^apfPrfl^raTmleen Morales was identical to Judy Loudenslager, the girl friend of Dana Beal. Loudenslager had returned to New York City. January 18, 197 3, Vb^SSSSIHHHM Columbus, Ohio PolTc^i^pa^me^^^aav^ed tn^^Bea^was not presently serving time in th^^o^rfeus CitvJail or the Franklin County, Ohio Jail. ^|- advised that to his knowledge , Beal is stTTI^penaing charges for his arrest, September 20, 1972, by the Columbus, Ohio Police Department. urther stated that the address of 1446 Hunter given by Beal at his time of arrest by the Columbus Police Department is the address of local Yippie members and that this address is used very frequently as a "crash pad" , by various persons staying over night in the Columbus, Ohio area. anWffg the Presidential Inauguration Ceremonies, Washington, D. C., January 18-21, 1973. This source advised that on January 19, 1973, he observed Dana Beal and Judy Loudenslager, Beal's girl friend at the YIP House located at 514 Second Street, Northeast, Washington, D. C. 11118 source advised chat the individuals at rhe YIP House - 6 - RE : . — IRVIN DANA BEAL ware, in the process of building a float depicting President Nixon as a "rat" for use during the counter inaugural demonstration January 20, 1973. stated that after the counter inaugural demonstration , January 20, 1973, there was a YIP meeting regarding the YIP agenda at 10:00 PM held at a Methodist Church located at Pennsylvania Avenue and Fifth Street, Northeast or Southeast, Washington, D. C. Approximately 20 Yippies were in attendance. Dana Beal and his girl friend Judy Loudenslager were in attendance at this meeting. Dana Beal chaired the meeting and did most of the talking. Beal announced YIP plans to coordinate "attacks" on Playboy Clubs throughout the United States March 28, 1973, to protest Sexism. YIP will attempt to enlist the help of Women's Liberation Organizations, because that date is suppose to be International Woman's Day. Beal indicated the next YIP National Conference will be held at Wobbley Hall , Chicago , Illinois , but no date was finalized. During the meeting, "smoke-ins" were discussed and Beal indicated the annual "smoke-in" at Washington, D. C. should be held this year. On source , who has turnisheareTTaDieTntormatxon in the past, and who attended the anti-inauguration demonstrations in Washington, D. C. , January 20, 1973, advised that Beal and his girl friend were present at the YIP demonstration during the Presidential Inauguration. This source stated that Beal and his girl friend are presently residing in New York City. On March 20, 1973 , Clerk of Municipal Courts Office, ColumbusToh^^^aa^reed that Beal is subject of Columbus City Docket Number 30322. This file shows that Beal was arrested September 20 , 1972, by the Columbus, Ohio Police Department for disorderly conduct, "screaming obscenities on a public street". - 7 - -V* I,r / Bu of Drug #52-68-135 Act-sale of Abuse Control LSD Wash DC 0 Fed Det Kdqtrs Dana Biel . \ y // • / 8-22-67 S-NY viol Food / » * > / r , AS NY NY . 1F27669 V/ & Drug Act V A 1 Hollinger USC \ V USM NT NY Irving Dana^Beal 8-22-67 viol Drug Abuse i \ Law LSD Title 21 USC *360 (B) \ PD Dana Beal 12-19-67 220:35 (sale ••si " ~C. ** ^ 1 NY NY #B698362 Dang Drugs). oV - t* 7* - • MCT-n ' />' - J /b A VArrsnt •\A/ - - PD Paul Charles 11-12-70 Poss Dang Drug 11-5-71 cent Milwaukee Wls ( f Augustine Mari} del of min of ?>124230“ Poss Dnnn Drug • ‘ IZj — • Contr Del of enng d rues, , — Minor Bu of Dare & Irvin Dana 7-14-71 21 USC 331 (q) /- v* • - 4 ,A Dang Drugs Beal l ( 2 ) sale of Wash DC . £ A' . fit #52-68-135 1 LSD 18 USC 2 aiding and abetting of,' ~ ; 'K > PD Irvin Dana r-i i 1 r* sell tnarij 1 .J N<»t !• re y^\ Ai . •.-.Ms __ Bca.l “Vimo 7 . counts t *> • - • MAR i 31973' l t i - Information shown on this Identification Kecord rejnesoms acna iunu.neu i ui «/ > contributors. Where final disposition is not shown or further explanation of charge is desired, com- municate with agency contributing those fingerprints. ,. . . . Notations indicated by * are NOT based on fingerprints in FBI files but are listed only as investi- ■ ii • > •• I #1 I » * »t f ..... J - I (.i/hrvrtk uwrM.r\w \yr >n VLJilvnilVil WASHINGTON, O.C. 20337 112 vh 2-27-73 The following FBI record, NUMBER 100 504 F , it furnished FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Informotion »hown on this Identificotion Record repreients data furnished FBI by fingerprint contributor*. WHERE FINAL DISPOSITION IS NOT SHOWN OR FURTHER EXPLANATION OF CHARGE IS DESIRED, COMMUNICATE WITH AGENCY CONTRIBUTING THOSE FINGERPRINTS. CONTRIBUTOR OF FINGERPRINTS NAME AND NUMBER ARRESTED OR RECEIVED charge DISPOSITION • . Bu Of Narc & Dang Drugs Wash DC • * Irvin Dana Beal #52-68-135 7-14-71- i 21 use 331 (q) (2) Sale of LSD 18 USC 2 Aiding and abetting ( (1 1 USM Madison Vis Irvin Dana Beal #01057 4-7-72 21 USC 331 (q) (2) 360a (b) 321 (v) 333 (a) 18 USC 2 selling a depressant or stimulant drug w/c authorization • SO Janesville Vi is Irvin Dana Beal #55946 7-14-71 Sell-Deliver- Dispose of drugs | 50 das Jail t ransfer from Dane Co Jail •Madison, Wis Residence: 334 IV. Wilson Street Madison W': s. Public Safety Depart I-.’iarii Fla Irvin Dana Beal #162567 e-2^-72 ' poss icarij Dismissed . ‘•ar 4 -*•»»! ***■‘5 ' 3A " : ' 5 ! PD Columbus Ohio Irvin Dana Beal 827-A 9-20-72 DC-5300 • I. Iff Nototion* indicated by * ore NOT ba»ed on fingerprint* in FBI file* but are lilted only o» inve itigative leod» o» being poiiibly identical with subject of thi* record. :i\* ti. jI lC.M r* ' 5 V i - 1 ' tro 1*71 o— ei»-ote ■ — Ui jMTED STATES DEPARTMENT FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGA WASHINGTON, D.C. 20537 OMjf'.'STICE tIWt 112 vh 2-27-7: 1-BU units* states department of justice SlDERAL DUREAU Of INVESTIGATION 1 WASHINGTON, D C. 20537 112 vh 2-27-73 Tho following FBI rocord, NUMBER 108 504 F , it furnished FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Infor mationjsho wn on this Identification Record reprosentt data furnished FBI by fingerprint contributors. WHERE DISPOSITION IS NOT SHOWN OR FURTHER EXPLANATION OF CHARGE OR DISPOSITION IS DESIRED, ^jpMMUNICATE WITH AGENCY CONTRIBUTING THOSE FINGERPRINTS. CONTH»(JJO« Of flNGttf KINTS KAMI AND MU MACK AMESTED Ott IECEIVED CHARGE DISfOSniOM ADEX FLASH: Ir or inquiry recc Internal Securi Division and tv #100-17687 Bu ^-Aliases: Paul t’ zing Dana ved refer :y Section copies le #10£j harles an V 3 FL 'Yipsky, Georg letef sky , Beal Any information one copy of record to Domestic Intelligence o BFD Milwaukee File 67404 Inf rec 2 - 1-72 gust in , Jirn Crews . Leon Paul^ippie. '■m THIS PAGE SHOUL D NOT BE DISSEMINATED OUTS IDE FBI. I' -I *U i ! ; I C/» i -c.-: 1,/ w i •; r,;;i - Y* vm i 2-BU Jfc teDERAl, BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIM^ ' W , ^ VVASH1NGT0N, D.C. 20537 ^ c' f\ . 108 504 F . • 112 vh 2-27-7: The following FBI record, NUMBER Vi* furnished FOR OFFICIAL USE ON: Information shown on this identification Record represents data furnished FBI by fingerprint contribute where Disposition is not shown or further explanation of charge or disposition W i -W -» ■ - WemorSldum TO ACT3UO DIRJETOR, FBI (100-1*67 W SAC, MILWAUKEE (100-17687.) ( p ) trom X \ date: 3-31-73 sunjtcrr: IRVIN DANA BEAL, • p . RTY (Y IP) SI»I - YOUTH INT EtUTATI ON AL lARrl vxx ) (EXTREMIST) OQ: MILWAUKEE Ho ' Milwaukee letter to Director, dated Januory 31* 19T3» T«f>rr.rTtioii copies of this c 0 n 2 nuwicati.cn interest in thio mao tor. by SA <• ni i nM'i n r. in v estigat ion. was conductod gmng£|SSj|RgMn at Madison, Wisconsin. s advised - rdSfiSb «fc zsrjsstsr U0V3lott€)r • -\r S/ ; \r (2 - Bureau (100-4674.01*) (HM) 1 - Cincinnati (Info) (IpO ^ # PM % 1 - Cleveland (3.00-3196S>) (In^o) ( ) 3 ~ New York (2 - lgft-1 1 hIi'ijji mii^ 1 - Miami (100^l68^^HoT7Bf^™ 3 - Milwaukee (2 - V (1 - TRMtmjk / •' 1111 V \\® n R«V 11 S. JWwfj Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan J ' • ■ »*« . J l y 1 " mm MI 100-17687 Milwaukee is preparing FD-128, transf crrj.ng office of origin fco New Yci'k. Also, up fco date report will bo prepared. FOR VIOiiKiCM. 4/16/73 1 L' T 4 - . . » «_ ., «* r •»-'-«• >• aum , i neiuaii oci uu | Bureau, dated 3/31/73* - •• sssd er TO FROM sueject: On^ residing at b Blee LEADS MILWAUKEE de rm FLO : lv (5) ACTING DIRECTOR, FBI (100-467404) date. AC, NEW YORK (100-172721) IRVIN DANA^BEAL aka SM-YIP (EXTREMIST) ReNYairtel to Bureau, dated 1/22/73; and Mllet to |advised that subject is currently C. AT MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN. Will review subject. - " ■ " . ■ i ~ - i 1 11 • 1 . i. • H 2. Will prepare FD 128 and up-to-date report, transferring case to NY. EX-Ui 2 - Bureau (RM) 2 - Milwaukee (100-17087) (RM) 1 - New York ■i 5t? APR 18 1973 * i & ** * Buy U S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan % NY 100-172721 LEADS (cont *d ) NEW YORK AT NEW YORK, NEW YORK . Will continue to follow subject • s activities'. to : FROM : subject: umic-u si Alts Cj^'ERNMENT Memorandum ACTING DIRECTOR, RBI (100-467404) date: 5/24/73 SAC, NEW YORK. (100-172721) (P) IRVIN DANA BEAL aka SM-YIP (EXTREMIST) ReNYlet to Bureau, dated 4/16/73- 'advised oi been staying, while in NYC, at that subject has East Third Street. LEAD MILWAUKEE AT MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN. Will forward results of investigation as set out in referenced letter. EX- 2-Bureau (RM) 2-Milwaukee (100-176867) (RM) 1-New York FL0:psm (5) , 54.JUN5 1973 Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan Memoran(Mm TO : Diruolor, Fltl (Hufilc - 100-467404 ) date: 6/27/73 / SA( | MILWAUKEE (100-17687) (P) J SUBJECT: IRVIN DANA ’seal, aka 0 John, Wesley^HarfJing, Paul Charles Augustin^ Jim Crewe, Paul Yippie, Leon^Yipsky, George Metef sky SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) J // 7 t The captioned individual has been the subject of a security or extremist investigation by this office. The N ew_Yo rk Division has verified the permanent presence of the subject in iLs division os residing nnd working at the nddresses listed below. The tl£]WL_X!DJrk Division is being considered the new Office of Origin. Business Address, Name of Employing Concern nnd Address, ^^JMnturc of Employment, nnd Union Affiliation, if any. t 't'LAv,/ 'Residence nddress 42 East 3rd Street, New York, New York Key Focility • Oengrapn Data icnl Reference Number . Responsibility I f I J-dcnti ii cation Division Data jSheck OR note the following applicable statements: 1 AO cn/ x? r^iTX] A security flash on subject lias been PREVIOUSLY placed in FBI # t I r designated for Identification Division. y p~l A security flash on subject hns been PREVIOUSLY placed in Identification Division; however, FBI number is NOt KNOWN. Th therefore, copy of this form is/ The following information, therefore, is being furnished und a copy of this form is designated for Identification Division j A Rnce: Dale nnd Place »f Birth; Other Identifying Numbers: Fingerprint Classification: NOTE: Do NOT ho«\.l|Nt designate COPY of FD-128 for Identification Division if FD-165 previously RETURNED to field office o fingerprints located on subject. Check the following applicoble statements: 4 IXi Tins ii divnhiiil t.*. the subjrx-t of ojl ADKX Cnrd. (The Bureau is requested to make the appropriate changes in the ADEX at FlilllQ. The W^W—XOrlC I Division should affix the addresses indicated t iln»uc and the appropriate case file number.) [7T Subject is a, sign. ited ii Key Black Extremist. 12 ] Subject is oi sigMited a Key Activist. + \ \ OO y jl-Ut RES-38 /()• / 7 oi f“* 1 Handwriting sp» linens hnve been fumislicd to the Bureau. o*‘ 1X1 A photograph has been furnished to the Bureau. O . QJ Suhji cj is included in the Extremist Photograph Album (EPA). The new Office of Origin should submit u new completed FIM32 showing the new address and Office of Origin of subject. ^ . (XI Dissemination made Secret Service locnlly re above information. (X J Subject included in Stop Index File at Bureau; copy of this form is designated for Data Processing I 22 JUL 9 1973 The follow IX’ APEX 'X: Serials ( ing pertyn *! items ore bcinb l,on*ar led to the new Office of Origin with its copies of this letter: ( nnls ( 2 ) * W v \ K A^'hotogniph of subject (check appropriate item fr^rc (>• (See Page]2)J., x r\<$&"pc ^T)- Bureau ~(T At u n vi Cl - AJLtn M r, 1 4 AUG 7 19 ' - (rm) * See Pagej2) V / J, vC\\VA*'* 1 dl None available 1/ j v j t^J Previously furnished Td e n tfc-f-i-qat-io n Div is i on^ ubject (check appropriate t 'H n ^ f u'lpics of most recent o ( 5 2 - New York 1 - Milwaukee ro cies smg Section) (100-172721) *"• (Enc. 17) TRM/brm (6) a Milwaukee preparing «- 1*>— ■ MI 100-17687 The following are enclosed for the Bureau (two copies each) : Milwaukee FD— 366 dated 6/27/73. Milwaukee FD— 376 dated 6/27/73# The following are enclosed for New York (one copy each unless indicated to contrary): Milwaukee summary report of SA^|g£g dated 8/26/71. Milwaukee FD-122 dated 8/26/71. Milwaukee FD-165 dated 2/7/72. Milwaukee report of SA| 4/20/72. 12/12/72. Milwaukee FD-122 dated 4/26/72. Milwaukee report of SA tdated Milwaukee FD-122 dated 12/12/72. Milwaukee FD-165 dated 6/27/73. Milwaukee FD-457 dated 6/27/73. Milwaukee FD-366 dated 6/27/73 (two copies). Milwaukee FD-376 dated 6/27/73 (two copies). ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN NEW LEF T EXT REMIST. activity sttt >ER'STTTTOR - 2 - In Il*'i»l\ , /Vnw Hcjvr to File No. I ^3 R R A L IS U R H A U O V I N V K S T 1 G A N WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535 June 27, 1973 Di roc tor . ~ Uni Loti States Secret Service Department of the Treasury Washington, I). ('. 20 ,, ' , <) in.'. „ 111 " IRVIN DANA BEAL Dear Sir: SECURITY MATTER - YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY (YIP) — «»" * «■ 1- rj Threats or actions against persons protected hv Secret Service. r._J Attempts or til routs to redress gr ievanees. 3 ‘ [ J Threaten in/; or abusive statement about U. S. or foreign official. 4 ’ rj r„“7deiui^- in :'r" (list " I ll ’;" ,ct ‘ s - S. demonstrations. or hostile nuidcnts against foreign diplomatic establishments. 5. Illegal bombing, bomb-making or other terrorist activity. 6 - CI1 Defector from ['. S. or indicates desire to defect. i- Ixl Potentially dangerous because of background, emotional instability or activity in groups engaged in activities inimicalto P. S. Photograph • has been furnished |X| enclosed r_-j is nol nvniln | )le . Very truly yours, William D. Huckelshaus Acting Director I - Special Agenl in Charge (KnelosiireCs) ) 1) !\ s. Secret Service f Milwaukee (RM) Enclosure(s) 1 unQd states depaktment of jl®|:e FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION File /Vo. Milwaukee, Wisconsin June 27, 1973 SUBJECT: CHARACTER: REFERENCE: IRVIN DANA BEAL SECURITY MATTER - YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY (YIP) Milwaukee report of SA dated December 12, 197 Referenced communication contained subject’s residence and/or employment A recent change has been determined and is being set forth below (change address. A recent change only specified): Residence: 42 East 3rd Street, New York, New York Employment: Thin document contains neither recommendations in loaned to your fluency: it and its contents arc agency. j - -/ - j? or conclusion* of the FIJI. It <* the property of the it to be distributed outside your agency . FW and Emnsifi?! Stop Index File Entry, Cancellation, FD-457 (Rev. 10-18-72) TO: ication Director/ FBI ( 100*467404 f^m: SAC, MILWAUKEE (100-17687) (P) 5 SUBJECT: IRVIN DANA'-BEAL, aka SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) i\'/' OO: NEW YORK C# DATE: 6/27/73 [XjADEX Extremist 1 1 Urban Guerrilla Warfare Suspect I 1 Venceremos Brigade Member 1 1 1 Weatherman I 1 Bank Robbery Suspect I | Top Jewel Thief | 1 Other (Specify) □ Place Stop (See NCIC Manual, Part II, for Field Codes) QQ Modify Stop (Enter Only Information That Is To Be Changed) (Subject Currently resides 3-11 „ [ 1 Cancel Stop (Enter Name And One Other Identifier) (Enter Reason for Cancel under MIS Field) New York City), NAM Last Name First Middle AKA Last Name First Middle Augustin Paul Charles Crewe Jim Yippie Paul Yipsky Leon Mete f sky George FBI Number S0C Social Security Number MNU Miscellaneous No. DOB Date of Birth Month Day Year P0B Place of Birth RAC Race SEX MIS Miscellaneous LIC License Plate No. LIS License Plate State LIY License Plate Yeur LIT License Plate Type YIN Vehicle Identification Number VY.R Vehicle Year VMA Vehicle Make VM0 Vehicle Model 0LN Operator's License Number , N /CO 0LS Op. License State r 7*-/t /- 0LY Op. Lie. Yr. Exp. Caution Stntement ^ ^ t j 65JU(^2I973 0- Bureau (RM) 1 - Data Processing Section 2 - Milwauk ee- ( - l QQ~- L 76&7-} lo V ' v. r l*r.» (• I JUL 7 1 197 3 (100-19907) TRM/brm (4) i:ir~. n : r;, 4.?; ( r r i * I origin I NEW YORK IRVIN DANA DEAL, aka f * - s ( * date 7-20-73 REPORT MADE BY ~ "Y i CHARACTER OF CASE -l SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) 5TIGATIVE PERIOD J/ 5/73 - 7 / 6/73 typed e- Ml k_ / references MSl-gllB Milwaukee I’opoi't oi* SA ^ ** T^pa airtol to Director" da tod York airtol to Director, dated 1-22-73. I.-lvaukoo letter to Director, dated 1-31-7 ■? Cleveland lottor to Milwaukee, dated I-31-73 r\ <. 1.2 : 3011 vi lie letter to Milwaukee, dated 2-28-73 \ 1 ' c; ’ jlMd lettor to Milwaukee, dated 2-28-73 v i. innati lettor to Director, dated 3-29-73 i iJ.ifauj.oe letter to Director, dated 3-31-73 li'.j York lotter to Dir oc tor, dated 1 l- 16-73 Miair.i lettor to Milwaukee, dated Il- 18-73 Now York letter to Director, dated 5-2k-73.- - RUC - N VI C. ACCOMPLIinMhNTS CLAIMED [ FINE'j ' SAVINGS a p r r. r. v c : <■ J • |T:S MA'ir ~| none ACQUIT- TALS RECOVER! ES SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE /Cc ^ A kn*l * ••*••• fc Sorvico, Milwaukee (FM) 1 - C .Wei j M (100-20865) (RM) 2 - ;• ; u 00-172721) (RM) 2 - ...i, .l::co (1 - IOO -I 7687 ) (1 Dt ssf n, motion Record of Attached Report 9 JUL 26 1973 %c *2 A> W » I* I All. I • •'% I A,!. V 7 1 1 * o - C’ * ftPnj/Aio- 5 3 AUG 9 19731 — ^ - E/ViJ /VvvAf'-j^ ... . - - % - HI 100-17687 ADMINISTRATIVE? An r'D-376 13 stapled to this report. co^unleati^ ls being ACllowlng loc.il prosecution ot n currently subject- 3 errost thoro“ 9 ! 2 o !72 °^e U3 i Obio ’ re S a ^lng cac orderly conduct (DC). 72 * charge of Hilvc.uJcoe his cubnittod FD-128 ( 6-?7 7 n\ u °- iJ -co of origin to tfev York in changing current residence in that city? ° f sub J ect 's r^n C fS r ^rH*f?? n ??J la !r ra ' tlM **" « that ono TilOHAS KING- FOP^WlT 9 V**, 3 a3certa laed I:roo raa tional Party (Y?p\ Cit * Youtb rosiding at 22 Doh?n S tr ^' 9 *n V f ? Was re Portedly of 11 / 72 , with a^lSdfv^ ,?^ and ?’ Florida * ao 7 aiding ^ i^jj °* ^^/ 72 , with an indiv JOHN W . HARDING (aliajf'^j mi the name of • ) COVER PAGE «r*d**v fSt U vn b ? ai c t ^ 1 t0 Director, 12-27-72, noted that Sc ^° for> tho clfc y of Orlando failed to reflect a Dohm Street existing in '' ' It was further noted that according to 1 ^ject and FORCADE, use tho names of HAHDTITG and DOHRN (JOHN W. HARDING is the name of a past hit noSpS d w nd 4-?2 IiRN iS tho v 1 ® afc of BERNARDINE DOHRN, Weathfug subject) when they want to confuse older people who are not familiar with the significance of these names. Subject derives humor from the confusion that results. INFORMANTS Location 'I h • dula nppcnrin^m the ADKX Care! are current. 128 £ ‘ ! m:t«*s on the Card arc nccessaiy and Form FD^^submitted to the* Bureau. \ *. in il »S i • photograph [X] is F^l is n°t available. • I 1 .*:* photograph was taken o—2 It - — 72 . Subject is employed in a key facility .and __is charged with security responsibility. Interested agencies are M This report is classified ; because Ts it.tr reason) ■v. (Thi.3 report does not warrant classification. ) 2-.llj.-72 Subject previously interviewed (dates) . Subject was not Q] interviewed rcintcrvicwcd because (state reason) ho was uncooperative. T'ii> case no longer meets the AOFX criteria and an FD-122 with succinct summary, has » .vn directed to the Bureau recommending cancellation. I hi" case has been reevaluated in the light of the ADEX criteria and it continues to fall within the criteria because (state reason) 3 AL, on 5-8-72, at a Madison anti-war demonstration, "-a part of a crowd that engaged in spontaneous . its of property destruction (window breaking and setting rubbish firos). One police officer was injured when hit bv a rock. A confidential informant advised on 7-6-73- that EEAL is a national YIP leader and thooroticiaa, having current propensity to instigate r.-'d direct revolutionary acts of violence. S.ii.j.vl is Ivslromist in ADKX nnd Stop Notice has been placed with the Bureau Stop Index. COVER PAGE A, M% S../XXJ V/ r i j\ V V* DiJUA ON n lUply % Vltti&c Hi'Jcr to \iie A f o. * ... . t l00r457AQ4 , \ - * •. .. t Direclo^ • Uni led Stales Sccrcl Service Department of the Treasury Washington, D. C. 20220 Dear Sir: • '• . WASHINGTON .• A. M ,3i 7 • 8/7/73 • / • i,’.* • 7. HE: . IRVIN -DANA BEAL A v -.. .A • ' SM^OUTH/ I^RNATIO'N/.L »jm- • . 7 ’ .• . V . . *• ’ . ’*> .V- The information furnished herewith concerns an individual or organization believed to be covered by the agreement between the FBI and Secret Service concerning protective responsibilities, and to fall within the category or categories checked. . . .}• CD Threats or actions against persons protected by Secret Service. ' ‘ ; < 7; ‘ ■ " j . 2. □ Attempts or threats Lo redress grievances. j i .. j 3. □ Threatening or abusive statement about U. S. or foreign official. ■ CD Participation in civil disturbances, anl.i-U. S. demonstrations or hostile incidents against foreign diplomatic establishments. 5. □ Illegal bombing, bomb-making or other terrorist activity. , *'• ; 6. CD Defector from U. S. or indicates desire to defect. . . ..7 ' j 7‘ KD Potentially dangerous because of background , emotional instability or activity in groups engaged in activities inimical lo U. S. • . ... .♦.*>**. .* • *:*'•*..•* Photograph [X] has been furnished CDenclosed [ | is not available. ’ J • - \ y ' 7 • ' . '*• '* Very trply/yours , ri J •i . V- , DIRECTOR FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION J r 1 - Special Agent in Charge (Enclosure(s)) (1) .. . U* S. Secret Service ^ Iili.wau.kee Enelosure(s) a) ’•»!. • n* * .1 • m - i * uwr\i_nu VUT mVC.^1 IOMI \| Copy to*. 1 f United States Secret Service, Milwaukee (RM) ( Report of: f Date: -SA JULY 20, 1973 Field Office File if: MX 100 — 17687 Title: IRVIN DANA BEAL Office: MILWAUKEE Bureau File if: 100 — lj.67ij-OL[. SECURITY MATTER - YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY (YIP) Character: Synopsis: Subject, described as national Youth International Party (YIP) loader and theoretician from New York City (NYC), functioned in leadership capacity for following YIP events: YIP Congress, Columbus, Ohio, 11/72; YIP Presidential Inauguration Day Demonstration, Washington, D. C., 1/7 3> and, YIP National Conference, Iowa City, Iowa, 4 / 73 * Subject is unemployed (resides [|2 East 3rd Street, NYC), and does volunteer work for "Yipster Times," a YIP nevjsletter, published at NYC. Other activities set forth. CONSIDER SUBJECT DANGEROUS, - ROC - Details: I. BACKGROUND. A. Residences. Mur*. VH* advised on that subject resides at 2865 University Avenuej Apartment A-10, Bronx, Now York (212-796-0057). Thii document contain* neither recommendation* nor conclusion* of the FBI. It i* the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency: it and it* are not to be distributed outside your agency: contents U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1970 O - 404-140 t MI 100-17687 "T SP^ ■ ;• — T ~" r ^Qj^ggygvgQg^gggjMgpHHpavi Efi|^^^furthor noted tjciat st$>ject is livihg ,, W*ra E n!^girlfriend ‘and constant companion, KATHLEEN' MORALES . KATH LEEN MORALES ~ u advised on 1 _ ™.iat MORALES is “tly a Youth International ““ * ' activist* YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY Tho Youth International Party (YIP), also known as Yippies, is a loosely knit anti-establishment, revolutionary youth organization formed in Ueu York City, in January 1968. B. Marital Status. advised on July 6, 1973» that sublect ]^^S^married, however, he lives in a common lav; type relationship with KATHLEEN MORALES. Close Relative. Lt q_ VEKTJ UxK"15iia3rf' [ Denvvou uu yu suw j ov v ,%r. »—• bher) "formerly resided at 4283 Beal Drive, but was now in th e VnVftr ttM Administration Hospital, Brecksville, Ohio. ted that BEAL was M^jL|iJldco and bis s name was MARJORIE. ^^^^gj^pthought that MARJORIE was subject's mother, rrowWfry he was not aware of her current whereabouts. (• _ - • • MI 100-17687 D. Credit and Arre sts, Municipal November 29, 1972, that subject was arrested on August 22, 1972, by the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), Miami, Florida, for disorderly conduct (DC). The arrest was indexed a3 DANA BEAL IRVTN. Court, noted that on October 30, 1972, the local Miamxtrial judge dismissed the DC charge. Columbus Police Department Columbus, Ohio, advised on January loT^ivY^^uKKaccording to information available to him, charges are still pending against subject for his arrest in Columbus, on September 20, 1972. Subject has not served any jail time as a result of the arrest. Jof Municipal Courts Office, Columbus, advlse^oi^uarch 20, 1973, that subject, according tcHMB^JWrecords was arrested by the Columbus Police Departmei^ on 9-20-7 2, for DC (screaming obsc entities on a public street). rjfc'ur ther said that on February 13 , 1973, a pre-trial hearing was held on the DC chrges and the case was assigned to a jury. No jury date has been set at present and the subject is currently free on $ 500.00 bond. Credit Bureau of Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, advised on July 6 , 1973, that her records are negative regarding subject. r tm en t , Madison, anc^BB^Mfc ty Sheriff's Office, Madison, Police Dane 3 MI 100-17687 July 6 , 1973, that the most recent information in their records regarding subject concerns his arrest by the Madison Police Department, July llj., 1971, on narcotics law violation charges. ^ University of Vjar.nnsin (TfVJJ, Department of Protection and Security, Madison, advised on July 6, 1973* that her records are negative regarding subject. B, Employment. subject, , does for "Yips ter Times," a YIP newsletter published at NYC. t p. FBI Identification Record. The FBI Identification Division by communication received at Milwaukee, March 3* 1973* advised that the subject has the following arrest record on file with the FBI at Washington D. C. (FBI Number 108-50lj.-F } : WA^mnviiun, i/.o. n 108 504 F Th« following FBI record, NUMBER T I F I CAV J J O 1 VT 5 7 Of ! i , U furnished FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. CONTRIOUTOW OF * • FINGERPRINTS NAME AND NUMBER ARRESTED OR RECEIVED CHARGE DISPOSITION • • PD East Lansing Mich Irvin Dana Beal #18— C-64 . 1-13-64 att B & E of a coin machine f * Dism. # -SHosp Kalamazoo inch; Irvin Dana Beal •% 9-9-64 patient (escaped) • • .* ‘ 1 . | I Food And Drug Admin Bu of Drug Abuse Control Wash DC Irvin Dana Beal #52-68-135 8-22-67 vio Food Drug And Cosmetic Act-sale of LSD • 1 1 ■ Fed Det Hdqtrs NY NY Dana Biel #27669 8-22-67 S-NY viol Food & Drug Act Bollinger USC 1 i t USM NY NY Irving Dana Beal 8-22-67 viol Drug Abuse Law LSD Title 21 USC #360 (B) ' 1 PD NY NY 1 *<• 1 Dana Beal #B69S362 12-19-67 220:35 (sale Dang Drugs) • “oil 7ore it c ?hr of Zor.ch . ’.Car rant • PD Milwaukee Wis Paul Charles Augustine #124230 11-12-70 Poss Dang Drug • Mari} Poss Dane Drug LSD Contr Del of Minor .11-5-71 cont del of minor * ‘5 1 L — 5—71 poss dang drugs (Narij $35) i 1 Bu of Narc & Dang Drugs wash DC Irvin Dana Beal #52-68-135 7-14-71 21 USC 331 (q) (2) sale of j LSD 18 USC 2 aiding’ and abetting • PD Madison t • Irvin Dana Beal #33530 . 7-14-71 sell marlj 2 counts J ft* Not more than 2 y**s S> ' • C ' 3.1 vr P-m-.i? . • ■ -:v ! : -•-•liLT - ‘ : -1 Information shown on tHis Identification ’epreaents data furnished I BI by fingerprint | contributors. Where final disposition is not siiown or further explanation of charge is desired, com-y ( municate with agency contributing those fingerprints. v j • -w - ; ' - •% P . *r - V ‘ •*. . 'Lw * * • * -w •• • * - . - - . A • w Th# following FBI record, NUMBER 108 504 F ,lffurni*hed FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Information ihown on this Identification Record repreienli data furniihed FBI by fingerprint contributor*. WHERE FINAL DISPOSITION IS NOT SHOWN OR FURTHER EXPLANATION OF CHARGE IS DESIRED, COMMUNICATE j WITH AGENCY CONTRIBUTING THOSE FINGERPRINTS. ' • CONTWI'JTO* or * riNcemiNTS HAMi AMO NUM»M AIttSTCD oa Itciivio CHAXGC DISPOSITION « . Bu Of Narc & ’ • Irvin Dana Beal 7-14-71* 21 USC 331 (q) • mm / / Dang Drugs #52-68-135 (2) Sale of LSD Wash DC 1 18 USC 2 Aiding and abetting • ! I - J USM Irvin Dana Beal 4-7-72 21 USC 331 (q) Madison Wls #01057 - (2) 360a (b) 321 (v) 333 (a) 18 USC 2 selling •• e a depressant or stimulant drug w/o • authorization t SO Janesville Irvin Dana 7-14-71 Sell- Del iver- i 50 das Jail • Wis Beal Dispose of transfer #55946 drugs from Dane i Co Jail . Madison, Wis i- Public Safety Residence: 334 IT. Wilson Street Madison W: ■ s. Irvin Dana Beal 8-2U-72 poss marij Dismissed Depart Xiasi Fla #162567 » • Residence: 2029 • ary St Jo renut Grove Fla PP Columbus Ohio Irvin Dana Beal 9-20-72 DC-5300 827-A • e f • • * * L_ • 6 •• 1 [1 ” *| Notation* indicated by * are NOT based on fingerprint! in FBI file! but ore listed only as investigative leads as | being possibly identical with subiect of this record, Tpr:i;inc.M rut mviMOn * MI 100-1768 P II. ACTIVITIES. A. Youth International Party (YIP). 1. YIP Congress, Columbus, Ohio (November, 1^72.1 a YIP Congress was held in Ct^SSS^^^^^^^iPing period, November 22-25, 1972. Approximately 60 individuals (including subject) attended the Congress and the majority of the meetings (unless otherwise noted) were held at the Wesley Foundation, 82 East 16th Avenue, Columbus. The following information is noted regarding specific meetings for the Congress : November 22, 1972 A general meeting (Switchboard Way Station, 2£l West 6 th Avenue) - purpose of this meeting, which was chaired by subject, was to discuss the agenda for the Congress. It was decided that the workshops and "rap" sessions would involve every- one, and only one session would be held at a time. November 23 , 1972 A general meeting - subject led a general discussion regarding the agenda for the Congress and, instead of having the conference attendees make up their mind on specific topics that they wished to discuss, BEAL expounded regarding the theory of the YIP party. Plenary session - It was agreed to at this meeting that a press conference would be held later for the purpose of publicizing the YIP party .and also, to announce that JERRY RUBIN and ABBIE HOFPMAN, individuals who had been active in YIP in the past, on a national level, were being expelled from the party. 7 • « MI 100-17687 Sexism meetings - Subject chaired the meeting, which was attended by the males and it was decided -that individuals in YIP should struggle against sexism. i November 21+ , 1972 Workshops on drugs and underground newspapers - Subject, who led the discussions at those meetings, spoke about the "Yipster Times," and how this publication could and should be used by YIP to publicize YIP activities and to got new members into this organization. People also discussed the holding of "Smoke -ins," by YIP to expound on the dangers of using 'hard drugs." It was also mentioned that "dope dealing collectives" could be formed. Emphasis was placed on the necessity of YIP members to organize into collectives. Other matters, effecting possible future activity by YIP were also discussed. Workshop on cultural imperialism (St. Stephon's Episcopal Church, 30 West Woodruff Avenue) - Essentially, this workshop related to how the YIP "rock and roll" music was being misused by "straight" society and used without due credit going to the YIP organization. Subject, for the first time during the Congress, lost control of the proceedings and everyone who wished to talk, did so. The workshop then broke up into small caucuses, for purpose of discussing YIP matters away from subject, as he had been doing all the talking during the Congress. 8 o MI 100-17687 V November 25?, 1972 General meeting - Copies of the "Yipster Times," were handed out for attendees to sell* Subject again, spoke about this publication, how national advertisements could be obtained for it and how it should be distributed. He noted that YIP members must go to Washington, D. C. to protest against the inauguration of President RICHARD NIXON in January, 1973* Subject also discussed the need for setting up a "spring offensive," but no definite plans were finalized. >noted that the results of the YIP Congress were as follows: 1. Conference attendees found that national YIP meetings afforded information on YIP activities throughout the country; 2. There is a need for a national YIP newsletter or paper; 3. There is a need for a national organization- which is youth oriented; If. RUBEN and HOFFMAN were expelled from the YIP organization; and, A need exists to make people aware of the radical "movement." Source concluded by saying that as a result of the YIP Congress, a "National Telephone Tree" is being set up, whereby, YIP regions can communicate with one another. 9 MI 100-1768? * 2. YIP Presidential Inauguration Day Demonstration', f Washington, D. C. ('January, '1973 )V ' " Ington, D. G. to participate in. a YIP demonstration scheduled for that city on January 20, 1973- Purpose of the demonstration was to protest the Inauguration of President RICHARD NIXON. Upon arriving in Washington, D. C., the NYC contingent went to the address of 515 2nd Street, Northeast, where a "rat" float was being built. YIP activists planned to use the float in their demonstration. Source noted that about 60 to 75 YIP demonstrators (including subject) during the morning hours of January 20, 1973, commenced their activities by marching to the Union Station for a rally. An American flag and plastic bags containing dead rats were burned at the Station. The above burnings were allegedly held to show people that YIP was throwing off the "diseased rat plague" of President NIXON. Following the rally, YIP activists and others (about 250) marched to the Washington Moniiment. After arriving there, several speakers spoke to the crowd, denouncing President NIXON and his administration and later, all people in YIP were asked to sell copies of the "Yips ter Times." Later in. the day of January 20, 1973, a YIP meeting (conclusion of the demonstration.) attended by about 25 people an.d chaired by subject, was held at the Capitol Hill Methodist Church, 5th and Pennsylvania Avenue. ' • 10 6 6 HI 100-17687 Discussion at the meeting f ir si; -centered •on the YIP parade and the apparent success of the -"rat" float. Mention vas made of lack of support at YIP demonstrations and an argument took place regarding why YIP and another protest organization could not get along together, • Source noted that it is his opinion there is a noticeable lack of national YIP leadership. Subject, who appears to be unsure of himself, expounds on the idea that there is no national YIP organization in the true sense of the word and that each local YIP chapter is autonomous. BBA.L believes that demonstrations such as the one against President NIXON would be for the purpose of establishing nation-wide communication among local YIP chapters, and not to set up and strengthen a national organization. that r egard to the YIP meeting chaired by subject at Washington, D. C. on January 20, 1973? Subject, who did most of the talking, announced YIP plans to coordinate "attacks" on Playboy clubs throughout the United States, March 28, 1973> to protest sexism. YIP will attempt to enlist the help of Womens Liberation organizations, because that 'date is suppose to be International Womens Day. Subject announced the place for the next national YIP conference and he noted that the annual "Smoke-in" at Washington, D. C. should be held this year. The meeting ended at approximately 12 midnight. advised on 1 _ the following information was ascertalnec wii 11 MX 100-17687 f \ v ———MM — ^ "oav 1 38 cl* on that individuals In. Washington, D. C. representing YIP for the January 20, 1973, demonstration were told by subject that the activity would start at 9:30 A.M. at the corner of 8th Street and H Street, Northeast, and would be led by a large papier-mache float in the form of a rat. The demonstrators were told to follow the rat to the Union Station Plaza for a rally. YIP would then try to join the Peopleb Coalition for Peace and Justice (PCPJ) for a larger demonstration march to the Washington Monument. PEOPLES COALITION FOR .PEACE AND JUSTICE (PCPJ) The People's Coalition for Peaoe and Justice (PCPJ) has described itself as being headquartered at New York, New York, and as consisting of over 100 organizations which are using massive civil disobedience to combat racism, poverty, repression and war. PCPJ is a Communist Party, USA - penetrated coalition. Source further noted that the demonstration proceeded as scheduled behind the papier-mache float to the Union Plaza, January 20, 1973, where several individuals, (including subject) addressed the crowd. One speaker explained the significance of the rat by saying that President NIXON was a rat and that he had a craving for poverty areas and poor people just like rats do. After subject took the microphone and started to speak, people started to leave as he is not a very effective talker. 12 .*• V e a MI 100-17687 / The YIP group, oa leaving the— Plaza . . ' ■ area, attempted to join up with the PCPj march f .and in doing so, they were confronted by police (• who insisted that they walk on the sidev/alk. Police confiscated the papier-mache rat. YIP aotivists, including subject, left the Washington Monument at 3 ; 00 P.M, and returned to their Washington residence. Subject then announced there would be a YIP meeting later in the day for the purpose of assessing the effectiveness of the day f s YIP activities. advised that a National HF Conference wa s TeTaafiowaC 1 ty , Iowa, during period, April 20 - 22, 1973, attended by approximately 35 to lj.0 people. Subject, who attended, shared leadership role at this conference with an individual from the Columbu3, Ohio, YIP chapter. Sessions for the conference were held at tho American Baptist Student Center, 230 North Clifton Street, the Wesley House, and the Day Care Center, 221 Melrose Avenue, The conference. In part, covered the following topics: Plans were announced for a 4th annual July Ifth "Smoke-in" to be held in Washington, D. C. 13 MI 100-17687 v ( JL Also, BEAL mentioned that YIP— was establishing a "Telephone Tree" to act as a .communications net among the various local YIP chapters. Organizing on local and state levels was mentioned and most people agreed YIP State Conventions should be organized. Subject said that New York YIP does not want to become the national committee. Source noted that the entire conference was extremely disorganized with very little being accomplished. While subject is regarded as a YIP leader, many people question his leadership ability. Source said that on the afternoon of April 22, 1973> subject and his girlfriend left for Madison, to handle personal matters. They planned to return to NYC later. "The Capital Times," a Madison daily newspaper in issue dated April 25, 1973, carried an. article advising in part that subject had returned to Madison, following the Iowa City YIP Conference and he reportedly spoke with people in Madison, regarding a "Smoke-in and Impeach RICHARD NIXON day," to be held in Washington, D. C., July 4, 1973. Ther article noted that subject, in speaking about the local Madison trial regarding KARLETON ARMSTRONG, said, tf Free Karl. Free the prisoners of weed. Eat the rich." ARMSTRONG, it was noted, is being tried for murder for a death that resulted in the August, 1970 bombing of UW Sterling Hall (UW Army-Mathematics Research Center). BEAL, said the article, also noted that . in early June, YIP groups throughout the United States will "head for the streets to demand that Wisconsin courts free ARMSTRONG." 14 MI 100-17687 glllglgiir advised - /that subject was one of the most ouusp ok en. people who attended the national YIP conference (chairing many sessions) that was held in Iowa City, Source noted that during a discussion of the necessity and value of YIP State Conventions* at the conference, BEAL commented that these conventions could be a source of recruiting needed new members. Subject reportedly manicured marijuana at the conference in order that 11 joints" would be available for conference attendees. If. Miscellaneous. — . r ^- advised on that subject, a national YIP leader and theoretician from NYC, has a current propensity to instigate and direct revolutionary acts of violence. B. Miscellaneous. WMMSmmh advised that on October 3 0 > 1972, a PCPJ raTj^^wa^nejffe^^ Hunter College, 68th Street and Park Avenue, NYC, attended by about £00 people (including subject). Speakers at this rally spoke regarding the anti-war climate in this country. They spoke of the alleged deception practiced by the United States Government regarding the recently announced cease fire and peace proposals. People were encouraged to continue their anti-war activity. After the meeting ended, about 2£0 people left to march down Madison Avenue to hold a vigil (anti-war). M 4 4 * HI 100-17687 ALL INDIVIDUALS I NVOLVED TTT ww t.etp>p ■;•■ EXTREMIST ACTIVITY - SHOULD BE CONSIDERED DAN (TER PITS BECAUS E _0_F 'I’HBxR KNOWN ADVOC ACY~AND~7^?r P> kT P r.rr^pTr^- RS PC^H'l'ED ACQUISITION OP FiREAHM S AND INCENDIARY DEVICES’, AND KNOWN PfiO PK'T SITjr~li'QR yicn SlNCSX — ~~ « >■-. f < i- i-‘ S *' - • •* ! " ■ '35* w* ■ * <:**■'% -V; : -icvJ J ' ; -AC, CINCINNATI (100-20865) (P) ^subject: irvin dana beal# pfcZ " SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) (OOlNY) DATE: 10 / 31 /7 3 Re Cl let and LHM to Bureau, 3/29/73: Cl let to Bureau, 7/27/73. Enclosed for the Bureau are four copies of an LHM, captioned as above. Two copies of an FD-376 are stapled to the LHM, along with two copies of subject's photograph, taken 9/20/72. Enclosed for New York are two copies of the same LHM. One copy of the LHM is being disseminated locally to the U. S. Secret Service, Columbus, Ohio. Confidential sources utilized in the LHM are as follows : 50 1 0 - IOt-01 /§)- Bureau (Enc. 2 New York (100-17 2 - Cincinnati TSW: jap ( 6 ) Cc.es) 58 DEC 4 t gp DOC, « Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan qC. Cl 100-20865 This investigation is based on information which indicates that subject is engaged in activities which cojUld involve a violation of Title 18, U. S.~Code, 2383 (Rebellion or Insurrection), 2384 (Seditious Conspiracy), 2385' (Advocating Overthrow of the Government), and 2101 (Antiriot Laws). A reliable source has advised that or ^^^ ^ subject was arrested by the Columbus, Ohio Police Department for disorderly conduct, during a demonstration protesting the appearance of Vice President SPIRO T. AGNEW, Columbus, Ohio, on that date. • >v - - _ . ... A second reliable source advised that subject attended a National Youth International Party (YIP) Congress held at Columbus, Ohio, 11/22-25/72, and served as the Chairman, during this meeting. Youth International Party (YIP) came into existence in 1968 for the pupose of staging a massive youth festival in late 1968, in Chicago, Illinois, to coincide - with the Democratic National Convention (DNC). Leaders, in its early history, included JERRY CLYDE RUBIN and ABBOTT HOWARD HOFFMAN, both of whom were convicted (later over- turned by U. S. Court of Appeals) of violation of the Antiriot Laws during disturbances at the above 1968 DNC. In 7/70, YIP distributed "YIP Manifesto," which was basically an antiestablishment, revolutionary pronouncement urging the youth of the United States to repudiate competitive enterprise and established institutions in favor of creating a utopian socialistic society permitting complete individual freedom of choice. Since its inception, when issues of considerable radical-revolutionary interest have arisen, YIP has demonstrated its a&bility to assemble large numbers of zealous individuals for demonstrations and protests, a number of which have resulted in violence and arrests. During a public speech, in 4/72, when referring to the then forth- coming national political conventions, YIP leader, RUBIN, stated, "We will dump the convention into the sea and use other methods than the electoral process to change the United States of America." IRVIN DANA BEAL, leading YIP theoretician and current YIP national leader, stated on 7/14/73, "Everywhere that the facist pig NIXON shows his face, we will confront him but not necessarily in a non-violent way." On 7/6/73, BEAL was described as having a propensity for instigating and directing revolutionary acts of violence. 2 Cl 100-20865 Apparently because of prosecutive action taken against RUBIN and HOFFMAN (who have drifted aw ay from the YJP) and others including BEAL* YIP leaders are currently avoiding flamboyant revolutionary public statements. The organization continues, however, to engage in demonstrations during which individual YIP anarchistic activists and leaders advocate violent actions and confrontations with authorities in an attempt to build revolutionary fervor among people. Examples of this activity took place during the 8/72 Republican National Convention ( RNC ) and the 7/4/73 YIP demonstration in Washington, D. C. During the RNC, THOMAS KING^TORCADE and CINDY ELIZABETi^RNSTEEN, then members ,Of a YIP faction calling "itself YlP-Zippie, were arrested on 8/23/72 in Miami Beach, Florida," and *'“* charged with violation of National Firearms Act "for possession unlawful manufacture and nonregistration of fire bombs. Trial judge subsequently rendered a directed verdict of acquittal in this matter based on the ground that no reasonable interpretation could be made bringing the evi- dence within the scope of the National Firearms Act. YIP is currently headquartered in New York. LEADS : CINCINmTI AT COLUMBUS, OHIO Will recheck records with Clerk of Court, Columbus, Ohio, and records of the Columbus, Ohio Police Department and attempt to verify disposition of subject in reference to his arrest 9/72 by the Columbus PD. ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN NEW LEFT EXTREMIST - ACTIVITIES' "SHOULD BE C5NSTDEREI5 Of THEIR KNOWN ADVOCACY AND USE OF EXPLOSIVES, REPORTED ACQUISITION OF FIREARMS AND INCENDIARY DEVICES. AND KNOWN PROPENSITY FOR VIOLENCE. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535 In Reply* Please Rejer to File No. October 31 , 1973 i M. Director . United States Secret Service Department of the Treasury Washington, D. C. 20220 RE: IRVIN DAJA BEAL Dear Sir: The information furnished herewith concerns an individual or organization believed to be covered by the agreement between the FBI and Secret Service concerning protective responsibilities, and to fall within the category or categories checked. 1. □ Threats or actions against persons protected by Secret Service. 2. □ Attempts or threats to redress grievances. 3. □ Threatening or abusive statement about U. S. or foreign official. 4. lx] Participation in civil disturbances, anti-U. S. demonstrations or hostile incidents against foreign diplomatic establishments. 5. □ Illegal bombing, bomb-making or other terrorist activity. 6. Defector from U. S. or indicates desire to defect. 7. SD Potentially dangerous because of background, emotional instability or activity in groups engaged in activities inimical to U. S. 1 - Special Agent in Charge (Enclosure(s)) 2 U. S. Secret Service , Columbus, Ohio Enclosure(s) &>' or /« Pivast 11* j* t to File A o. V E A »*’ * V-r* J U O i 1 V> I j AI, HUItEAU OF INVESTIGATION Cincinnati, Ohio October 31, 1973 RE: IRVIN DANA BEAL On a first confidential source, who has furnished reliable information in the past, advised that anti-Vietnam War groups in the Columbus, Ohio area, planned to demonstrate in protest of a political appearance of Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, secheduled for Columbus, Ohio, September 20, 1972, This source advised that one of the antiwar groups planning to attend this demonstration was the Youth International Party. YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY The Youth International Party (YIP), also known as Yippies, is a loosely knit, antiestablishment, revolutionary youth organization formed in New York City, in January, 1968. - •*! — * , Ohio Police Department, advised that^o^^HmLS date a group of approximately 75 demonstrators protested the political appearance of Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, in Columbus, Ohio. The Columbus Police Department made approximately 12 arrests in connection l” 7 L 7-1 F.HCLOSURE 77 A * RE IRVIN DANA ^EAL with this demonstration. One of the individuals arrested during the demonstration was Irvin Dana Beal, date of birth January 9, 1947, in Ohio. that Beal arrived in Columbus, Ohio that Beal was in Columbus to stand trial for a misdemeanor arrest by the Columbus, Ohio Police Department, in September, 1972. the second confidential source. On advised that Beal was convicted of disorderly conduct in Municipal Court, Columbus, Ohio, May 16, 1973, and was sentenced to 10 days in the Columbus Workhouse and fined ju « ^ ^ A — « * ^ ^ • *1 I ^ a M ^ i « ^ Courts Office, City of Columbus, Columbus, Ohio, advised that records of his office show Beal stood a jury trial on May 21, 1973, in Columbus Municipal Court, as a result of his arrest on September 20, 1972, by the Columbus, Ohio Police Department for disorderly conduct. Beal was found guilty by the jury, and sentenced to 10 days in the Franklin County Workhouse and fined $100.00. He was also directed to pay approximately $196.00 in court costs. On May 21, 1973, a motion was made by Beal's Defense Attorney for a new ti^La^^iowever , this motion was subsequently over- ruled. advised that he is unable to locate the af f idavitfo^Beal and his office has no record of whether or not Beal served his sentence and paid the fine. RE: IRVIN DANA ' — ~ ' •vafi^ Tj- g •-'■■"-» in preparation tor Smoke-In" , on July 4, 1973. I? F ° u r th Annua 1Y i p Beal was one of them July 4, 1973, between 9:00 AM. and 12:30 PM, about 400 Yippies gathered on the Mall, across from the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D. C. The Yippies seemed to gather I i < i y f i I 3 IRVIN DANA Wk L RE: in the area of 13th and Independence Avenue. The Yippies werg awaiting the mar ch and the rally at the United Stat es in the ring this time, Dana Beal was located arGa of the Mall. During the afternoon of July 4, 1973, the Yippies just lounged around the grass on the Mall, smoking marijuana and listening to "several rock" bands. They were in no mood to rally at the U. S. Capitol Building, and were worn out by the heat. During this time, Dana Beal was concerned with leading the "smoke-in" and in trying to get the Yippies together for the march and rally to the U. S. Capitol Building. At approximately 4:30 PM, July 4, 1973, the props to be used during the march and rally arrived by truck, and the Yippie march commenced approximately 5:00 PM. An estimated 600 persons participated in the march, with participants dropping out during the course of the march. After the marchers arrived on the steps of the Capitol, the Yippies jumped into a fountain and some Yippies tore apart the anti-Nixon props. Beal was "freaked- out" and could not get the Yippies to cooperate. The Yippies listened to various YIP speakers with the general theme of the speeches being the corruptness of the U. S. Government, impeach President Richard M. Nixon, and free the prisoners of weed. The Yippies were cleared from the .area of the Capitol steps by the police, at approximately 8:00 PM. No arrests were made during the march and rally. angry with Dana Beal and criticized his handling of the "smoke-in". Beal, in turn, criticized the lack of cooperation on the part of the Yippies, and said he would drop out of the Yippies and semi-retire, because he was tired of working from one "action to another". RE IRVIN DAN/K fltoEAL I ! j advised that the YIP Conference was totally "cH^d^Snizea and some of the Yi0des attending were "turned off" by the lack of leader- ship and by the lack of organization. No definite con- clusions were made during the conference and no plans were made for any future conferences. No disruptions or violence occurred during the YIP Conference in Columbus. I - 1 U'X^Uti'v. I-UU-7:U 0 #lir>n ai min ato 10 M*f 1**1 IIMMOM cw gin an. m« it I'M'm) STATES (;<)\ EKXMKNT Memorandum ro Ud-. i.t. i-hi niiiriii- lOO-.VST.'j.O’;. > p ! •I HJKC I : l,A " 12/11/7: Sac. :IJ** T-.T i 100-172721 >f toiui) IG-I. rt n. i-: UcHO— to ._L» _L._£LitjQ (1 _?/ 20 /7 3 Recommend: f 1 Inclusion in ADKX (summary attached)* ( Homovai from ADKX (summary attached)* f.~ 1 Changes m ADKX card (Hp<*cify change only) 4 m * Abstract required. Nunn* Also known ns: t | Supplement ill page attached. Date of Birth (Month, day, year) Place* of Birth Residence Addn'ss -p — ^Iccchcr — ‘treot 4Jou-Tor!^. --T c: . ’ T ori Type of Activity (Check principal activity only) r~l (BKX) Black Kxtremisl T_ 1 B’MO Communist ( pro - Clime sc ) . f J (CMS) ( kmimunisl (pris Soviet) ni K*MT) Communist (Trot sky isl) [2 1 Tab Special Interest f* | Kspionage [ J Foreign (lovrmmenl Kmployec f j L f . S. (kivcmim*nt Kmployec (2‘J Remove Special Interest Tabbing Sox CJ M«l* Q] Female Race □ White Block (21 Other Citizenship U. & |_] /Mien - Specify Country I'kiip loyinen t Occupation: I.ryout Corlrcr foi- '•'-Tip-' ter Tines". Firm & Address: -zrt'or-j -r^efrioeHoe Key Facility Data (if a|jplicnblc) { J tFRN) Foreign Affiliation - Specify Country [“ JtPRN) Puerto Rican Nationalist |~ ]*(RKV) Revolutionary f *] (MSC) Miscellaneous f'"J Place in I'nnvailal »le Section (_ 1 Missing f21 Out of Country [21 Imprisoned [' 1 Remove frmii l In avail able Section - graphical Reference Number Res|>on^ ibb* Agency (s^'.uroau (-21) a-::©;/ Tori: r T TID : vmr / m o) r .. n i :l ' K - * > » ? f ft * * < JJ t. » f « / ( jnjfa 3lccckor street lieu York, llcv; York Layout ■;orI:or for "Yipator Tinea*-' ' 'orI:n fron roaidcnce agency. : /•J NAM Last Name First Middle AKA Last Name First Kttddle FBI Number soc Sociul Security Number • ■ FIM57 (Rev. KV1H-72) TO: Mvii. m» ■ M&k Director, FBI ( ) # SAC ' utr.j Y(p: (iom- 17 P 72 L) SUHJB9T: lr . VI T T daiia'IWal & -i r if i- v it c isxt* 1 1 ] ;;t ) V-/ cr OLS Op. License galeae £ QJ^Y V3,lA.ic. Yr. Exp. .<**-** C ’ rrrr ” Caution Statement : > Uurcnu ■'A. ' i - Pm 2 > Bureau 1 - l- r_\; VV\F eT^-O. p. In Reply* Please Refer to LVI- ' File Ao. II Nil’ LIT STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSnCK FEDERAL RUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Cincinnati# Ohio December 26, 1973 RE: IRVIN DANA BEAL that on this date a group of approximately 75 demonstrators protested the political appearance of Vioe President Spiro T. Agnew in Columbus, Ohio. The Columbus Police Department made approximately 12 arrests in connection with this demonstration. One of the individuals arrested during the demonstration was IrvM^Dan^Bea^^^^ date of birth January 9, 1947, in Ohio. advised one of the anti-war groups who sponsored this demonstration was the Youth International Party. YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY The Youth International Party, also known as Yippies, is a loosely knit, antiestablishment, revolutionary youth organization formed in New York City in January, 1968. hat ;oxumDus^ unio mice Department, ad Vis? 20, 1972, arrest and conviction of Beal t; - \& EKCLOSiJPJF I % RE: IRVIN DANA BEAL for disorderly conduct had been County, Ohio Court of Appeals. ^BMifiMI^BI^® Pad y is f d that Beal had a jury trial on May 21, 1973, in Columbus Municipal Court and was found guilty. He was sentenced to 10 days in the Franklin County Jail and fined $100. Beal subsequently appealed this decision _and^hfl£ been out I on appeals bond since that time. advised that on December 20, 1973, the Franklin County Court of Appeals upheld the May. 1973, conviction and Beal xn all probability will be directed to serve his sentence. advised that to his knowledge Beal has not^Sved^iiiy jail time for this charge to date. This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your age it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. - 2 *- TO FRO Memoram^um Director, fbi (ioo- 467404 ) (2?^ °p&$K 0, .CINCINNATI (100-20865) (P) ( > DATE: 12/26/73 subject: irvin dana beal# / SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) / (OOJNY) Re Cl letter and LHM to Bureau dated 10/31/73. Enclosed for the Bureau are four copies of an LHM captioned as above. Two copies of an FD-376 are stapled to the LHM. Enclosed for New York are two copies of the same LHM. One copy of the LHM is being disseminated locally to United States Secret Service, Columbus, Ohio. protect Attached LHM is classified Confidential to Location Identity of Source LEAD: CINCINNATI AT COLUMBUS . OHIO : . , — “T* ■ | o > ■ I r> I Will^follow and report disposition of subject's sentence and conviction, Columbus, Ohio. <2^»Bureau (Enc. 4 ) ENCLOSURE 1- New York (100-172721) (Enc. 2) 2- Cincinnati TSWspl ) jcc's-jty t^iS) g, /cc-SSItfrt-JV t U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan “ ■ w— Hr . >*• 'L. Federal bureau of investigation WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535 December 26, 1973 Di rector - Uni toil States Secret Service Department of the Treasury Washington, D. C. 20220 RE: IRVIN DANA BEAL In Reply, Pleaso Refer to File No. Dear Sir: The information furnished herewith concerns an individual or organization believed to be covered by the agreement between the FBI and Secret Service concerning protective responsibilities, and to fall within the category or categories checked. 1. □ Threats or actions against persons protected by Secret Service. 2. □ Attempts or threats to redress grievances. 3. □ Threatening or abusive statement about U. S. or foreign official.. 4. □ Participation in civil disturbances, anti-U. S. demonstrations or hostile incidents against foreign diplomatic establishments. 5. □ Illegal bombing, bomb-making or other terrorist activity. 6. □ Defector from U. S. or indicates desire to defect. 7. [jjj Potentially dangerous because of background, emotional instability or activity in groups engaged in activities inimical to U. S. Photograph has been furnished □enclosed □ is not available. Very truly yours. 1 - Special Agent in Charge (Enclosure(s)) 1 U. S. Secret Service, Col UnibUS, Ohio Enclosure(s) UNITEjl/ STATES DETAin MhiM ur jU5iiL.iL ERA FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Cincinnati, Ohio December 26, 1973 RE: IRVIN DANA BEAL Columbus , OftTo^Kl^^Department^eS^^^ ns date a group of approximately 75 demonstrators protested the political appearance of Vice President Spiro T. Agnew in Columbus, Ohio. The Columbus Police Department made approximately 12 arrests in connection with this demonstration. One of the individuals arrested during the demonstration was Ir vin Dc date of birth January 9, 1947, in Ohio. advised one of the anti-war groups who sponsored this demonstration was the Youth International Party. YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY The Youth International Party, also known as Yippies, is a loosely knit, antiestablishment, revolutionary youth organization formed in New York City in January, 1968. who has furnished reliable information in the ''=*««- that Dana Beal advised Columbus, Ohio Police Department, advised that September 20, 1972, arrest and conyixztion of Beal ■ i a—* w i xi x-/i in v t,o 1 IUM I IVJIN REPORTING OFFICE ! i.N YOUR TITLE OF CASE OFFICE OF ORIGIN DATE NEW YORK JAN 2 3 19 74 IftVlN DAI-'/'bEAL aka f investigative period 9/10/73-1/17/74 REPORT MADE BY TYPED BY rr CHARACTER OF CASE SUBVERSIVE MATTER- YOUTH INTERNATIONAI PARTY (EXTREMIST) REFERENCES : i MIrep of SA dated 7/20/73 Cl let and LfIM to Bureau, dated 10/31/73. Cllet and LHM to Bureau, dated 12/26/73. -P*- ADMINISTRATIVE: Attached for the Bureau are two (2) copies of an FD 376, one of which is for transmittal to the U.S. Secret Service, Washington, D.C. ACCOMPLISHMENTS CLAIMED 1 — I NONE ACQUIT- | CONVIC. FUG. FIN ES SAVINGS RECOVERIES TALS JAA_^ # APPROVED f SPEC1 AL AGEN T IN CHARGE COPIES MADE: (4 -Bureau (100-46x404) (RM) 1-Secret Service, NYC «RM) 1-Nev: York (100-172721) Mir. W ' Dissemination Record of Attached Report Agcncy Jrr'j I Request Reed. 2k jm m • Date Fwd. How Fwd. Ry OdL /cc ^BPEBT5i37|^ 1 rt •• .’•V- JOQr-l 72721 ipMT.MSTRATIVE (Continued) Predication This investigation is based on information which indicates that subject is engaged in activities which could involve violations of Title 18, U.S. Code 2383 (Rebellion or Insurrection), 2386 (Seditious Conspiracy), 2385 (Advocating Overthrow of the Government) and 2101 (Antiriot Laws). advi ced that nte relational the subject was associ Party. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Chapter. Youth International Party (YIP) came into existence in 1968 for the purpose of staging a massive youth festival in late 1968 in Chicago, Illinois, to coincide with the Democratic Kational Convention (DNC). Leaders, in its early history, included JERRY CLYDE RUBIK and ABBOTT HOWARD lIOFFMAi’, both of whom were convicted (later overturned by U.S. Court of Appeals) of violation of the Antiriot Lai^s during disturbances at the above 1968 DNC. In 7/70, YIP distributed "YIP Manifesto", which was basically an antiestablisliment , revolutionary pronouncement xirging the youth of the United States to repudiate competitive enterprise and established institutions in favor of creating a utopian socialistic society permitting complete individual freedom of choice. Since its inception, when issues of considerable radical-revolutionary interest have arisen, YIP has demonstrated its ability to assemble large, .lumbers of zealous individuals for demonstrations and protests, a number of ‘which have resulted in violence and arrests. Duri -r. a public speech in 6/72, when referring national political conventions, YIP leader RUBIli stated will dump the convention into the sea and rise other methods than the electoral process to change the United States of America". IRVIN DANA BEAL, leading YIP theoretician and current YIP national leader, stated on 7/14/72, "Everywhere that the facist pig *<1X01 1 shows his face, wo will confront -B- COVER PAGE Jj tT l" hk 1 Ml-' •O-m* :r MY/ 100-172721 Al^lINISTRATIVS (Continued ) — " him but not necessarily in a non-violent way". On 7/6/73, BEAL was described as having a propensity for instigating and directing revolutionary acts of violence. Apparently because of prosecutive action taken against RUBIN and HOFFMAN (who have drifted away from the YIP) and others including BEAL, YIP leaders are currently avoiding flamboyant revolutionary public statements. The organization continues, however, to engage in demonstrations during which individual YIP anarchistic activists and leaders advocate violent actions and confrontations with authorities in an attempt to build revolutionary' fervor among young people. Examples of this activity took place during the 8/72 Republican National Convention (RNC) and the 7/4/73 YIP demonstation in Washington, D.C. During the RNC, THOMAS F0RCA.DE and CINDY ELIZABETH ORNSTEEN, then members of a YIP faction calling itself YIP-Zippic, were arrested on 8/23/72 in Miami Beach, Florida, and charged with violation of National Firearms Act for possession, unlawful manufacture and nonregistation of fire bombs. Trial judge subsequently rendered a directed verdict of acquittal in this matter based on the ground that no reasonable interpretation could be made bringing the evidence within the scope of the National Firearms Act. YIP is currently headquartered in New York. INFORMANTS COVER PAGE LEAD NE\; YORK AT NEW YORK, ME W Y ORK. Will continue to follow and report on the activities' of the subject. COVER PAGE 1. 2 . n. 4 . 5. | }] Subject’s name is inclufcul in the ADEX. / [23 The data appearing on^! ADEX Card are current. I ] (’hanges on IhoAPEX Card are necessaiy and Form FD-122 submitted to the Bureau, j A suitable photograph (;;] is □ is not available. Bale photograph was taken 8/2A/Z2 □ Subject is employed in a key facility and . is charged with loeurity responsibility. Interested agencies are 6. □gSThis report is classified — CCNFI [ state rea son} of inf ormatiotl and because 7. (53 Subject previously interviewed (dates) 2/14/72 [53 Subject was not □ interviewed [53 reinterviewed because (state reason ) be was uncooperative on 2/14/72. There is no reason believe he would be cooperative at this time. to 8. I I This case no longer meets the ADEX criteria and an FD-122 with succinct summary, has been directed to the Burenu recommending cancellation. 9. This case has been reevaluated in the light of the ADEX criteria and it continues to fall within the criteria because (state reason) ,. . c /o /-jo *. j. subject on 5/8/72, at a Madison anti-war demonstration , was part of a crowd that engaged in spontaneous acts' of property destruction (window breaking and setting rubbish fires). One police officer was injured when hit by a rock. A confidential informant advised on 7/6/73, that BEAL is a national YIP leader and theoretician, having current propensity to instigate and direct revolutionary acts of violences. 11. [33 Subject is Extremist in ADEX and Stop Notice has been placed with the Bureau Stop Index. 12. □ Subject designated and/or included in: I J Key Activist Program | | | I I Key Extremist Program | |~Extremist Photo graph Album Cwfcil PAGE In Reply, I 'least' Rejer to WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535 File No. , Ju 100-467404 JAN Ji >i 1974 NY lftC-172721 Director f United States Secret Service Department of the Treasury Washington, D. C. 20220 RE: Irvin Dana Beal Dear Sir: The information furnished herewith concerns an individual or organization believed to be covered by the agreement between the FBI and Secret Service concerning protective responsibilities, and to fall within the category or categories checked. 1. □ Threats or actions against persons protected by Secret Service. 2. □ Attempts or threats to redress grievances. 3. □ Threatening or abusive statement about U. S. or foreign official. 4. □ Participation in civil disturbances, anti-U. S. demonstrations or hostile incidents against foreign diplomatic establishments. 5. □ Illegal bombing, bomb-making or other terrorist activity. 6. □ Defector from U. S. or indicates desire to defect. 7 . [^| Potentially dangerous because of background, emotional instability or activity in groups engaged in activities inimical to U. S. Photograph [23 has been furnished □enclosed □ is not available. Very truly yours, CONFIDENTIAL MATERIAL ATTACHED 1 - Special Agent in Charge (Enclosure(s)) ^ U. S. Secret Service, NYC (RM) Enclosure(s) VJ I i l l- lx? o i r» i FI RAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Copy toi Report of: Date: I Field Office File *: 1 -Secret Service, NYC (RM) Office: New York, New York JAN 2 3 1974 100-172721 Bur ecu File#: 1C0-467404 Title: IRVIN DANA BEAL Character: SUBVERSIVE MATTER- YOUTH INTERNATIONAL TARTY Synoptii: Subject resides at 9 Bleecker St., NYC, and works ^ on layout for the "Yipster Times" from his residence. The YIP wanted the subject to direct violence at YIP "Smoke-in", which was held in Washington, D.C., on 7/4/73, but lie backed down and the violence movement within the YIP dissipated. •"''The subject helped organize a demonstration in Washington, D.C., on 11/23/73, which was held to promote interest in the reopening of the investigation of the assassination of President KENNEDY. ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN NEW LEFT EXTREMIST ACTIVITY SHOULD BE COMSIDE^EmWTCT.ROUS BECAUSE OF THEIR Kn 0^! ' "AD V0'C7TCY 'TvNTnTJ E OF EXPLOSIVES, REPORTED ACOUISITION ON TlREARMS AND INCENDIARY DEVICES "AND KnOW PWE'NSTfY Fo’irVTOLDN'CE . -P*- DETAILS : Sources concealed in this memorandum have furnished reliabl ^j^frurnation in the past, except who has furnished insuf- information to determine his reliability. Information set forth in this unclassified Thi« document contain* neither recommendation* nor conclusion* of the FBI. are not to be distributed outside your agency. It i* the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and it* contents U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1970 O - 406-840 I . BACKGROUND Residence and Employment The subject resides at 9 Bleecker Street, New York o n t.irv vl* o 1 oif ai i f" frv v* ^ V -? r» I- v« ' I ' 4 m n o ^ f- v« ^ m (NY), NY, and works on layout for the "Yipster Times" from his residence. The "Yipster Times" is the official ncv'spaper of the Youth International Party (YIP). YIP, also known as Yippies, is a loosely-knit , anti-establishment, revolutionary youth organization formed in New York City, in January, 1968. In May, 1972, a small faction calling itself YIP-Zippie came into being. II. ACTIVITIES Most of the associates of the YIP were disappointed in the subject because he was so disorganized at the "Smoke- in which was held by the YIP in Washington, D.C., on July 4, 1973 and as a result the rally at the United States Capitol was ineffective. The subject was late with the sound system and caused a frustrating delay in the rally. Disappointment was expressed in the non-violent nature of the rally. The YIP wanted the subject to direct the violence, but he backed down when violence was imminent, and the violence movement within the YIP dissipated. It was recently learned that the subject will probably be asked to have less leadership in YIP. The subject A. J. WEBERMAN and TOM FORCADE have had some disagreement, but now appear to be coming together in their ideas. • • 1 v l(X>- 172721 During February, 1973, THOMAS KING - ' FORCADE was indicted by a Federal Grand Jury seated at Miami, Florida, for violation of the National Firearms Act-Possession of i ’Unregistered Firebombs. He was subsequently acquitted of the above charge at a jury trial. FORCADE is currently a leader of the New York City Chapter of YIP and is editor and publisher of the Underground Press Syndicate, a "New Lef t"publication in New York City. The Underground Press Syndicate (UPS), founded in New York City in 1967, serves as a clearinghouse for underground newspapers seeking information regarding underground publications and persons affiliated with the radical press. ALAN JULES NEBERMAN , also known as A. J. WE BERMAN , although not considered a public leader of YIP, is very influencial in YIP policy making UEBERMAN is the person primarily responsible for the YIP publication "Yipster Times". The subject attended a YIP meeting which was held in Columbus, Ohio, from August 27, 1973 to September 1, 1973. - 3 - ;.Y 100-U2721 The ' subject wants the Yippies to hold state conferences in the future. The Committee to Open the Archives and. Examine the Evidence and the New York City YIP-Zippies held a demonstration in Washington, D.C., on November 23, 1973, to promote interest in the reopening of the investigation of the assassination or President KENEDY. The subject and A. J. WE BERMAN , both of the New York City YIP, organized this demonstration, and both were observed giving speeches. One of the group's demands was that the evidence regarding the assassination. of JOHN F. KENNEDY was being held by the KENNEDY family at the Be the s da Hospital and should be returned to the National Archives. 1 uioou^.on on the reasons for the failure of the YIP meeting which was held in Columbus, Ohio, during the last week of August, 1973. It was the concensus tnat YIP members in Columbus, Ohio, were pr fov the failure of the meeting there ty /■ »* .**•-*■ * .^ -• . r • • " ' * ■' ' ' MY 100-172721 Weatherman, formerly a faction of ) Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), controlled the SDS National Office from June, 1969 until its closing in February, 1970. Weatherman then entered an underground status ar.d adopted a tactic of "strategic sabotage", with police and military installations designated as primary targets . SDS was founded during June, 1962, at Port Huron, Michigan, and in the 1960's functioned as the leading New Left campus-based student organisation in the United States. From an initial posture of "participatory democracy", SDS moved to a radical-revolutionary position, with debate centering on how best to create a revolutionary youth movement. Internal factionalism produced a split during the SDS National Convention in June, 1969, which resulted in the following three factions: Weatherman: Worker Student Alliance (USA); and Revolutionary Youth Movement (RYM). The Weatherman and RYM are no longer affiliated with SDS. The USA continues to use the name SDS and maintains its national headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts. vised that -5- ’ f 4 V ' -•»•*** ... KY 1 .00- 172721 r ' • '»<•> KY 100-172721 ‘ “ V ' ; ^^ofKa&? v « boc;1 1:1 contact with City, but have bragged ir ,i“? p ° rt , sr ? :, P ir > Now York contacts with 'KeiMLeft ' a bout their to impress o ther iridiv’*dua' « ndlv *duals ir a n effort "New Left", individuals as to their roles in the Memorandum DIRECTOR, FBI (100-467404) V CINCINNATI (100-20865) (P) date: 2/23/74 subject: l^EAL, fRVIN DANA BEAL, Aka. SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) OO: NY Re Cl letter and LHM to Bureau, dated 12/26/73. For information of Bureau and New York, no information has been developed by Cincinnati to show that subject has visited Columbus, Ohio, since those times previously reported in referenced communication. On 1/31/74 Prosecutor's Office, Columbus, Ohio, has no record of disposition concerning the subject. Franklin County advised her office On 2/20/74, State of Ohio in County, Columbus, Court of Appeals, Tenth District, Frar Ohio, advised that records of her office show State Court of Appeals Case Number 73AP209 is assigned to IRVIN DANA BEAL. On 12/11/73, the State Court of AppeaJs affirmed a judgement by the Columbus Municipal Court concerning subject's conviction for obscene language and disorderly conduct. His case was closed by the State Court of Appeals, 12/31/73. 1£ ^ JJlvised that on 1/28/74, subject or his attorney^Hec^a notice of appeal to the Supreme Court for the State of Ohio. She advised subject is apparently taking his appeal to the Ohio Supreme Court and as of this time there has been no case number assigned or date for hearing designated. stated she could give no estimate of when the subject's case would come up for appeal to the State Supreme Court. 2-Bureau 2-New York (100-172721 ) ‘ ' R£C-24 /0 0 2-Cincinnati „/ TSW: jaw ( 6 ) /« O EX-Uli IS FEB 2K 1974 S0l0-t0t-02 A |//P •* Buy If. S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan " ' /'-! I ti 61 100-20865 LEADS: CINCINNATI I AT COLUMBUS, OHIO Will continue to follow disposition of subject’s conviction and sentence and report to Bureau and Office of Origin* ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN NEW LEFT EXTREMIST ACTIVITIES SHOULD BE CONSIDERED DANGEROUS BECAUSE OF THEIR KNOWN ADVOCACY AND USE OF EXPLOSIVES , REPORTED ACQUISITION OF FIREARMS AND INCENDIARY DEVICES AND KNOWN PROPENSITY FOR VIOLENCE. 2 F B I Date: 3/8/74 Transmit the foUowing in AIRfEL (Type in plaintext or code ) Via ( Priority ) DIRECTOR, FBI (100-467404) SAC, NEW YORK (100-172721) IRVIN DANA BEAL aka SM-YIP (EXTREMIST) (00: NY) ReMItel to Bureau and CG, 3/6/74, captioned "DEMONSTRATION AGAINST PRESIDENT NIXON, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, 3/15/74," and NYnitel, 3/7/74, under same caption. sub j ect Enclosed for Chicago is one photograph of captioned Re teletype stated that learned that a National Coalition conference was held on 3/2/74 in Chicago, Illinois, concerning a nationwide demonstrationaffainst President NIXON, oj^/2^jK~^ourcestated tha t is a member of thpWBBMBBBMand. member o ] attended the ccnfcjaan and has commented that T, their old friend from Madison, DANA BEAL, was in attendance." Source stated that BEAL is a leader of the Youth International Party (YIP). Sfcjft r 2/^Bureau (RM) ! -Chicago (Enel. 1) (RM) 2 -Milwaukee (IOO-I 7687 ) (RM) 1-New York r . • •• • - • r ; 7 " Name: 'Aliases:'''^ Race: Sex: DOB: POB: Ht: > Wt : T ' Hair: Eyes: FBI #: IRVIN DANA BEAL / 'A V 7 ' John Wesley Harding • ' Paul Charles Augustin; Jim Crewe; Paul Ylppie; * . : • Leon Yipsky; George Metefsky White ' . V- Male "•* ... • " . ’ 1 / 9 / 47 "- ' *" v ^. r.' Ravenna , Ohio 5 ' 9 £" * / ‘i; . .a40 lbs .-v •• ; ; - Blond - /-: ' ' Blue 108 504 F v <■ -y • * •- . *• • - . t V L * r V LEADS v,.,. •. .. . . , •" • . , • • - ; ; » • , ,r _ • CHICAGO AT CHICAGO, ILLINOIS . Will contact logical : sources concerning subject . 1 s recent presence in that area. . *. •/ - MILWAUKEE / ' ' ' • ; . AT MADISON, WISCONSIN . Will contact logical sources for any information cm^^jn^T^th^emy^^^^tivities of subject. (It is noted that the "Yipster Times" "publication of the YIP> is supposeat^Depublished in Madison, Wisconsin, in the future. Subject has helped, out with this publication in the past, and could possibly, go to Madison on YIP business.) . . ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN NEW LEFT EXTREMIST ACTIVITY SHOULD BE CONSIDERED DANGEROUS BECAUSE OF THEIR KNOWN ADVOCACY AND USE OF EXPLOSIVES, REPORTED ACQUISITION OF FIREARMS AND INCENDIARY DEVICES AND KNOWN PROPENSITY FOR VIOLENCE. ■>’ ^ - * - 2 - • A r ‘ .V *** - /. \ A. f ransmit the following in AIRTI ia F B I Date: 3/26/74 (Type in plaintext or code) (Priority) 'P, l&ROM: DIRECTOR, FBI (100-467404) SAC, NEW YORK (100-172721) (P) 6 ) SI SUBJECT: IRVIN DANA BEAL, aka SM-YIP (EXTREMIST) (00 :NY) ReCIni tel to Bureau and WFO, 3/22/74, captioned "Youth International Party (YIP); IS-YIP, " and NYlet to Bureau, 3/8/74, with leads to Chicago and Milwaukee. Enclosed for WFO is one photograph of captioned subject Renitel stated the who has furnished reliable information in the past, advised it was learned that DANA D x^L National YIP leader, presently located in Washington. D.C “““ [rega ruing uueratiun 5 lukc-out, " scnenuiea i'f Washingtoni’t D.G-r,* urging resignation or impeachment* ’of President RICKARD M. NIXON. BEAL meiitioned new coalition being formed involying Revolutionary Union, YIP, New American Movement, national Lawyers Guild and American Civil LiJ?Qr.tiajT Union, which will advocate resignation or impea£hm«r>t or* President NIXON, and that coalition xapo-r-tetiHy^plans Widuc ting t^mbh^^ra tTSPrr^^lJpTyw he re'Pre^Tdeht- NIXSfl* G> - Bureau (RM) ^ V® V ^ V 6 ? / ^ (J 'V — (-/ 1 - Chicago (Info) ' ' 1 2 - Cincinnati (100-20865) (RM) 1 - Milwaukee (100-17687) (Info) (RM) 2 - Washington Field (100- ) (Enel. ■ 1 - New York 1) (RM) 15 M*F 2H 1974 WHBrtrm ( 10 ) 7 oWtlW Special Agent in Charge Sent A' . M Per U.S.Gov«rnm«nt Printing Office: 1972 *- 455-574 fOO-172721 i n'g^he '. Whi te - H&us e . BEAL wants YIP' as part of that coalition to advocate new elections, contending that 1972 elections were a fraud and therefore, there should be new and free elections. The following description of subject is set forth for the information of Washington Field: ^ , . ' T ru. 4 f- a rf rCiTc 3 r *ipp£ars , * including the -Wni te House . Name Aliases Race Sex DOB POB Height Weight Hair Eyes FBI # IRVIN DANA ’BEAL. JOHN WESLEY HARDING, PAUL CHARLES AUGUSTIN; JIM CREWE; PAUL YIPPIE; LEON YIPSKY; GEORGE METEFSKY Whi te Male 1/9A7 Ravenna, Ohio 5'9£" 140 lbs. Blond Blue •108 504 F LEADS CINCINNATI • - AT CINCINNATI, OHIO. Will contact^HBB to determine ifl^£^§flj has knowledge of subject's address in Washington, DTC., and if so, advise WFO and New York. WASHINGTON FIELD AT WASHINGTON, D.C. Will follow subject's activities while in that area, and (2) will condact appropriate investigation to determine if subject intends to remain in that area. 2 % 9 100-172721 ALL INDIVI DUALS IKVOLVED IK LEW LEFT raM-HKMTST ACTIVITY SHO ULD BE CON SID SHED DANGERO US BECAUSE OF THEIR KNOWN __ ADVOC ACY AND USE OF EXPLOSIVES , REPORTED AfEjUTSTTIOK OF FIREA RMS AND INCENDIARY _ ' — - — - — — - - — „ ,/,'TniTr i i r\ t irTr\T IN I \ DEVICES AND KNOWN PROPENSITY FOR VIOLENCE. 3 Transmil' the following in Via i - ATRTETL • F B 1 Date: 4/3/74 (Type in plaintext or code) ( Priority ) TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (10U-467404) FROM: SAC, WFO (100-52893) (F) AW \ \ 7 \ // i'W \ IRVIN DANA BEAL, aka / Y x SM-YIP (EXTREMIST) / (00: NY) / ' Re New York airtel to the Bureau 3/26/74. Ref erf accordim mj • -r&> - V* . New York airtel advised that BEAL, mm apt V. K K* i i rwiH » [r. liitfur'f 'T.~. .1 * iiTwirifii i~i • IT rfur • • '• i‘~ - 'i ■ - '-v-A-v-s-i !& -*• '-Jr • :>*. ; •« ♦ ■ * ,Ak: . *s BEAL has been observed in the WDC area, «but to date istration *wk his current address while planning for the^E?§5&^emonst has not been determined. ■?" MMBHMMBHRMnnRmCEHKi'' ;C ALEXANDRIA DIVISION : Will contact appropriate sources for any information regarding BEAL, his current address, and activitfLe| The results of the investigation should be forwarded to the Bureau, New York, and WFO. all INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN NEW LEFT EXTREMIST 2 \ Bureau ACTIVITY SliCUl.D PE C-.-sIDESED DANGEROUS DEC \U‘ 2 - Alexandria 0F li — tp J'JiG'.VN ADVOCACY USE OF E VPLOS IVfES.I i 9 - Now York ( 100- 172721 ) REPORTED ACQUISITION OF FiREARr.’sT AN D (litcUblA RY 1 - WFO , “ 4 i ' J DEVICE^), AND KNOWN pffuPfc^lT^Of^ VIOLENCE, Z? WN: jed Approf^i^-^- Special Agent iri Charge i Sent M U.S.Gov«mm«ni Prlntlnf 0 * 0(0 ftlJ •*••***• &2 F B I Date: 4/3/74 Transmit the following in Via AIRl llowir ?|el (Type in plaintext or code) ( Priority ) TO: FROM: (P) DIRECTOR, FBI (1UU-467404) 4'ts ml SAC,,WFO (100-53893} IRVIN DAN/ BEAL, aka sm-yip (extremist; (00: NY) /. Re New York airtel to the Bureau 3/26/74, Re ferenced N ew York airtel advised that BEAL, according to^HE3SBB| (reliable in the past) is in the Washington, D.C. area (preparing for the "Operation Stake-Out," •JHY'ac tTorTbei ng planned by the YIP leaders calling for the impeachment or resignation of President NIXON, The action is to take place at WDC on 4/27/74 and may be involved with the demonstrations being sponsored under the direction of the National Campaign to Impeacn NIXON and various other groups. BEAL has been observed in the WDC area, but to date his current address while pl^u^^^^g^tf^^4^^^Mde|^^^:ation j ect could possibly be staying in Manassas, Virginia as he has done in the past. LEAD ALEXANDRIA DIVISION : Will contact appropriate sources for any information regarding BEAL, his current address, and activit(L The results of the investigation should be forwarded to the ^IJureau, New York, and WFO.all individuals involved in new left extremis V?\ R„rMn ACTIVITY SHOULD EE CONSIDERED DANGEROUS BECA 2^- Alexandria 0F ™ EiR KH0WN ADVOCACY C£iD_U SE OF EV.PLOSIV 2 - New York (100-172721) *~*bearms~~and DEVICES, AND KNOW N" U‘ ES RY l’^WFO -f) WN : j ed SB |V£) PKOP^liy^^yjOLENCE./ Sent Special A^ent '^Charge - — t **1 . _ 9- .M U.S. Government Prlntlnfl Office: 1972 — 455-574 TO UNITED STATES GOVE|NMENT Memoranmrn FROM subject: k UK-ICTOk, FBI (100-467404) date: 4 / 4/74 (c, CHICAGO (100-53129) (P.UC) Y IRVIN DANA B'lAL, aka 3J1 - YIP (3XTR31IICT) 00 : NY Re New York airtel, 3/C/74. T\vO conferences wore held in Chicago the wee Rend of JInrch 2 - 3, 1974; the Attica Brigade Conference, March 2 - 3, 1974, and the Committee to Impeach the President, March 1 - o, 19/ *. ^Hfl^Kcndancc at the Attica Brigade Conference, Larcn * 3, 1974. a 9 v i so '1 that to his know led rts B^Al^^^io^Kttendancoat the Attica Brigade Conference had no informati^^X^SS^AL^^ticipatioji in urn Committee to Impeach the President Conference, Marcn 1 1./4. Ijurean^ (RM) - New York (100-172721)^ (RM) 1 - Chicago JR II : kmb ( 3 ) # i <-157. 0 ■; / / 1 ' to 100-53129 jC 0 s^cmont contact with — w irg-i-ja if ' , 'ii«iii;»i[' >1 MiiM f ■ he had been unable to discreetly learn of BEAL'S presence in Chicago at that time. ATT INDIVIDUALS involved in new le ft extremist T OT T Y TT V wnnin.D HE CUN's i QEi mu oanc.^kOus dmj/ ^E T W 'Dll ■ 1 1 | > I 'fJr ’ iV.'K! aitvocACv ATIO USE OF K-U-LOSIVES, p , . i| Ty\i.-'iH' i n Arooi MlTION OF FIREAl tMS and INCENDIARY DEViOes , AND RNow N propensity fuh violence. Transmit the following in Via F B I Date: 4/12/74 % AIRT-EL (Type in plaintext or code) ( Priority ) ; TO: FROM ; ^/oDIRECI OM : C DIRECTOR, FBI (100-467404) CINCINNATI (100-2086J 1 ) (P) HMJATI ( JA-BEAL, % SUBJECT: IRVIN DANA-BEAL, aka SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) (00: NY) ReNYairtel to Bureau, 3/26/74. —r- - Xifc- !?*■ :t‘ ' --r b > " ~ v & % - r ' •!*»» 5?-* hSHBwV LEADS: WFO subject. AT WASHINGTON. DV C. ^^H^TTTeterminTT^T3e!7cr-S3 APR 15 1974 f * *• V • ?^A »d: y . a C : < c a Approved: S{>eci^i Xgent in Charge Sent .M Per <*U.S. Government Printing Office: 1972 — 455-574 1 . . k ; following in Via AIRTEL F B I Date: 4/26/74 (Type in plaintext or code) (Priority) DIRECTOR/ FBI (100-467404) SAC, NEW YORK (100-172721) (P) f) SUBJECT: IRVIN DANA BEAL SM-YIP (EXTREMIST) (00 :NY) H ReWFOairtel to Bureau, 4/3/74, with copies to Alexandria; Cincinnati airtel to Bureau, 4/12/74; and Cleveland nitel to Bureau, 4/25/74, captioned "DEMONSTRATION SPONSORED BY THE NATIONAL CAMPAIGN TO IMPEACH NIXON (NCIN) , WASHINGTON, D.C., 4/27/74, INTERNAL SECURITY". t AT WASHINGTON, D.C. Will follow subject's activities while he is in that area and furnish all pertinent information to the NYO. (^■Bureau (RM) 1- Alexandria (INFO) (RH) rYlIC 2- Wasiiington Field (100-58293) (RM) tA'llD 1-New York -it . , • \ . ,• j - ty . . >\ - 7* Is / / i t At.», INM VIDT'.M.S |N* n\v»-|, !\* N't’V l.F.I-T r.XTHFMIST activity s;n>n.:» : • r:* ».**:. :: i'anc.i.ismi s r.i:r\rsE tm i*i ; * know:: .\ *..'•!*. r.si : <>i* KXPi.nxiy ES. ti:p Ar.cr:* f *:• •> ! ineenpi n; * »*: » id's \vn -yirry >:• ys* r\ vi»Mj:Nf:c. t2-* --APR 20 1974 l\ *U.S. Government Printing OUkei 197} — 4VI 174 f Cl 100-20865 ALL IND IVIDUALS INVOLVED IN NEW LEFT EXTREMIST "ACTIVITY SHOULD BE CONSIDERED DANGEROUS “BECAUSE Of TUEjfU KNOWN AoVocACv AND' USD OF mTOJIVEa . reporteti Acquisition o f firearms and incendiary DEVICES AND KNOWN PROPENSITY FOR~ VIOLENCE. 2 Memorandum TO DIRECTOR, FBI (100-46/404) SAC, MILWAUKEE ( 100-17687) (RUC) date: 4/ 30// 4 IRVIN DANA BEAL, aka SM-YIP (EXTREMIST) 00: NEW YORK Re New York airtel to Director, 3/8/74, advising in part that information had been received (rumor) that the YIP Publication (Yipster Times) may be published in Madison, Wisconsin. As Subject worked for this publication, it was surmised that \ [ possibly he may have occasion to travel to Madison. \ definitely not residing in Madison and, as he is disliked by the majority of the people in the Madison new left community, it is believed that should he come to this city to live, this information would definitely come to informant's attention. The last information informant had on Subject was that around the first of the year (1974), he was in New York City working on the above YIP publicati\5A./.(| / ,\fiSf^ir / / / ./ I**- IN NEW LEFT EXTREMIST ALL INDIVIDUALS INVOL’ ACTIVITY SHOULD' DE CONSIDERED DANGEROUS BECAUSE" 'OF THEIR KNOWN ADVO'CECY T^CTUSE' OF EXPLOSIVES , REPORTED ACQUISITION 'OF FIREARMS' AND INCENDIARY DEVI CL r S "AND KNOWN PkWkNblTV ^FQimoLLTroF: - Bureau (RM) Tb ® MAY 9 . 1?74 «T2 - New York ( 100-172721) (RM) ,/*'■» 2 - Milwaukee (1 - 100-17687) \ 1 - 100- 15948 (YIP Chapter- . riauisoni „ »- • / iJt . Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on tbc Payroll Savings Flan \ v. Memoramtym TO / DIRECTOR, FBI (100-467*104 ) date: 5 / 16/74 SAC, ALEXANDRIA (100-1547) (RUC) / \ IRVIN DANA BEAL, aka SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) ( 00 : NY ) Re WFO airtel to the Bureau, 4/3/74; and New York airtel to the Bureau, 4/26/74. Referenced WFO airtel concerned the possibility that subject may possibly have planned to stay in the Manassas,* / Virginia, area prior to a YIP action to occur 4/27/74. Although referenced New York airtel indicated this may i not be the case, in view of the several former known YIP sympathizers residing in Manassas, contact was immediately establishedw^y^theManassas Residen t Ap:ent . who i n turn >ut SA in contact with left with Subsequent contacts with^Hl^V produced no indication that BEAL was at any of the known YIP or narcotics pads in Manassas. For information of the Bureau and WFO, all of the known YIP followers in the Manassas and Nokesville, Virginia, area, with the exception of one, have been interviewed on at least one occasion and once the true philosophies, or lack thereof, of the YIPPIES have been pointed out to them, and once they have been able to observe these personally, all, without exception, have .stated total rejection of the YIPPIE goals. / ^r% (2)-Bureau 1-New York (100-172721) 1-WFO (100-58296) (Info) 1-Alexandria JEM: mew (5) REC-4Z \‘.'M A l. " •' EX-HU /' \ i.« . \ ' 7MAY 2 8 1971 Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan AX 100-15^7 l . i .. As a result of these interviews, somTof' which fefels b the national^ the recent N Past , Alexandria inf the^Manassa^area'in^h^future'^^at'least SUPP ° rt those individuals whose former affiliation are ertaSushed INDIVIDUALS INVOLVED IN NEW LEFT EXTREMIST ^ T i VITY SHOULD BE CONSIDERED DANGEROUS bepaijee UF THEIR K NOWN ADVOCACV AMI) n«p REPORTED AC QUISITION OF FIREARMS AND IMP^mTA^ v DEVIOES, AND KNOWN PROMMli*^^ - 2 - Memoranfam TO URKCTOR, FBI (100-467404) date: 5/17/74 FROM ^fttjVviAC, WFO ( 100-58293) (RUC) subject: 'p IRVIN DANA BEAL SM-YIP (EXTREMIST) (00:NY) Re New York airtel dated 4/26/74. This communication is classified Z&Xoamt" because unauthorized disclosure of which would jeopardize the source and cause serious damage to national security. Enclosed for New York are 20 photographs taken 4/27/74 at Washington, D.C. concerning BEAL and the Youth International Party. This investigation is based on information which indicates that subject is engaged in activities which could involve violations of Title 18, U.S.C. 2383 (Rebellion or Insurrection), 2384 (Seditious Conspiracy) , 2385 (Advocating Overthrow of the Government) and 2101 (Antiriot Laws). WFO nitel dated 4/9/74 and captioned "DEMONSTRATIONS SPONSORED BY THE YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY (YIP) AND THE NEW CAMPAIGN TO IMPEACH NIXON, AT WASHINGTON, D.C., APRIL 24-27, 1974. IS" advised that upon making application with the National Park Service for a demonstration permit, BEAL listed his address as 1531 T Street, N.W., WDC, and would / be utilizing telephone number 462-5556 .o ) „ /(J. *■ a a c!Wf?Tes at the ^S^SSSd^tSUdWiSBf Secondly, d lrxi g „ travel to Washington, Yir members throughout e •*>• demonstration. DtC . to participate in . f ° “ ^ca^ion t hat BE/u, plans ■B stated that there is "V nd ^ rding Ml| ■BYIP has to remain in Washington, * * ■/ j u i y 4th demonstration not decided to hold their th ere is indieation £" will he heid in Hew York City to draw more support. How York is requested Mreview^tte^enclose photographs and then identification of Milwaukee for review and possible participants. e .-u fart- i-hat all investigation has been conducted 1 and°reported in this «««. ° mCeS - ALL INDIVIDUALS 'NVOLVED in new lefi ^ extr c . cause VIOLENCE. OPTIONAL rOHM JULY I #73 EDITION csa r pm r <41 crm 101.11.# UNITER STATES OOWiNMENT Memorandum 6 subject: DIRECTOR, T^BI (1 00-4 67 ^ 0*1) date: 6/2 0/74 sac, new York (100-172721) (p) IRVIN DANA BEAL SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) (00: MY) t „ r1 f'”° * 1 * , e ,“ er ?° bureau . 5/17/74, with copies to Cincinnati and Milwaukee# * a. i i, Enclosed for Cincinnati are 20 photographs Ynnfh ^^7/74* at Washington, D.C. concerning BEAL and the Youth International Party (YIP). ?.-n a hi« ^ JPaB^MMteiSfwho has furnished nhnf^ 16 * formation in the past, reviewed the above photographs and identified DANA BEAL as being in several gr0 !J n ph ; to ^aphs. Copies of BEAL'S photograph made and are being exhibited to his case file. photo^anhI. POSltlVely ldentlry anv other individuals to reslde ^^^S^WP^lel/york Cltv S and e he/° ntl e UeS iiith the "Yipster Times", a YIP publicatioiL ' * 1 ° Ut Cincinnati is reouested to revi/w the enclosed photographs and then forward same to Milwaukee for review and possible identification of participants in the / demonstration held 4/27/74, in Washington, D.C. r t of the sublet Y ° rk Wil1 COntlnue fc ° follow the activities of the subject. REC-.40 / • . /" AC TIVITY HE PORTED° ACPh T ST'^ TH H T* ?) TT VIOLE i rCK r N i A R D KvlCES t and known propensity \ i Bureau (RM) 2 - Cincinnati ( 100 - 20865 ) (Enc. 20 ) (RM) 1 - New York VITRstm ’"L- fM 10 7i Memorandum TO FROM DIRECTOR, FBI (100-467404) , CINCINNATI (100-20865) (P) date: 7/24/74 subject: . IRVIN DANA BEAL SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) ( 00 : NY ) Re New York letter to Bureau, 6/20/74. C ^0 Insta nt, letter i s classified "confidential" to protect . /o -7 /ia ^ ncl °sf d f or Milwaukee are 20 photographs taken 4/27/74, at Washington, D. C. , concerning BEAL and Youth International Party. £ / 'k «f' or the information of Milwaukee , on Jadvised that subject BEAL continues t^^side at 9 Bleecker Street, New York City, and helps out with the Yipster Times", a YIP publication. £0^ ^ . , . , ^ examined the 20 photographs taken at Washington, D. C. , 4/27/74, and identified the following individuals: m . 1 . DANA BEAL A. J. WEBERMAN I A * - Bureau Milwaukee (Enc. 20) 2 - New York (100-172721) 2 - Cincinnati TSW : gmb J ■>. ** <8> : 2-pH 0 ftVC j| . -0- iC-lj ~n— wnr - \ L ^ ^ - \ |.oau6 6 ■S. Savings Bonds Regularly 1 JUL 31 1974 A r ‘ 5010 - 10*01 on the Payroll Savings Plan Cl 100-20065 . =, . i^f wauko ° 13 requested to display photographs Intorn 1 ^ 1 '"! o sourcos and Agents familiar with Youth 1 °F t y activities and attempt to identify Now in p P ° tOCJraphS * Forward photographs to Y New Yoik City for appropriate disposition.^^ irivmu / an^rn TO FROM subject: DIRECTOR, FBI (100-467404) AC, NEW YORK (100-172721) (»] P) date: SEP 2 6 1974 a. IRVIN DANA BEAL SM - YIP (EXTREMIST) (00: NY) 7/24/74. ReNYlet to Bu, 6/20/74 and Cllet to Bu, Enclosed for the Bureau are four (4) copies of an LHM captioned "IRVIN DANA BEAL." Two (2) copies of an FD-376 are attached to the LHM. Enclosed for Cincinnati and Milwaukee are two (2) copies each of instant LHM. Secret Service advised locally. Attached LHM is classif iedyvi protect identity of the source. Administrative to fidential source referred- *■ • - » -• » \* • %; Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Inve:; ■erred to on 6/17/74, 7/1/74 and 7/5/74 is SA Special Aqen^jeferred to on 7/11/74, 7/22/74 and 8/16774 SA & ,* i’"’ k i /-f- - . (2-Bureau (100-467404) (Encls.'’4) (RM) RECilS! 2-Cincinnati (100-20865) (Ends. 2) (RM) / , , J/ ‘ /j . ; 2 -Milwaukee (100-17687) (Ends. 2) ‘i : ' ‘ 1-New York WPSsamw ( 8 ) ? ■Tec '<■ ftiy V c $ /cc S'* /•O'V/V a v) ocj Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings ^ . - i ( % NY 100-172721 Based on current Bureau guidelines concerning members of the Youth International Party (YIP), New York, is conducting no further investigation in this matter. An FD 122 is being submitted recommending removal from the Adex. This natter will be Closed upon Bureau’s approval of recommendation to delete subject from the Adex. Milwaukee and Cincinnati are advised to conduct no further investigation in this matter. 7 - 2 - •- ; T/7J>vV mails UtTAKTMENT OF JJ1STICE * DERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIO WASHINGTON. D.C. 20SJS * f SEP 2 6 1974 Director - United States Secret Service Department of the Treasury Washington, D. C. 20220 KK: Irvin Dana Beal In Reply, Please Refer to File No. Bufile 100-467404 NYfile 100-172721 Dear Sir: Security Matter - Youth International Party (YIP) The information furnished herewith concerns an individual or organization believed to be covered by the agreement between the FBI and Secret Service concerning protective responsibilities, and to fall within the category 6r categories checked. 1. □ Threats or actions against persons protected by Secret Service. 2. □ Attempts or threats to redress grievances. 3. □ Threatening or abusive statement about U. S. or foreign official. 4. [□ Participation in civil disturbances, anti-U. S. demonstrations or hostile incidents against foreign diplomatic 'establishments. 5. □ Illegal bombing, bomb-making or other terrorist activity. 6. □ Defector from tl. S. or indicates desire to defect. 7. Potentially dangerous because of background, emotional instability or activity in groups engaged in activities inimical to LI. S. Photograph [£] has been furnished □enclosed □ is not available. Very truly yours, 1 - Special Agent in Charge (Enclosure(s)) (1) U. S. Secret Service , New York City (RM) Enclosure(s) (i) UiM 3IA1L5 UM'AKTMhlNT OF JUb.jCE 'H 1 fn Reply, Plan tv Rvjvr Y F.R N M F.N'I Memorandum ru : I) I HECTOR , FIJI (100-167 10 1) tR«.M . - AC CINCINNATI ( 100-20865) (1’) > I v » ' . \ DATE: 9/26/74 V .< l ,s srnjKi:r: I; . V] N i)ANA ukAI, ; Stt - Y 1 ►' ( EXTREMIST) 00: NY / keCIlet to Bureau, 7/24/74. iding in the New Yoi’k City, New A review of Cincinnati file on subject failed to show evidence of suWcc^vis^^u^hi^c^^- “ S or 8 months. ■ r . ju.wt _ . • >. - show that subject is resid York area. On September 20, 1974, a check was made with the State of Ohio Court of Appeals, Tenth District, Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio, to determine disposition of subject s local conviction for obscene language and disorderly con- duct Seotcmbcr 20, 1972. sta tc of 01lio Court of Appeals, ^IWHSsfflc^Columbus , Ohio, advised that records of her office show subject's appeal is currently in the Ohio Supreme Court Docket. It has been designated Ohio Case Number 74-177 and a motion has been made to certify th< conviction and the motion was allowed April 26, 1974. |__ MjggMndviscd this means the Ohio Supreme Court will cc t ’ s case and will render a decision conccining his request for appeal. She advised she docs not know when the decision will be rendered; however, her office will obtain the results of the decision and notify the Cincinnati Division of the FBI . LEADS: CINCINNATI ■FC h8 AT COLUMBUS, OHIO .fw*' 2^- Bureau 2 - New York (100-172721) /?/*,•• 2 - Cincinnati TSW I n Will continue to follow subject's appeal and his " ' # J ” V Jl II O JL II ll«» t LSW : las: (6^ ^ s Savings Bo „j s Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan 1010-10101 Cl 100-20865 activities through informant coverage and will report in appropriate form to Bureau and office of origin. 2 . GSA FP MR 141 CMI 101.11.6 UNITED STATES G AND KNOJN P.IUL^NS 1TY FOR VTUEZTTC~ 2 - Bureau (RM) 3 - New York 2 - 1 - _ 3 - Milwautcc TRMskjf ( 8 ) REC-15 k (Lnc. l&fftM) aQ-l. 7277 .L 1 _ tV.T. OCT 4 1071 Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the 'payroll Savings Plan — — - r.>i ri- «t : •*»« j » l« » I 'M I 1.1) S I ,\ I | s < io.mi \ | /' f rmo) dju/inn » . loc-^-yc^rT > • KF/.J yo::-; jcip-r/'Y?! • * \ 1 1 Q) :{ ., (n V* t ' b" /f f , ;f , , j * * * t r * rv * * ’• ■» r (** j((* 0 :JJ t V) Inclusion »:t .\!»KX ^ *«ctTii;n. ir>* .iMaohc-P* [X Knisovnl fmi;* ADKX (Hutsunarv m Mrlicri)* nj Change* in .\('K\ card t sjk'ci ly change only) _ * Abstract required. 1\ an* e Also known u*: . } Supplement nl pn^i* .it Inched. l»atec»t Hirtli jPlnce ol Ihrin (Month, day. year) i t - 1 • - ' 1 Sox K«ce CD Male C) v\ hit c [21 l»awk rrj Fi-ir.nl c [7J Other Citi/.Tixhip LlL’i L-. S. r- ] A) icn - Specify Cu mlr. j ha.plovmonl 1 Occupation: i • ; 1 Kimi & .VldrvNs: _ lyp«* of A**ti\ily (•‘heck priin ip.il activity only) rj HI sick Kxlremist LT] «’MO (*miiu,u;iiMt (pm-Climese) ] (CMS) Communist (pr»~Sovictt C""] ((*M1 % ) (’oiuinnaisl (Trotskyist) >/al» Sp,.|.j,.| Interest r ' Jj U "] Ky|lion«|;f%. A :1 ! Foiviicn U»n«*mnirnl Krapl.-ve . w * I*. S. ( Jov«*mn»**rif Kmployee *'£_") Kc move •*:it» ia! Interest Tabbing Kc> Km ilitv I);*!.* 1 1 f a|rpl u -il*t** * (H*#»}:ra|»ltu j.l «vt»ce Number . f"j (KUN) Korenrn Affiliation - Specify Country C ]tl’uN) Puerto Uiean Nationalist •I 1 < kKV > 't<-v..lu«i<.n!ir>- i“j (M.'C* Mixed l..ricrKix r ’ Place m Cn.ivuil. >l>]e Sect ion m Mis>imi; Out of Country r l Imprisoned [ l IS'tm.vr frrn Pn.n ailnhle Svr fi;»i REC-52 „ i '/• / / / / Ri sponsible A^'-m*y _ __ V- loircr. u (TJ!) lieu York WPS : ecu (3) 'l IS NOV 11 1974 ^ / \ ; f L ' '* • / * V 7 NY 100-172721 FD 122 continued SUCC TNT S9? 2! ARY r.ub Ice t is currently active in publishing the YTP's new*] ei ter "Yiostcr Times . " He has been active in YTP dcition- otrations in Baihincton, D.C. and new York City during 1W? and Toyij. rnd ho 3 been observed by Special Agents Oi the FBI ot YX* demonstrations. BEAL has been arrested on at least five occasions from 1964 to 1972 for breaking and entering, disorderly conduct, and * selling narcotics. He served two months after being convicted in a federal court in 1972 for selling narcotics. Subject’s activities do not warrant inclusion on the ADEX based on current criteria. This matter will be cloned ad- ministratively upon Bureau's approval of deletion from the AD^X. I ' I : I r 0 : FKOt'i: AD It c ..i ^ pj-iKITf.’.i FIJI - ::i ’ KANSAS ClfY, 182323) IC, IJE y YORK ( 1 c»!-- v y / > - S\ •: v V/-* • , , r. T >' ( y"i p") rj, oo : n -V . 1 York; youth HITETtHATUCUfL < ’ isjteo actios raori - 4 6740*0 ?'F?f V(V'!v (100-172771) (c) 31’VIN DAN’A IHIAL pm - yii> date: 7/7. °/76 f* 2 Dew \ o rlc Italnfvpe to llur^aii li/ r *~7/'^a _ . • _ Youth International <\, r ty; IS; oo : r jy # * * u pt]or,ptl * -w* A preliminary investigation regarding subyr*- ™.V27/7m for the purpose of rlrt^ni/ 1,5/ ti gP J 7 s o. tu toe Youth International Part*.' (' ip) ijnt j . i.« » plans for disrupting the Democratic Natijn-f { ’ ori _ vontTon held ;n Yew York City, July 12-17, 107 . The investigation was conducted in «iccoH-i, ce v i*u che Attorney General Cuidel-*n os 'or Domestic Seciy i*- v " ' n/njjtigritj ons, and it war; dotervined that th -> subioct not engage, in any violent activity, nor lid ho e'^ibit a propensity for vj*«letn-e # * c a It. v lew of the above, co ' 1 fi rued invo.s tii ;• tion r::v!, ' slor 1-0 “ limited or full iuvnsti"-'* tion *:-• - 0 ,.' 1 . c.i.U 1. • o 13 j j v :ni: on t j 0 r, £ s bein'* ••• i*!e o-*- f y -:t: : .J, as it is felt that reporting of routiv'c ‘■c>.j',n*ts or no. .vtt.vo inJornm tion ?.r, e.ot war:-.-.’' t"d . Dev "or 1 : is r »la c ip;« this -ntter in a closed .;> n K,. % *• 1 fr ^ JUL •'7p _'A V- bureau (''?••) I - Dew York N'-'O > 010 - 10 * 13/5 Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan Memorandum Imik: i ~ J * MJ-ans Cor •!isrtiDf-in« Convention to bo hold In Sew KriT'-l t, m ° C ?‘, tic ^^«nal . ubject is a leader of YIP mri • 12-17 .1976 mental in formulating plans" for be instru ’ 0 - W v.^ 9 '•'ith the Attorn”y l Go^e?a‘l C r,„M S , ^ nvesti!;atic ' n in accordant 1 «<»•. % 'd REC-36 CD- Bureau (W!) ^ — ilt^w York i 29 1976 * RTi - \ V ... subject of a security-type investigation by the FB I, i for { n..i reported fcy sources who have furnished reliable inforrbtrio — ±n~ the past as being active within the YIP in Milwaukee aria D o V '.< UmI. IM.II l *** 1 c —“ —Request rt.n.t «..► t~GRS : j ml ' • (5) *•€. M«*. - S.&T. Ur* i Original and 1 - 3u of ATF i c«.. —Request received - 1-21-77 w SEE NOTE PAGE **raREE , TV* aocun i»nt contain neither recommendation, nor conclusion, of the FBI. It it the property cl we r • , and (* loaned to your agency; it and it, content, are not to be distributed outside your agency, this reply and j. loaned to your agency, u ana us conifni* urc ^ ^ J ™ ° . _ rn ( Spec. I*v U rcfu/r of check of FBI ir.ie stigalive files . To c/xcc* arre st records request must be submitted to FBI Identification Division. Fingerprints are necessary for positive check. ^ e ' r**"**? 197? A1L R00 y □ teletype unit □ jfV? 1 W9 ' OO* warn :t A1 and Madison, Wisconsin, and was reported to be the leading theoretician in the Madison YIP chapter, Beal was also reported to be a loader in ZIPS (political arm of tlie YIP) and was active in demonstrations in tho Sumner of 1972 at Miami, Florida, at the DNC and the Republican National Convention. He was also active in antiwar demonstrations in 1972 and in YIP demonstrations in Washington, D.C., and New York City during 1973 and 1974. Beal was also active in publishing the YIP’s newsletter "Yipster Times." He has been arrested on at least five occasions from ' 1964 to 1972 for breaking and entering, disorderly conduct and selling narcotics. He served two months after being convicted in a Federal Court in 1972 for selling narcotics. Beal is assigned FBI Number 108 304 F in our Idfentif ication Division. The YIP, also known as Yippies, is a loosely-knit, anti- establishment, revolutionary youth organization formed in New York City in January, 1968. In Kay, 1972, a 3nall faction calling itself YIP-Zippie cane into being, but currently does not exist as an organized faction of YIP. irthor reveal that^ was arrested along with other individuals the Spokane, Washington, Folice Department (SWTD) . One of the individuals arrested was carrying a flag which the flag bearer stated represented "Anarchy — no government. " The SWPD observed the group of individuals wno were arrested assembled on the grounds of Expo 74 chanting, shouting obscenities and giving clonched-fist salutes. A fire broke out whore the group w as assembled and the SWPD arrested the individuals. -2 i f- r Et Al. e* ' ■ In a leaflet distributed on the ^?nivcr iity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, canpus during April, 1972, the UF was self- characterized as follows: "When the present crises in Southeast Asia cane to Madison, response was in the forning of a United Front, an ad hoc coalition of croups and individuals who, at one tine or another, were involved in political activities throughout the canpus or community. The purpose of the United Front is to formulate general strategy content for the actions and demonstrations to take place." (100-474414) Current membership in the YIP is not known since the YIP does not qualify for investigation by this Bureau under the Attorney\| General's guidelines. Accordingly, there are no known bombing matters by Yippie Party members. entifiable with NOTE: The above was coordinated and discussed with_ General Investi^tive Division, and ll Investigative Division, Domestic security :ion . rs -3- w ' "m m A J WEBEBMAN 6 BLEEGKER STREET NEW YORK CITY, NY 10012 PHONE (212) 477-6243 Quinlan J. Shea, Jr. ref: ltr 18 Jan 78 Office of Privacy and Information Appeals United States Department of Justice Washington, D.C. 20530 Dear Sir: Thank-you, in advance, for the supplemental release of DEA records on YIP etc. Enclosed please find a copy of a notorized statement signed by Dana Beal giving me permission to obtain his files for him. I already sent a copy of this letter to the DEA and they acknowledged my request. I will send another copy of this letter along with a copy of your letter of Jan. 18, 1978 to the DEA. Enclosed also find a notorized statement from Aron Kay authorizing release of any DEA documents on him. The original of this document has been sent to DEA as per your instructions. In regard to the classified documents and their relation to the CIA it should be understood that: 1. The information originated with Justice and was sent to CIA 2. CIA listed the information in its index and refered requesters to Justice for release. 3. Justice sent information back to CIA and said it was up to them 4. CIA refused to release information I have enclosed copies from the CIA's document disposition index and a letter from them dated 22 July 1977 to back up these facts. It is clear from the disposition index that the info originated with DEA and was passed-on to CIA. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON. D.C. 20505 2 4 OCT 1978 Mr. A. J. Weberman 6 Bleecker Street New York, NY 10012 Dear Mr. Weberman: This is in response to your request, comprised of your letters, one dated 30 November 1977 and the other received on 20 January 1978, for access to records pertaining to Irvin Dana Beal. Please be advised that we completed a through search of our records and were able to locate only some newspaper articles pertaining to him. Since these are available to you in public libraries, and because of copyright restrictions, we have not reproduced them for you. In addition, our searches also surfaced some material which originated with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. It has been referred to that Bureau for their review and direct response to you. Sincerely , 4 ^ George W. Owens Information and Privacy Coordinator UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL WASHINGTON, D.C. 20530 APR 2 8 l£78 A. J. Weberman, Esquire Independent Research Associates 6 Bleecker Street New York, New York 10012 Dear Mr. Weberman: Re: Irvin Dana Beal This is to advise you that your administrative appeal to the Deputy Attorney General from the action by tne Drug Enforcement Administration on your request under the Privacy Act for information from the files of the Department of Justice was received by this Office on April 14, 1978. This Office has a substantial backlog of pending appeals received prior to yours and a shortage of attorneys. In an attempt to afford each appellant equal and impartial treatment, we have adopted a general practice of assigning appeals to Office attorneys in the approximate order of receipt. Your appeal has been assigned number 8-0691. Please mention this number in any future correspondence with this Office concerning this specific appeal. We will notify you of the decision of the Deputy Attorney General on your appeal as soon as we can. The necessity of this delay is regretted and your continuing courtesy is appreciated. Sincerely, Janice Adams Acting Administrative Assistant Office of Privacy and Information Appeals UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL WASHINGTON, D.C. 20530 Mr. A. J. Weberman ...i 2 1 I9*?8 Independent Research Associates 6 Bleecker Street New York, New York 10012 Dear Mr. Weberman: You appealed on behalf of your client, Ervin Dana Beal, from the action of the Federal Bureau of Investigation on his request to the United States Secret Service for access to records pertaining to himself. After careful consideration of your appeal, I have de- cided to affirm the initial action in this case. Certain infor- mation was properly withheld from your client pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(b) (7) (C) and (7) (D) . These pertain to investiga- tory records compiled for law enforcement purposes, the release of which would, respectively, constitute an unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of third parties by revealing an investi- gative interest in them on the part of the F.B.I. and disclose the identities of confidential sources. Names of law enforce- ment personnel were also excised on the basis of 5 U.S.C. 552(b) (7) (C) . None of the material being withheld is appro- priate for discretionary release. Judicial review of my action on this appeal is available to your client in the United States District Court for the judicial district in which he resides or has his principal place of business, or in the District of Columbia, which is also where the records you seek are located. Sincerely , Benjamin R. Civiletti Deputy Attorney General UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL WASHINGTON, D.C. 20530 Mr. A. J. Weberman Independent Research Associates 6 Bleecker Street New York, New York 10012 Dear Mr. Weberman: You appealed on behalf of Mr. Irvin Dana Beal from the partial denial by Administrator Peter B. Bensinger, Drug Enforcement Administration, of Mr. Beal's request for rec- ords pertaining to himself. As the result of discussions between D.E.A. personnel and a member of my staff, a supplemental release of records will be made to you directly by D.E.A. Certain materials were properly withheld pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(2), (7) (A), (7) (C) , (7) (D) and (7) (F) . These pertain to materials exempted from mandatory release because they relate solely to internal agency administrative practices, or are investigatory records compiled for law enforcement purposes, the release of which would, respectively, interfere with pending investigative activities, constitute unwarranted invasions of the personal privacy of third parties, disclose the identities of confi- dential sources, or endanger the lives or personal safety of law enforcement personnel. None of the material being with- held is appropriate for discretionary release. You inquired in your appeal letter about the paucity of information concerning the Youth International Party in D.E.A. 1 s initial release. I wish to inform you that, other than the documents which have already been located and re- viewed, D.E.A. files include no other information about Mr. Beal's relationship with the Youth International Party. Judicial review of my action on this appeal is available to your client in the United States District Court for the place of business, 1 Sr W ii C the e n re f i< ? eS ° r has his aisc „ here the principal r which is Sincerely, Benjamin R. Civiletti Deputy Attorney General CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20505 0 6 JAN 1978 Mr. A. J. Weberman 6 Bleeker Street New York City, NY 10012 Dear Mr. Weberman: We have received your request under the Freedom of Information Act for information pertaining to your client, Irvin Dana Beal. Requests such as yours, which involve the requester's personal file, are handled by this Agency under the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974 which took effect on 27 September 1975. Please be advised that in contrast to the procedures established for the Freedom of Information Act, there are no fees charged under the Privacy Act. Furthermore, the results of this processing will include all of the material that would normally be available to you under the Freedom of Information Act, and will also include any additional material to which you may be entitled under the Privacy Act. The Privacy Act of 1974 and pertinent CIA Regulations established requirements and procedures for access by in- dividuals to information pertaining to them. CIA Regu- lations were published in the Federal Register on 28 August 1975 and may be found in Title 32 C.F.R. 1901. Since the Privacy Act requires federal agencies to ensure that improper disclosure of personally identifiable information will not be made and further provides criminal penalties for improper disclosure, CIA Privacy Regulations, section 1901.13, sets forth the following requirements for identification of individuals making requests. An individual seeking access to or notification of the existence of records about himself shall provide in the letter of request his full name, address, date and place of birth together with a notarized statement swearing to or affirming his identity ... If such individ- ual is an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residenc his or her alien registration number must be also provided. Before we may begin processing your request, we must receive from Mr. Beal a notarized statement as explained above. The statement should verify that he is a U.S. citizen or an alien admitted for permanent residence. It is also requested that he provide any additional information con- cerning himself which might facilitate our search of records. Unless you identify specific records you may be looking for, we will conduct a search of all Agency records that might contain information that pertains to him. Sincerely , UC1IC 1 . H J.1 DU11 Information and Privacy Coordinator INDEPENDENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES 6 BLEECKER STREET - NEW YORK CITY 10012 • PHONE: AJ WEBERMAN (212) 477-6243 :rvin Dana Beal DOB 9 Jan 47 9 Bleecker Street NYC 10012 To Whom It May Concern: I give AJ WEBERMAN permission to obtain any and all documents from UNITED STATES SECRET SERVICE CIA ATF AIR FORCE INTELLIGENCE ARMY INTELLIGENCE OFFICE OF NAVEL INTELLIGENCE NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY DRUG ENFOREMENT ADMINSTRATION US CUSTOMS INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE and any and all United States government agencies that may be relevant at any particular time. signed -Irvin Dana Beal / 5 7? DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Washington, D.C. 20226 Office of THE DIRECTOR jan 1 6 \m Mr, Irvin Dana Beal 6 Bleecker Street New York, New York 10012 Dear Mr, Beal: This is in response to your request, dated November 22, 1977, for access to records maintained about you by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Your request is granted with the following exceptions: 1 , We have deleted the names of other individuals mentioned to protect their rights to privacy, 2. We have deleted certain computer access and identification codes. We actually have three documents in which your name appears. Two of these documents are enclosed. The third, an FBI case report, under the name of Thomas King Forcade, states that you, a man and a woman were arrested on August 24, 1972. This last document is not enclosed since we have provided you with the content of the infor- mation. If you wish to make further inquiries concerning this matter, please contact Bob Pritchett at (202) 566-7118 or write again. A •'-‘4jf|| Mtite — v v * Orncr or THI DircECTCW DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Bureau or Alcohol. To®acco and Firearms Washington, D.C. 20226 JAN 2 1 1377 /r f'lX- V 1 /' Honorable Clarence Kelley Director Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, DC 20535 Dear Mr. Kelley: . , hav e seize d explosives and explosives paraphernalia from a self-professed member of the Youth Interna- tional Party (Yipoi^Party) . Literature and correspondence seized indicated fMPPwas in communication with various radical left groups that might have been involved in explosive or bomb incidents. It Js Important, for prosecutive purposes, to show that ~ was not just a young experimenter with fireworks, but an associate of radicals and/or radical groups in different areas of the country, and that he had the knowledge and capability of making and using explosives. Information ori^MMSRnd individuals and/or companies that have been associated with him is as follows: Brooklyn, \ Syosset, New York 1 i H/n \«- 3*'- '*<■'***<*'* C" z/sfTF Honorable Clarence Kelley yn. New York last known address Madison. Wisconsin 9 1 - white male, no further information - . - f /■- /'' address Syosset, New York Roy, Washington Spokane, Washington Brighton, Mass. Allston, Massachusetts Allston, Massachusetts AlTston, Massachusetts Chicago, Illinois West Haven, Connecticut Please check your files and furnish pertinent information concerning any of the above. We would appreciate receiving any information from your “files that "wduli^hpw an association between any of the above subjects and ^HHMhe Yippie Party, and any acts of violence. Pleas e also ^neck for open cases or files re! a tinglto - bombs ^ or bombing sTor which YlppleParty members or associates are believed to be responsible. - 3 - Honorable Clarence Kelley Crimina ^Enforcement? “'haUk you^or^' 50 " Staff ' 0ff1 « of «tter. ank ^ for your cooperation In this Sincerely yours. Kex D. Davis Director INDEPENDENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES 6 BLEECKER STREET • NEW YORK CITY 10012 • PHONE: AJ WEBERMAN (212) 477-6243 Attorney General (Attention: Office of Privacy and Info Appeals) Washington, D.C. 1. Attached find letter of Allen H. McCreight dated 9 Jan 1978 regarding Secret Service documents that originated with the FBI. 2. I wish to appeal the deletions in the LHM dated 18 August 1971 on pages 4,5,6 of this document. My client has been judged non-violent under the Levi guide-lines yet was the subject of numerous illegal FBI operations. He has a right to know what action was taken on these threats. signed UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20S3S January 9, 1978 Mr. A. J. Weberman Independent Research Associates 6 Bleecker Street New York, New York 10012 Dear Mr. Weberman: This is in reference to your Freedom of Infor- mation-Privacy Acts request on behalf of your client, Ervin Dana Beal, to the United States Secret Service. Contained in their records were documents which originated with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) . These documents were received at this Bureau on December 27, 1977, with the request that the FBI determine their releasability . Of the 19 documents referred to the FBI, 16 were previously furnished to your client by our letter dated November 1, 1977. The three remaining documents have been processed and are enclosed. Excisions have been made in order to protect materials which are exempted from disclosure pursuant to the following subsections of Title 5, United States Code, Section 552: (b) (7) investigatory records compiled for law- enforcement purposes, the disclosure of which would: (C) constitute an unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of another person; (D) reveal the identity of an individual who has furnished information to the FBI under confidential circum- stances or reveal information furnished only by such a person and not apparently known to the public or otherwise accessible to the FBI by overt means ; ^UK'OV < i Mr . A . J . Weberman (F) endanger the life or physical safety of law enforcement personnel. You have thirty days from receipt of this letter to appeal to the Attorney General from any denial contained herein. Appeals should be directed in writing to the Attorney General (Attention: Office of Privacy and Infor- ?? tl ? I \.J' Ppea i s J ^shington, D - c * 20530. The envelope and the letter should be clearly marked "Freedom of Information Appeal" or "Information Appeal." miormation Sincerely yours, Allen H. McCreight, Chief Freedom of Information- Privacy Acts Branch Records Management Division Enclosures (3) - 2 - CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON. D.C. 20505 3 FEB 1978 Mr. A. J, Weberman 6 Bleeker Street New York City, NY 10012 Dear Mr. Weberman: This acknowledges receipt of additional information about your We are processing your request and the results under the Privacy Act your letter containing client, Irvin Dana Beal, will provide you with as soon as possible. T ~ . Gene F. Wilson nformation and Privacy Coordinator 4-694 (Rev. 6-14-77) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION RECORDS DISCLOSURE COVER SHEET FOI/PA BRANCH RECORDS MANAGEMENT DIVISION NOV 11977 T . „ , subject of Request: Irvin Dana Beal Mr. Irvin Dana Beal c/o A. J. Weberman 6 Bleecker Street New York, New York 10012 Dear Requester: l Enclosed are copies of documents from our files. Excisions have been made from these documents and/or entire documents withheld [n order to protect materials which are exempted from disclosure by the following subsections of Title 5, United States Code, Section 552 and Section 552a. The exemption number (s) indicated by a mark appearing in the block to the left of the subsection cited constitutes the authority for withholding the deleted material. (See below and reverse side of this sheet for an explanation of these exemptions.) Section 552 Section 552a mi (b) (1) mi (b) (7) (A) m (d) (5) GP (b) (2) mi (b) (7) (B) mi (j) (2) □ (b) (3) JZJ (b) (7) (C) mi (k) (1) □ (b) (4) HD (b) (7) (D) □ (k) (2) GD (b) (5) [Ell (b) (7) (E) o (k) (3) □ (b) (6) mi (b) (7) (F) mi (k) (4) □ (b) (8) m (k) (5) m (b) (9) m (k) (6) m 00 (7) The decision to withhold exempt portions of our records is the responsibility of Clarence M. Kelley, Director of the FBI. □ If you believe your name may also have been recorded by the FBI incident to the investigation of other persons or some organization, please advise us of the details describing the specific incident or occurrence and time frame. Thereafter, further effort will be made to locate, retrieve and process any such records. U Your request for information concerning yourself has been considered in light of the provisions of both the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (Title 5, United States Code, Section 552) and the Privacy Act of 1974 (Title 5, United States Code, Section 552a) . It has been determined by the Attorney General that requests by individuals seeking information about themselves are governed by the Privacy Act. In addition, as a matter of administrative discretion, any documents which were found to be exempt from disclosure under the Privacy Act were also processed under the provisions of the FOIA. Through these procedures, you have received the greatest degree of access authorized by both laws. 1 x l You have thirty days from receipt of this letter to appeal to the Deputy Attorney General from any denial contained herein. Appeals should be directed in writing to the Deputy Attorney General (Attention: Office of Privacy and Information Appeals), Washington, D. C. 20530. The envelope and the letter should be clearly marked "Freedom of Information Appeal” or "Infor- mation Appeal." Q See additional information on continuation page. X- &2L. 'James M. Powers, Chief Freedom of Information-Privacy Acts Branch Records Management Division Enclosure (1) Mr. Irvin Dana Beal In addition, information regarding other individ- uals has been deleted since it does not pertain to you personally and, therefore, is considered to be outside the scope of your request. Also, we have located a document originating with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. This document has been forwarded to them for direct response to you. Please be further advised that you were not the target of the Bureau's counterintelligence program. 2 r INDEPENDENT RESEARCH ASSOCIATES 6 BLEECKER STREET • NEW YORK CITY 10012 • PHONE: AJ WEBERMAN (212) 477-6243 Office of Priv. & Info Appeals Ref: 77-870P Department of Justice Washington, D.C. 1. Under provisions of Privacy Act and Freedom of Information Act I wish to appeal determination of Peter Bensinger of the DEA regarding documents on Irvin Dana Beal. 2. This documents contain information regarding his previous drug arrests but do not contain information regarding his relationship with the Youth International Party. For example, one of the documents deals with his arrest by the BNDD at the East Village Other Office on Avenue B although it was known to the BNDD that the old East Village Other office had become the New York Provo office. The New York Provos were the precursors to the New York Youth International Party. When Beal was arrested there were 3,000 people outside the Federal House of Detention yelling FREE DANA BEAL. Why is there no mention of the tremendous community support this so-called "drug-dealer" received? 3. Since Mr. Beal is currently under investigation by the DEA I hope you will speed up processing this request. signed ■ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL WASHINGTON, D.C. 20530 Mr. A. J. Weberman Independent Research Associates 6 Bleecker Street New York, New York 10012 Dear Mr. Weberman: You appealed on behalf of Irvin Dana Beal, from the action of the Federal Bureau of Investigation on his request for access to records pertaining to himself. As a result of discussions between Bureau personnel and members of my staff, a release of records either has been or will soon be made to you directly by the F.B.I. In light of this fact and after careful consideration of your appeal, I have decided to affirm the modified action in this case. Mr. Beal is the subject of one Bureau main file -- Security Matter. Certain of the materials pertaining to him are classified and I am affirming the denial of access to them on the basis of 5 U.S.C. 552(b) (1). These materials have been referred to the Department Review Committee for review and determination whether they warrant continued classifica- tion under Executive Order 11652. You will be notified if the Committee's final decision results in the declassification of any information. Other materials were properly withheld from your client pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(b) (2) , (5) , (7) (C) , (7) (D) and (7) (E) . These pertain to purely internal agency practices, certain inter- and intra- agency communications, and investigatory records compiled for law enforcement pur- poses, the release of which would, respectively, constitute an unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of third parties, disclose the identities of confidential sources and disclose certain investigative techniques. Only the names of government personnel were excised on the basis of 5 U.S.C. 552 (b) (7) (C) . None of the material being withheld is appro- priate for discretionary release. Judicial review of my action on this appeal is available to your client in the United States District Court for the 2 judicial district place of business, is also where the in which he resides or has his principal " “ the Distrlct of Columbia! which records you seek are located. Sincerely, Benjamin R. Civiletti Deputy Attorney General Offi Appeals Mr. A. J. Weberman Independent Research Associates 6 Bleecker Street New York, New York 10012 Dear Mr. Weberman: This is in response to your administrative appeal on behalf of your client, Ervin Dana Beal. Please be advised that after consultation with representatives of the Department of Justice, Office of Privacy and Information Appeals, additional documents including 69 new pages not previously released to you are disclosed. To cover the cost of duplicating the new pages, you are requested to furnish a check or money order payable to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the amount of $6.90. Upon receipt of the aforementioned check or money order, the documents consisting of 168 pages will be sent to you. Sincerely yours, Allen H. McCreight, Chief Freedom of Information- Privacy Acts Branch Records Management Division ^vJTIOl UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535 April 3, 1979 Mr. A. J. Weberman 6 Bleecker Street New York, New York 10012 Dear Mr. Webenr.an: This is in response to your Freedom of Information- Privacy Acts (FOIPA) requests, on behalf of Irvin Dana Beal to the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Central Intelligence Agency. We received referrals dated March 8, 1978, and October 23, 1978, regarding FBI documents located in the records of the above-mentioned agencies. Enclosed are copies of these documents. Excisions have been made from the referred documents and one entire document was withheld in order to protect materials which are exempted from disclosure by the following subsections of Title 5, United States Code, Section 552: (b) (1) information which is currently and properly classified pursuant to Execu- tive Order 12065 in the interest of the national defense or foreign policy; (b) (7) investigatory records compiled for law enforcement purposes, the disclosure of which would: (C) constitute an unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of another person; (D) reveal the identity of an individual who has furnished information to the FBI under confidential circum- stances or reveal information furnished only by such a person and not apparently known to the public or otherwise accessible to the FBI by overt means . Mr. A. J. Weberman In addition, some information has been deleted since it does not pertain to you personally and, therefore, is considered to be outside the scope of your request. One document referred by the Drug Enforcement Administration was previously released to Mr. Beal with our letter of November 1, 1977. You have thirty days from receipt of this letter to appeal to the Associate Attorney General from any denial contained herein. Appeals should be directed in writing to the Associate Attorney General (Attention: Office of Privacy and Information Appeals) , Washington, D. C. 20530. The envelope and the letter should be clearly marked "Freedom of Information Appeal" or "Information Appeal." Sincerely yours. Thomas H. Bresson, Acting Chief Freedom of Information- Privacy Acts Branch Records Management Division Enclosures (5) - 2 - i *» " c ^ a » j . FD-JO^cv. 12-19-G7) - |lf ( ! ul#'*>§| h . *<*// / ^V. Dale: 5 A 5/72 BUREAU OP NARCOTICS tc DANGEROUS DRUGS * WASH. D. C. . Dear Sir: The dies of.the Identification Division of the FBI Indicate the following information: * IRVIN DANA BEAL ALIASES SCSI FBI NO. St 108 504 P SEXj •YOUR NO. 1 | Male 1 | Female #52 68 135 date of Arrest 7 / 14/71 | 21 * USC 331 (qO ( 2 ) sal© ol LSD DATE OF OttPOttTlOH FINAL DISPOSITION r,v r?- {j'JRR-'-'*-' — — T OJ (SEE INSTRUCTIONS BELOY,') o 3 \§~ • 18 USC 2 aiding and abc&ting | 1 please furnish photograph, if available. | — ) Please enter FINA.L disposition in the space provided o r mark the block preceding “UHAYAJLABLE* or *$TILL PFRD1HG,* •ik> further explanation being required. * ' 1 For your convenience in replying, a sell-addressed, franked envelope which requires do postage is enclosed. . ' • . - .. ’ . Very Jrnly roon. // % - ' ra/:,- ED WARD V 3 , EAYES Special Agent in Charge ’ (1) 910 PM • ' URGENT 4/24/73 AVJT TO ACTING DIRECTOR ( 1 03-44 89 1 0) ATTEN bob YOUTH INTERNATIONAL PARTY (YIP) IS-RA bO£> ADVISED TODAY NATIONAL YIP bis> CONFERENCE HELD IOWA CITY/ 10 VIA. , COMMENCING APPROXIMATELY 8:30PM. ^ -4/20, LAST AND CONCLUDING APPROXIMATELY 3:90 PM, 4/22, LftST, . . VI TH 30-4a INDIVIDUALS IN ATTENDANCE. LE^ERS^DU^I NG CONFERENCE WERE YORK CITY; BEN \\ %StLL , MADISON ,* VKCOKSIU ; COLUMBUS, OHIO. 7 ‘ , * \ ... • "ERD PAGE ONE ' . . - - . 'i AND JOHji^JIERNI^ page two .V ./W'7 ':*T* :• *-W * -r. :: '. ' 7 ••• > .... . . 7; 7:7/ AID DA lift BEAL ADD JUDY /LOUD EDS LAG EH ARRIVED VY-Y • T : ; -^Y >*■' ^ -HJ'r r. '7 »■•> ~W*V : %;,i DANA BEAL STATED THAT ACTITIVITY SHOULD /SE USED TO ORGANIZE FOR JULY FOURTH, NEXT "SMOKE IN", WASHIKg/oN, D. C., Alii/ TO ORGANIZE .’’KARL ARMSTRONG DAY" TO SUPPORT KARLETOD LEWIS A R M SJ R QlvG — [THE N HIS END PAGE TWO * • ■ - . «. v ; " . • ' ' ... . ■■'•y :r'- .• -> • • • - t •• i i . f. • * .... • ,'i , • ' • r ■ " , v • . . •■ : ' v " " f ’ " -•. = • --' := - u;,:. :*••- •*>•••• - . ,.. • . .".'.• ? '• " / . /‘V:y ,' -■.'. '••••• • .*■ r.. \-r v -V--.*;.. %.o w